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I enjoy this game alot. It has great motocross action and a bunch of nice tracks. This game also comes with a track editor. The only thing I dont entirely like about the game is the way you aquire cash to improve your bike. You have to do these silly "how to jump, brake, powerslide, etc.." short missions to get your cash to start racing. Also the improvements on your bike and the different types of bikes are not listed in your manual. So, I dont have any idea if the bikes handle differently or what the different type of brakes, suspension, etc...does for each bike...guess its trial and error. Other than that, this is a solid game and I really enjoyed it alot.Saturday, January 31, 2015
MX Superfly Reviews
I enjoy this game alot. It has great motocross action and a bunch of nice tracks. This game also comes with a track editor. The only thing I dont entirely like about the game is the way you aquire cash to improve your bike. You have to do these silly "how to jump, brake, powerslide, etc.." short missions to get your cash to start racing. Also the improvements on your bike and the different types of bikes are not listed in your manual. So, I dont have any idea if the bikes handle differently or what the different type of brakes, suspension, etc...does for each bike...guess its trial and error. Other than that, this is a solid game and I really enjoyed it alot.
Buy SAW - Xbox 360
Customer Ratings: 
List Price: $29.99
Sale Price: $28.65
Today's Bonus: 4% Off

when i bought this game..i gritted my teeth at the counter when i purchased it, i was actually feeling a little embarrased that i was buying a game based on a movie..which we all know 95% are terrible..BUT...i was surprised to find is one of the better games made from a movie..there are plenty of flaws yes...the combat ..the lighting..(hard to see at times)..repetitive puzzles..BUT..i couldnt stop playing, it was fun..addictive..i wanted to see what happened next..the other reviews explained this game rather well..ill cut it short and say, if you like saw movies and if you like survival horror, silent hill type games,you will enjoy it..the ending was cool..passing grade from what i expected..
Now Saw is far from original, of course. If you look at the big picture, the story was already done many years before (and done better) with David Fincher's dark, gritty, and amazing film, Se7en. But Saw was welcomed into the world with open arms and for what it was, it was good. In fact, I walked out of the theater almost blown away by what I had just seen.
Come six years and five (almost six) sequels later, the Saw series is now looked upon as a joke by many. For instance, in an episode of Two And A Half Men there is a sequence with one of the characters dreaming of the future out front of a movie theater and there is a poster for Saw 27. Hilarious. But the films have been getting gradually gorier and gorier, so the fact that a game was made and ultimately released was really no surprise.
What was a surprise, however, is that it's actually a DECENT game.
Now of course this game has it's huge flaws. The biggest one would have to be the combat. It's absolutely terrible. The buttons are unresponsive and for controlling an ex police officer, you would think that he'd be better at using a firearm. Heavy weapons are pretty much useless to even attempt, because by the time you swing you're already half dead from attacks from your enemy. If they needed to improve on at least one aspect of the game, it's this one.
The second bad part would have to be the irritation that the game will induce. The puzzles are often on a timer, but the solutions are often very, very difficult and nearly impossible at times to do in the time limit, which will cause many deaths and many retries and only mount the frustration the player feels at the game. There have been several times that I have shut the console off due to irritation, and it makes it really hard to really want to keep playing the game when you can't get anywhere.
The voice acting is also pretty bad, minus of course Tobin Bell as Jigsaw. None of the other actors returned to reprise their roles, and it shows. It's not a pretty voice soundtrack at all.
The graphics aren't terrible, but they're not wonderful either, but they are passable. I rather enjoy them.
Now with all the bad, there is some good. The story is captivating and regardless of the irritation that the puzzles offer, it still makes you want to keep going just to see what happens next. It's worth it in the long run if you're a fan of the films as I am, but if you're not, it's not worth your time.
The graphics are alright, though considering Konami had three years of Silent Hill under their belt, they'd have been able to make the game scarier. While I was expecting mostly startle scares, even those are few and far between. Some parts of the building are good and well polished, but after you see the same medical cabinet four hundred times, you wonder why it took so long to pop out this puppy.
Audio is also rather sad. While some environmental effects were well done, the voices were not the original characters, and they couldn't find decent replacements, with the exception of Jigsaw. The tapes are delivered in the familiar gritty monotone. NPC voices are a bit better, and the enemies who want to avoid you even more so, they're not enough to make up for the main cast.
