I love this game. I totally understand where many of the negative reviews are coming from...but as a person who only plays games once in a great while, I must say that I thoroughly enjoy this title.
It's easy to learn and you can just jump right in a play for ten mins or 5 hrs and not get bored...granted, if I played 5 hrs a day every day for a couple weeks this game would get old REAL fast...but it's certainly a solid game with good graphics.
If you are a Star Wars fan but not a gamer (as I am), this is a great game for you.
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All in all it's an alright game with lots of fun things to do and shot. Many of the different vehicles you can use if you can find them and there are a variety of different weapons and people to use. However, Do NOT count on being darth Vador or Luke or any of the other main characters other than Chewy, He's the only one you can be. There aren't any Jedi knights you can be, or not that I have found as of yet. The overall game is difficult but interesting and tends to keep your attention. I was very pleased with the sniper view on some of the people you can use, however enemies when very close up seem to disappear and re-appear all over the place.
The graphics and movies are good, wouldn't say the best, but they are good.
All in all if you like shooting and blowing stuff up, and enjoy the Star wars movies and idea, then this game would be a good addition to your collection.
Good luck and happy hunting...
Best Deals for Star Wars Battlefront - PlayStation 2
I'm not a Star Wars fan, but this game is so much fun. I haven't had this much fun on a game for a long time.
There are so many vehicles to use. There are also some cool characters....and jetpacks. The levels are creative and the "capture the base" style play keeps respawn play strategic. Playing with so many bots gives a big battle feel that I haven't experienced in a game. Also, there are many details from the SW movies that are added into the levels.
The online servers aren't set up very well. It's hard to find a game with a friend, or any specific room at all. Also, some of the blaster guns trail way behind your crosshairs and this gets annoying. As with any online shooter there are occasional teamkillers.
If you like first person shooters and/or Star Wars than get this game. It seems that Lucas Arts is releasing online patches quite often to fix all the problems in this game.
Honest reviews on Star Wars Battlefront - PlayStation 2
Hi there. It's The Reverend again reviewing Star Wars Battlefront (SWB).
First of, I'm a big fan of the Star Wars Universe, so this is where this review may be a tad subjective. But I am also pretty sure that even if I had never heard of it before, I'd still love this game.
Second, I don't play multiplayer at all, so I can't tell you what SWB's multiplayer mode is like.
Now let's go:
In my opinion SWB is the answer to the prayers of Star Wars fans throughout the world. You get to choose from a bucket-load of battles to play. From the icy wastes of Hoth to the lush forests of Endor, from the battle around the palace in Theed (Naboo) to the domed cities above Kamino's oceans you can join every battle you have witnessed in the movies.
The variety of unit types you can choose from as well as the amount of different tactics and strategies that each class implies is KILLER! I mean that in an entirely positive way. The variety may seem overwhelming in the beginning so that you may want to stick with a certain character class just to get the hang of the game, controls, strategy, etc.
But let me tell you: you're going to appreciate the incredible vastness of possibilities later on it keeps the game fresh for weeks and weeks and months and some more months. I've been playing SWB like a maniac and I still go: "DUH!" every once in a while when I remember special abilities of a certain character class I completely forgot about:
The Rebel Vanguard not only has a powerful rocket launcher, but can also secure captured command posts or his own butt with mines around him.
The Pilot class can repair vehicles, gun turrets, space ships and gadgets on the go. So don't board an x-wing without him or it'll be a short flight. He can also drop ammo and health packs which, of course, he can use for himself, too (man I kept forgetting that again and again complaining about how weak the character is outside a ship)
The Sniper can also send out a droid into a cluster of enemies, who serves as a homing-beacon for orbital ion-cannons...
And so on. It would completely blow the proportions of this review to explain the myriad of classes in detail. But they come in four different categories: Rebels vs. Empire, Republic (Clones) vs. Separatists (Droid army).
Each of the 4 factions provides different classes such as: regular soldier, sniper (special agent), heavy weapons expert (rocket launcher), pilot and special character (such as Wookie, Killer Droid, Dark Trooper). Each of these comes with at least 3-4 different weapons equipped (including anti-personnel and armor piercing grenades), some of which have different firing modes! The special characters even sport unique weapons while the Wookie has a grenade launcher and bowcaster and the Killer Droid sports rapid fire twin lasers and an almost impenetrable energy shield, the Dark Trooper uses a jet-pak to fire down from high above or snipe down from buildings! Now add special abilities that come with most classes and you have plenty to choose from and to experiment with. Did I mention the special non-playable characters you'll meet local species like: Gungans, Ewoks, Tusken Raiders, Wookies... and yes you can shoot them too depending on which side you're on or which mood you're in (watch out for that "traitor"-rating in the debriefing, haha). Here's the best: you're also gonna meet some of the Jedi/Sith at times. Meet Darth Vader, Mace Windu, Luke Skywalker and Count Dooku on the battlefields. Man, I never saw that coming. Here I was dancing around merrily inside the igloo on Uncle Owen's farm on Tatooine (I had just captured the command post all by myself) when out of a sudden I hear this noise... shot circuit? A defunct toaster? A bad karaoke show? No, it sounds more like a darned light saber right behind me. Next thing I know is I'm dead and the death cam shows good old Darth swinging happily on with his Jedi-toothpick. Was I bummed? No, I burst out laughing and wowing. What an honor to be killed by the best!!! :-) It's not just about winning, it's about being there, having fun and experimenting.