Gameplay is extremely hit and miss. The game helps you out periodically by making it rather easy to avoid combat, either through initiating traps of your own, or bolting enemies into locked areas. Both rather slick, but delivered too blatantly. You get forty lockpicks and health packs, but can only carry three of each. While its nice that they don't make you comb earlier portions of levels for hours looking for the lone missing nail you need, it doesn't sit well that you can only swing three. The puzzles are rinse and reuse, basic tracer games and a few gear boxes, but nothing you haven't seen before. The few unique puzzles thus far are strange and overly simplistic. There are too many deus ex machina moments as well. After getting grabbed by pighead 3 times, you'd think you'd be ready the fourth and fifth time.
Combat is also a real let down. Given the plethora of weapons and health items, you'd think that this game would really put you through your paces, but enemies are made of spun crystal. This is countered by you apparently having polio, or bags of sand tied to your hands. Your attack speed is pathetic, and its almost easier to fight hand to hand than risk picking up a weapon.
Overall, if you like the movies, you'll like the atmosphere and the spin this game tries to evoke. Why they handed off some of the most crucial elements to the interns I'll never understand though. Between Silent Hill and a handful of other gritty horror games they had to choose from, they decided to try modeling it after RE 4/5, which was an awful setup the first time it was tried.
The only real difference in setting between the game and the movies are 2 things:
1) You are in an insane asylum with multiple people after you.
2) There is not the typical "start as a group to escape and only 1 or 2 survive" there is no group it is just you.
The biggest problem with this game can be found in:
1) The traps and such are great, but the deaths are not very realistic or graphically committed and compare to the 1990's Doom.
2) There seems to be a delay in response time when you press a button; the first 5 times you run into an enemy and try to shut and lock a door you will be surprised when the enemy magically floats through after you no matter how hard or fast you mash the X button.
3) The above same mentioned delay can be felt in combat mode, when you try to use a weapon (and there are weapons all over) to fight an attacker, it is like you are underwater while the enemy is hopped up on crack and mountain dew. It's better to use your fists than a weapon as you most certainly will have your ass handed to you unless their back is turned.
*Overall it's a great game and I'm happy I gave it a chance.
List Price: $29.99
Sale Price: $28.65
Today's Bonus: 4% Off
when i bought this game..i gritted my teeth at the counter when i purchased it, i was actually feeling a little embarrased that i was buying a game based on a movie..which we all know 95% are terrible..BUT...i was surprised to find is one of the better games made from a movie..there are plenty of flaws yes...the combat ..the lighting..(hard to see at times)..repetitive puzzles..BUT..i couldnt stop playing, it was fun..addictive..i wanted to see what happened next..the other reviews explained this game rather well..ill cut it short and say, if you like saw movies and if you like survival horror, silent hill type games,you will enjoy it..the ending was cool..passing grade from what i expected..
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Let me start off by saying that I am only about an hour into the game, but have so far been pleasantly surprised!The controls are very good and the puzzles are interesting (if not a little bit simple at times, mind you I started on the easiest level...there are only two). What surprised me the most was the fact that the game is not simply puzzled based but rather includes a bit of platforming and combat.As far as the games relationship to the movies, it has the same gritty feel and sense of urgency (when it comes to the traps and devices) that the films have. So far I am loving it!Best Deals for SAW - Xbox 360
The Saw franchise and I have a long history dating back to before the first Saw film was released. I had seen the trailers for it on Bloody-Disgusting and thought it looked awesome, so opening night I was in line, 16 years old, for the movie that redefined torture movies for many.Now Saw is far from original, of course. If you look at the big picture, the story was already done many years before (and done better) with David Fincher's dark, gritty, and amazing film, Se7en. But Saw was welcomed into the world with open arms and for what it was, it was good. In fact, I walked out of the theater almost blown away by what I had just seen.
Come six years and five (almost six) sequels later, the Saw series is now looked upon as a joke by many. For instance, in an episode of Two And A Half Men there is a sequence with one of the characters dreaming of the future out front of a movie theater and there is a poster for Saw 27. Hilarious. But the films have been getting gradually gorier and gorier, so the fact that a game was made and ultimately released was really no surprise.
What was a surprise, however, is that it's actually a DECENT game.
Now of course this game has it's huge flaws. The biggest one would have to be the combat. It's absolutely terrible. The buttons are unresponsive and for controlling an ex police officer, you would think that he'd be better at using a firearm. Heavy weapons are pretty much useless to even attempt, because by the time you swing you're already half dead from attacks from your enemy. If they needed to improve on at least one aspect of the game, it's this one.
The second bad part would have to be the irritation that the game will induce. The puzzles are often on a timer, but the solutions are often very, very difficult and nearly impossible at times to do in the time limit, which will cause many deaths and many retries and only mount the frustration the player feels at the game. There have been several times that I have shut the console off due to irritation, and it makes it really hard to really want to keep playing the game when you can't get anywhere.
The voice acting is also pretty bad, minus of course Tobin Bell as Jigsaw. None of the other actors returned to reprise their roles, and it shows. It's not a pretty voice soundtrack at all.
The graphics aren't terrible, but they're not wonderful either, but they are passable. I rather enjoy them.
Now with all the bad, there is some good. The story is captivating and regardless of the irritation that the puzzles offer, it still makes you want to keep going just to see what happens next. It's worth it in the long run if you're a fan of the films as I am, but if you're not, it's not worth your time.
Honest reviews on SAW - Xbox 360
While I eagerly awaited the Saw video game with baited breath, whats come out, while decent, is neither enthralling nor original.The graphics are alright, though considering Konami had three years of Silent Hill under their belt, they'd have been able to make the game scarier. While I was expecting mostly startle scares, even those are few and far between. Some parts of the building are good and well polished, but after you see the same medical cabinet four hundred times, you wonder why it took so long to pop out this puppy.
Audio is also rather sad. While some environmental effects were well done, the voices were not the original characters, and they couldn't find decent replacements, with the exception of Jigsaw. The tapes are delivered in the familiar gritty monotone. NPC voices are a bit better, and the enemies who want to avoid you even more so, they're not enough to make up for the main cast.
Gameplay is extremely hit and miss. The game helps you out periodically by making it rather easy to avoid combat, either through initiating traps of your own, or bolting enemies into locked areas. Both rather slick, but delivered too blatantly. You get forty lockpicks and health packs, but can only carry three of each. While its nice that they don't make you comb earlier portions of levels for hours looking for the lone missing nail you need, it doesn't sit well that you can only swing three. The puzzles are rinse and reuse, basic tracer games and a few gear boxes, but nothing you haven't seen before. The few unique puzzles thus far are strange and overly simplistic. There are too many deus ex machina moments as well. After getting grabbed by pighead 3 times, you'd think you'd be ready the fourth and fifth time.
Combat is also a real let down. Given the plethora of weapons and health items, you'd think that this game would really put you through your paces, but enemies are made of spun crystal. This is countered by you apparently having polio, or bags of sand tied to your hands. Your attack speed is pathetic, and its almost easier to fight hand to hand than risk picking up a weapon.
Overall, if you like the movies, you'll like the atmosphere and the spin this game tries to evoke. Why they handed off some of the most crucial elements to the interns I'll never understand though. Between Silent Hill and a handful of other gritty horror games they had to choose from, they decided to try modeling it after RE 4/5, which was an awful setup the first time it was tried.
Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for SAW - Xbox 360
The game is really detailed. Great scene design and really makes you feel like your playing one of the movies. It's like a really long haunted house.The only real difference in setting between the game and the movies are 2 things:
1) You are in an insane asylum with multiple people after you.
2) There is not the typical "start as a group to escape and only 1 or 2 survive" there is no group it is just you.
The biggest problem with this game can be found in:
1) The traps and such are great, but the deaths are not very realistic or graphically committed and compare to the 1990's Doom.
2) There seems to be a delay in response time when you press a button; the first 5 times you run into an enemy and try to shut and lock a door you will be surprised when the enemy magically floats through after you no matter how hard or fast you mash the X button.
3) The above same mentioned delay can be felt in combat mode, when you try to use a weapon (and there are weapons all over) to fight an attacker, it is like you are underwater while the enemy is hopped up on crack and mountain dew. It's better to use your fists than a weapon as you most certainly will have your ass handed to you unless their back is turned.
*Overall it's a great game and I'm happy I gave it a chance.
Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem Review
There have been quite a few attempts at video games based upon Lovecraft's Cthulhu mythos, but they never seem to make it to the market. Although Eternal Darkness is set within its own little universe, it borrows heavily from the mythos, and Lovecraft's influence is readily apparent.
The game begins when your character, Alexandra Roivas, decides to investigate the mysterious circumstances surrounding her grandfather's death at their ancestral mansion. Through an absolutely brilliant plot device, the player is able to take control of many of Alex's ancestors from ages past and several other characters from all over the world. Each of these chapters help the player piece together the mystery and reveal the hidden agenda of a group of extremely powerful and malevolent entities.
Gameplay is very smooth. Holding down one controller button allows you to lock on an enemy target, and with a flick of the control stick you can aim at specific body parts. Some baddies fall when they are decapitated, some you have to take apart limb by limb before they will fall. As with most third person games, camera angles are fixed and sometimes problematic, as you may find yourself being disembowled by some horror just off screen.