And experiment you will! Because you will die a lot in the beginning! Here you are NOT the ultimate hero running across the battlefield like Rambo seemingly unharmed by bullets or his lack of brain cells. No Sir, here you are just General XY, who may be smarter than the computer AI around but just as vulnerable as every other Private on the battlefield. So watch your butt out there! Get ready to die a lot in the beginning! A LOT! But once you get the hang of the game (give it 1-3 hours) you'll die a lot less and you'll probably finish one battle with very few characters (you respawn after you die and you may choose where you want to respawn and which character class you want to be next!) or just one. It's frustrating at times when you just had a good thing going, but you'll get over it and probably get to like playing different classes within the same battle so you can say: hey I bravely fought along the frontline, then I piloted a ship and blew enemies from above, then I helped out sniping back around Base 1 protecting it from being reclaimed by the enemy.
The variety is awesome. You may play the same map (there's a whole lot of battlefields!) 100 times and you can still do completely different stuff. Plus you can order allies around with simple commands like: follow me, hold position and defend, move on.
The coolest thing is that you can board every gun-turret and every vehicle, and ship Grand-Theft-Auto style. And here's the best: you can board any kind of enemy vehicle and use it against them! It just feels good stealing an unmanned AT-ST on Endor and sending unsuspecting stormtroopers to kingdom come. If it's a large vehicle/ship you may even command AIs around you to board it with you. They will automatically take positions and man available gun turrets. You can then pilot the vehicle or cycle through all other positions and let one of the AI soldiers do the steering instead! This Rocks! You may then land the ship behind enemy lines, command fellow soldiers to get out and try to conquer an enemy outpost from behind. Wow! That simply feels good.
Talking about the AI: it rocks, too! You'll be amazed when you're low on vitality and a fellow pilot drops by dropping a health pack for you, or when you're busy sniping from up above running out of ammo and someone comes by and drops clips right next to you so you can hold your vantage point without moving an inch. Sweet. You'll be amazed how much other smart stuff the AI is capable of. It just keeps surprising you.
The graphics are pretty darn good. Especially considering how busy the PS2 already is calculating the AI for dozens of troops, vehicles, ships, special FX etc. etc. The only complaint may be that in order to maintain a constant frame rate, the graphics blur out a tiny little bit (effect similar to GTA Vice City) it's a trick to hide a relatively lower framerate (comparable to cartoons, where on picture blends into the other). But hey, this is all the PS2 can muster you really can't blame the programmers. Just don't say I didn't warn you once you notice it ain't as fluid as say Timesplitters 2. But again, the framerate is good and the graphics pretty good, too.
We don't need to discuss the sound. It's STAR WARS in all it's Dolby Pro Logic glory, nuff said!
If you're a Star Wars fan, this is a must have. If you're not a Star Wars fan ... become one for the love of God !!! :-) . This is certain: you'll still think this game's a blast even if you're new to Star Wars.
Unfortunately I have read some official reviews criticizing the single player mode and claiming it was dull and uninteresting. Sorry, I don't know what those guys were smoking, but I have been playing this game for months and I'm still hooked finding out more and more cool new stuff you can do. Whatever the multiplayer mode looks like, I bet it will just add to the great quality of this game!
Now stop watching the movies and LIVE the experience.
The Reverend.
Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Star Wars Battlefront - PlayStation 2
For anyone who has ever wanted to step into the boots of a storm trooper and eliminate that pesky rebellion, or for those who want to crush the maniacal empire, this is the game for you. The game offers two different playing modes: historical campaign a chronological order of battles from either the original or prequel movies and a galactic strategy game that gives you the ability to fight for control of a planetary system. While the campaign portion flies by a little fast, the strategy section is certainly this titles major draw. Combined with a nice selection of soldier characters (foot soldier, sniper, jet-pack soldier, to name a few) makes this a wonderfully fun game to play with a very high replay value.
When I first played the game, I was a bit frustrated at the ease with which I died even playing on EASY level you can get swarmed if you aren't careful! After a few rounds however, I realized some of the pros and cons of the characters (most notably, the foot soldier has been the best to play with on EASY due to the machine gun like blaster he carries for run-and-gun) and I developed some strategies on how to attack the enemy. But whether you put your skills into destroying enemy vehicles or finding remote locations (in an excellent selection of maps) to peg people in the head, this game will have you hooked for hours.
Recommended for any fan of the Star Wars universe, fair-weather fans and those who enjoy a good sci-fi war you'll get a kick out of taking over tie fighters, speeder bikes and AT-STs or just running around and blasting Storm Troopers, Sand People, Ewoks and Wookies. JUST STAY AWAY FROM JEDIS, they'll tear you up!