Combat is relatively well balanced, and the puzzles in the game find a way to be interesting without being terribly difficult. the graphics are quite good, many monsters can be on the screen without any noticeable slowdown. The monsters themselves are quite detailed and look great, but they don't vary a whole lot towards the earlier part of the game.
The magic system is very cool. You must find runes of power hidden throughout the game (often inside of monsters). Each rune corresponds to an alignment, an effect, and a target. By mixing and matching the runes, you can create many different spells. There's also a large variety of mundane weaponry to collect and to toss a beating with.
Each of the characters you control seem to have their own strengths and weaknesses. Some are excellent melee fighters, some excel at throwing spells. Some have a ton of health, while others are quite fragile.
By far the coolest aspect of the game (and the part that perhaps owes more than a little to Chaosim's Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game) is the sanity system. Everytime you undergo something hideously supernatural, you lose a little bit of your mind as you struggle to grasp the situation. This manifests as hallucinations, both visual and audial. You may get an unexpected phone call, or have a horrible vision of your own demise. This effect is truly very creepy. I've already had statues come to life and watch me cross an empty hallway. I've seen walls bleed, and bugs crawl across my television screen. There are several ways to regain your sanity, but sometimes it's just fun letting it fall a little bit to see how creepy things can really get.
Resident Evil may have been an inspiration for Eternal Darkness, but it is a poor comparison. This game is truly a wonder to experience, and definitely a killer title for the GC. It's worth every penny.
Eternal Darkness didn't get the promotion or the acclaim it deserved when it came out, but don't let that fool you. It's still one of the best games on any of the current generation of consoles, hands down.
This game is all about mood. Play it at night with all the lights out. Everything from the lighting to the ambient sounds is designed to establish a creepy feeling, and it really hits home in several key parts, especially when your sanity meter is running low.
Ah, the sanity meter. Yes, it's every bit as crazy as you've read. One reviewer wrote that there are only 10 different insanity effects. He most likely avoided going insane most of the way through the game, because the truth is there are around 100 different effects, ranging from minor things you'll barely notice to "What the...?" I won't spoil them for you, as they're one of the best parts of the game.
It's got a compelling storyline and a mythos based on the works of H.P. Lovecraft. You control 13 different playable characters who all exist at different points in history. Although there are really only 4 different stages, each of which is repeated a few times by different characters, the stages do change from one visit to the next, sometimes making them very different places from last time you saw them.
The gameplay itself involves navigating through the stages with one of the characters, encountering several types of creatures, and solving puzzles. The combat system gives each character several different weapons, including close-range, long-range and projectile combat. You can target different areas on a creature's body, some more effective than others. There is also a highly satisfying magic-casting system where you combine sets of runes to make new spells.
You may notice in other reviews that some claim the game is way too easy, while others say it's too hard. Some also said the game is too short. What happens is, at the beginning of the game there are three different branches you can take in the story, and these dictate the difficulty of your quest as well as the creatures you encounter, including a completely different mid-game boss creature in each branch. However, once you complete the game once, you can go back and start again with one of the other possible stories, and when you complete all three you are treated to a special ending.
If you're looking for a quick fix shoot-em-up scare-me bloodfest, don't bother. If you're looking for a disturbing and riveting game that will stay with you long after you turn off your GameCube, don't let this one pass you by!
the best part is the gameplay. the menus are intuitive and moving around is not a chore like it is with resident evil. i was able to put it in and start playing without wading through a manual to learn the basics.
it starts out slowly; i was concerned that it would be too easy and uninteresting. by the time you have completed the first couple of tasks with the first few characters the gameplay becomes a lot more involving and difficult.
the sanity meter makes the game. when you face certain zombies they lower your sanity level; you can regain some of it back by killing thembut not all. once you're near the end of your sanity blood will start dripping on the floor, the camera angle will be tilted and the background effects become more spooky. the rest of the insanity effects i'll leave for you to experience first hand. you start to doubt your gameplay and, oddly, just after finishing up for the night i expected the same in real lifeit's that surreal.
there are minor things one could take issue with, but then show me a game that is perfect. i can't recommend this game highly enough. there is a perfect balance between logic, exploring and fighting. this is all coming from someone who is not usually a fan of these types of games; i generally enjoy games like ssx tricky, super monkey ball and tony hawk 3.
This unique game has an amazing atmosphere and really great soundtrack. The graphics are also really good.
You play the game as the grand-daughter of some guy that just died and so you visit her mansion. While you are there you start finding chapters of this ancient book and for each chapter you find you get to play as the character the chapter is about. The first chapter is a guy from ancient roman times so your gameplay is a legionaire with a sword... during your play of the first chapter you make choice that effects the rest of the games story so you can play the game three times with the three choices available to you at the end of the first chapter. If you play all three story lines then you get the full ending...
First play through took me about 20 hours. Second and Third time took me more like 10-12 hours each cause the puzzles are pretty challenging the first time through.
I think there is something like 12 or so chapters and in each one you play a different character. Everything from legionaire to priests to reporters to fire-men. Male and female characters both. In between chapters you have to spend time with the lead character in the mansion finding the next chapter.
The story of the game makes it well worth playing through three times. It is a classic and it deserves the good reputation it has.
Right from the beginning, things start off creepy, and they only get worse (which, for players, means better). You start out as Alex Roivas, a young woman in her 20's whose grandfather was recently murdered. The police are stumped, because there doesn't appear to be any sign of a break-in, nor does it look like Grandpa Edward Roivas put up much of a fight. This would normally lead to a ruling of suicide, but the state in which they found the body makes suicide an impossibility. Alex decides to investigate herself, and you navigate her grandfather's mansion. Everything in it references the dark and macabre, from paintings of murderers to books in the library about some of the darkest periods in history (the Inquisition, the Salem witch burnings). Eventually, Alex discovers a book called the Tome of Eternal Darkness. When she reads it, she is transported to another time, place, and body. Whenever players "read" a new chapter of the book, they take over as another character in another historical period. A Roman centurion, a young Cambodian girl, a British photographer, and a few of the Roivas ancestors are just a few of the people that you'll control throughout the ages.
As the story unfolds (which depends on a choice you make as the centurion), you learn about the Ancients, three god-like beings fighting for control of the world, and if one is summoned, will reign destruction upon the galaxy.
Not only is the story engaging, the gameplay is great. The weapons and magic system are great. I love the fact that you can design your own spells before you are actually "supposed" to learn them. This game has some really cool weapons, like the elephant gun, the broadsword, the double-barreled shotgun, and the fireman's axe, which is great for chopping off heads. Due to a unique and great aiming system, you can aim at specific body parts, being able to chop off heads or arms.
The other aspect of gameplay is the sanity meter. Sanity is a running theme throughout the game. As your sanity decreases, weird things start to happen, and not just to your character in the game. Many of the effects are directed at the player, and even if you know what might happen (like me), many of them will still catch you off guard. And while some effects do effect the characters (many of them foreshadow future events that will happen to them), they do rattle the cages of the players as well. This game has an insanity effect that targets Alex, and it is the only thing in a video game that has EVER made me jump is shock and even horror.
I guess the one thing that I would change is the whole "choose your path" thing at the beginning of the game. You have three paths to choose from, but they are, for all intents and purposes, the same. The only thing that changes between path to path is the Ancient that Pious summons, which does have a few effects. The color of that ancient will play an important role througout the game, but besides that, the missions are all exactly the same. In order to get the full ending, you have to play the game 3 times through (one with each Ancient), but it would be more of an incentive if each Ancient had a different path to play. Oh well, it's a small grievance.
Overall, this is one of the most interesting, creepy, and all-around fun games in a while. It may be too intense for some people, but I urge you to give it a try.
The game begins when your character, Alexandra Roivas, decides to investigate the mysterious circumstances surrounding her grandfather's death at their ancestral mansion. Through an absolutely brilliant plot device, the player is able to take control of many of Alex's ancestors from ages past and several other characters from all over the world. Each of these chapters help the player piece together the mystery and reveal the hidden agenda of a group of extremely powerful and malevolent entities.
Gameplay is very smooth. Holding down one controller button allows you to lock on an enemy target, and with a flick of the control stick you can aim at specific body parts. Some baddies fall when they are decapitated, some you have to take apart limb by limb before they will fall. As with most third person games, camera angles are fixed and sometimes problematic, as you may find yourself being disembowled by some horror just off screen.
Combat is relatively well balanced, and the puzzles in the game find a way to be interesting without being terribly difficult. the graphics are quite good, many monsters can be on the screen without any noticeable slowdown. The monsters themselves are quite detailed and look great, but they don't vary a whole lot towards the earlier part of the game.
The magic system is very cool. You must find runes of power hidden throughout the game (often inside of monsters). Each rune corresponds to an alignment, an effect, and a target. By mixing and matching the runes, you can create many different spells. There's also a large variety of mundane weaponry to collect and to toss a beating with.
Each of the characters you control seem to have their own strengths and weaknesses. Some are excellent melee fighters, some excel at throwing spells. Some have a ton of health, while others are quite fragile.
By far the coolest aspect of the game (and the part that perhaps owes more than a little to Chaosim's Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game) is the sanity system. Everytime you undergo something hideously supernatural, you lose a little bit of your mind as you struggle to grasp the situation. This manifests as hallucinations, both visual and audial. You may get an unexpected phone call, or have a horrible vision of your own demise. This effect is truly very creepy. I've already had statues come to life and watch me cross an empty hallway. I've seen walls bleed, and bugs crawl across my television screen. There are several ways to regain your sanity, but sometimes it's just fun letting it fall a little bit to see how creepy things can really get.
Resident Evil may have been an inspiration for Eternal Darkness, but it is a poor comparison. This game is truly a wonder to experience, and definitely a killer title for the GC. It's worth every penny.
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The opinions I've read below on this game seem to be about 80% who absolutely love it and 20% who hate it, and as far as I can tell the people who hate it are either young children who can't appreciate anything other than a hack-n-slash gorefest, folks who prefer shallow, poorly constructed games such as Resident Evil, or worst of all, people who only played it for five minutes or not at all. I fall in with those who love it.Eternal Darkness didn't get the promotion or the acclaim it deserved when it came out, but don't let that fool you. It's still one of the best games on any of the current generation of consoles, hands down.
This game is all about mood. Play it at night with all the lights out. Everything from the lighting to the ambient sounds is designed to establish a creepy feeling, and it really hits home in several key parts, especially when your sanity meter is running low.
Ah, the sanity meter. Yes, it's every bit as crazy as you've read. One reviewer wrote that there are only 10 different insanity effects. He most likely avoided going insane most of the way through the game, because the truth is there are around 100 different effects, ranging from minor things you'll barely notice to "What the...?" I won't spoil them for you, as they're one of the best parts of the game.
It's got a compelling storyline and a mythos based on the works of H.P. Lovecraft. You control 13 different playable characters who all exist at different points in history. Although there are really only 4 different stages, each of which is repeated a few times by different characters, the stages do change from one visit to the next, sometimes making them very different places from last time you saw them.
The gameplay itself involves navigating through the stages with one of the characters, encountering several types of creatures, and solving puzzles. The combat system gives each character several different weapons, including close-range, long-range and projectile combat. You can target different areas on a creature's body, some more effective than others. There is also a highly satisfying magic-casting system where you combine sets of runes to make new spells.
You may notice in other reviews that some claim the game is way too easy, while others say it's too hard. Some also said the game is too short. What happens is, at the beginning of the game there are three different branches you can take in the story, and these dictate the difficulty of your quest as well as the creatures you encounter, including a completely different mid-game boss creature in each branch. However, once you complete the game once, you can go back and start again with one of the other possible stories, and when you complete all three you are treated to a special ending.
If you're looking for a quick fix shoot-em-up scare-me bloodfest, don't bother. If you're looking for a disturbing and riveting game that will stay with you long after you turn off your GameCube, don't let this one pass you by!
Best Deals for Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem
i chose to get a gamecube rather than one of the other systems because of this game (and mario sunshine). having now played eternal darkness makes me realize i made the right decision. the graphics are excellent, the sound amazing and the story totally involving. it's the little details that make the difference; when you're walking on hardwood then walk on carpet the sound of your steps changes accordingly.the best part is the gameplay. the menus are intuitive and moving around is not a chore like it is with resident evil. i was able to put it in and start playing without wading through a manual to learn the basics.
it starts out slowly; i was concerned that it would be too easy and uninteresting. by the time you have completed the first couple of tasks with the first few characters the gameplay becomes a lot more involving and difficult.
the sanity meter makes the game. when you face certain zombies they lower your sanity level; you can regain some of it back by killing thembut not all. once you're near the end of your sanity blood will start dripping on the floor, the camera angle will be tilted and the background effects become more spooky. the rest of the insanity effects i'll leave for you to experience first hand. you start to doubt your gameplay and, oddly, just after finishing up for the night i expected the same in real lifeit's that surreal.
there are minor things one could take issue with, but then show me a game that is perfect. i can't recommend this game highly enough. there is a perfect balance between logic, exploring and fighting. this is all coming from someone who is not usually a fan of these types of games; i generally enjoy games like ssx tricky, super monkey ball and tony hawk 3.
Honest reviews on Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem
Well to be fair this is also the only psychological horror action-adventure game on any platform that I know of.This unique game has an amazing atmosphere and really great soundtrack. The graphics are also really good.
You play the game as the grand-daughter of some guy that just died and so you visit her mansion. While you are there you start finding chapters of this ancient book and for each chapter you find you get to play as the character the chapter is about. The first chapter is a guy from ancient roman times so your gameplay is a legionaire with a sword... during your play of the first chapter you make choice that effects the rest of the games story so you can play the game three times with the three choices available to you at the end of the first chapter. If you play all three story lines then you get the full ending...
First play through took me about 20 hours. Second and Third time took me more like 10-12 hours each cause the puzzles are pretty challenging the first time through.
I think there is something like 12 or so chapters and in each one you play a different character. Everything from legionaire to priests to reporters to fire-men. Male and female characters both. In between chapters you have to spend time with the lead character in the mansion finding the next chapter.
The story of the game makes it well worth playing through three times. It is a classic and it deserves the good reputation it has.
Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem
This is the first survival-horror game that I've ever played. I never really got into the genre, but this game always intrigued me. I read about it when it first came out, and the game's new feature of the sanity meter sounded really cool. One of my friends (who is now my roommate) has the game, so I finally tried it, and was blown away.Right from the beginning, things start off creepy, and they only get worse (which, for players, means better). You start out as Alex Roivas, a young woman in her 20's whose grandfather was recently murdered. The police are stumped, because there doesn't appear to be any sign of a break-in, nor does it look like Grandpa Edward Roivas put up much of a fight. This would normally lead to a ruling of suicide, but the state in which they found the body makes suicide an impossibility. Alex decides to investigate herself, and you navigate her grandfather's mansion. Everything in it references the dark and macabre, from paintings of murderers to books in the library about some of the darkest periods in history (the Inquisition, the Salem witch burnings). Eventually, Alex discovers a book called the Tome of Eternal Darkness. When she reads it, she is transported to another time, place, and body. Whenever players "read" a new chapter of the book, they take over as another character in another historical period. A Roman centurion, a young Cambodian girl, a British photographer, and a few of the Roivas ancestors are just a few of the people that you'll control throughout the ages.
As the story unfolds (which depends on a choice you make as the centurion), you learn about the Ancients, three god-like beings fighting for control of the world, and if one is summoned, will reign destruction upon the galaxy.
Not only is the story engaging, the gameplay is great. The weapons and magic system are great. I love the fact that you can design your own spells before you are actually "supposed" to learn them. This game has some really cool weapons, like the elephant gun, the broadsword, the double-barreled shotgun, and the fireman's axe, which is great for chopping off heads. Due to a unique and great aiming system, you can aim at specific body parts, being able to chop off heads or arms.
The other aspect of gameplay is the sanity meter. Sanity is a running theme throughout the game. As your sanity decreases, weird things start to happen, and not just to your character in the game. Many of the effects are directed at the player, and even if you know what might happen (like me), many of them will still catch you off guard. And while some effects do effect the characters (many of them foreshadow future events that will happen to them), they do rattle the cages of the players as well. This game has an insanity effect that targets Alex, and it is the only thing in a video game that has EVER made me jump is shock and even horror.
I guess the one thing that I would change is the whole "choose your path" thing at the beginning of the game. You have three paths to choose from, but they are, for all intents and purposes, the same. The only thing that changes between path to path is the Ancient that Pious summons, which does have a few effects. The color of that ancient will play an important role througout the game, but besides that, the missions are all exactly the same. In order to get the full ending, you have to play the game 3 times through (one with each Ancient), but it would be more of an incentive if each Ancient had a different path to play. Oh well, it's a small grievance.
Overall, this is one of the most interesting, creepy, and all-around fun games in a while. It may be too intense for some people, but I urge you to give it a try.
Cheap Ninja Gaiden
Customer Ratings: 
List Price: $39.99
Sale Price: $34.99
Today's Bonus: 13% Off

Before this game was released I was somewhat looking forward to it, but not with a great interest. Well thats until I actually played it. The first thing to blow me away were the graphics. They are absolutely breathtaking. The CG movies, the in game graphics, special effects, just amazing. But the game isn't all graphics and no gameplay. Believe it or not, the gameplay is actually better than the graphics. You can do everything you've seen ninjas do in movies. Swinging, climbing, wall running and of course slashing peoples limbs off. And it all just looks so real. The moves and weapons are also fantastic. Some of the coolest moves I've seen in any game for awhile. They are also easy for beginners, but hardcore gamers can spend alot of time on perfecting them. The stages are very varied and very large, the sound is nice and the enemies and weapons are also very varied. One problem that many people may have is the game's difficulty. It is very hard. The first boss, for example, is exceptionally difficult. If you persist, however, you will be greatly rewarded.
The game is hard, but not unfairly as it rewards intelligent playing as the better you make use of the combo system the more essence you receive from defeating enemies which helps to unlock more features.
The camera can be a little annoying, but its never much of a problem if you remember to use the right thumbstick especially when coming through new doorways. There are only really two spots when the camera is a bit more of a problem when facing multiple enemies usually more than three it tends to have a difficult time keeping a good focus on the action. It seems to be a bit lessened though if you can keep moving around. The second is when going through narrow passageways, but this can usually be resolved by using the right thumbstick.
The different moves look great and handle extremely well and are fairly simple to learn, but some are bit more difficult to master. The story is good though not to original, but fits the game well. The voice acting is good and fits the respective characters well, but some of the dialogue seems a bit dry probably just something lost in translation. The varied environments are simply stunning and the music fits each level well. The cutscenes are superb and simply the best around. The character designs are amazing as they are the best out there.
In all Ninja Gaiden is one of best games ever as it raises the bar for action/adventure games. If you play videogames and just want to mash buttons this is probably not the game for you, but if you like games that are good challenge which reward intelligent creative gameplay then you should love this. The game is not perfect, but is probably as close as a action/adventure game will come until the next wave of game systems come out.
Graphics 10
Sound 10
Gameplay 10
Fun 10
Overall 10
In terms of game play, it seems to be an amalgam of a few different classics: Onimusha, Devil May Cry and Prince of Persia all come to mind. Third-person combat, minor platforming, boss fights and CG cut scenes drive the game. Each element is incorporated expertly and handled with style. At its core, however, this game is about combat. The fluidity, depth, and excitement in the combat persist as you play. The elevated difficulty of your enemies is partly responsible for this, as is the mood appropriate music, but I think my own satisfaction was also based on recognizing how I was improving as the game progressed. Although I try to incorporate a firm no-learning policy in my life, Ninja Gaiden managed to surreptitiously make me learn certain rhythmic button combinations. Don't let this scare you. It's not English class. You learn how to separate limbs and heads from bodies--not how to separate phrases and clauses. There are probably fifteen to two dozen moves to learn for each melee weapon. In addition, there are numerous projectile weapons and elemental spells that can be used to lay waste to opponents. Enemy grunts that are easily dispatched in other games are skilled opponents in Ninja Gaiden. And the boss fights you engage in are, to put it mildly, punishing.
Ninja Gaiden is also, hands-down, the best-looking console game I've ever played. The environments are spectacular and the character models look great. Not once did I detect a graphical glitch or imperfection of any kind. The collision detection was spot-on and there was no hint of graphical slowdown in this rapidly paced and highly detailed game. The only real complaint I had was with camera angles; in any other action adventure game, minor camera issues would be a simple nuisance. In Ninja Gaiden, with game speed and difficulty so elevated, less than perfect camera angles detract from the game and cause unneeded frustration. It doesn't happen often, but it happens enough to be noticeable.
The audio was another outstanding element. There was tremendous variation to the music and it seemed to fit the mood perfectly. Sound effects were also well done, with both combat and environment audio adding to the player's immersion level. The voice acting in the cut scenes was definitely over the top, but didn't take away from the game.
It should be pointed out that this game definitely deserves its M rating; it is bloody and chock full of decapitations, and Rachel, the most prominent and very memorable female character, looks like she's a porn queen and outfitted by some S&M fetishist. So it goes without saying that the cut scenes held my interest intently. Just keep young children away--unless you let them watch Brittney Spears. Then it's nothing they haven't seen beofre.
If you are able to stomach the punishing difficulty, this is one of the most polished and rewarding games for any system.
1. Half Life 2 (PC)
3. Ninja Gaiden (X Box)
2. Metal Gear Solid 3/Twin Snakes (PS2/ Gamecube)
3. Gran Turismo 4 ( PS2 sorry not a big racer fan)
4. Berserk (New PS2 game)
5. Shadow Hearts 2 (PS2)
5. True Fantasy Online (X Box)
6. Dinosaur Hunter (PS2)
7. Resident Evil Online (PS2)
8. Otogi 2 (X Box)
9. Suikoden 4 (PS2)
10. Eye Toy (PS2)
There will be a lot of Devil May cry clones coming out, so be on the look out. I never take time to write review but when I saw the rating for this game at a three star and it isn't even out yet I was upset because I know a lot of people buy games on Amazon and other online marketplaces, and they use the star review to buy their games, so trust me when I say this, this game is hot. But maybe you should wait for a professional review, but I aint, because this game along with other Tecmo titles convinced me to buy an X Box. nuff said.
List Price: $39.99
Sale Price: $34.99
Today's Bonus: 13% Off
Before this game was released I was somewhat looking forward to it, but not with a great interest. Well thats until I actually played it. The first thing to blow me away were the graphics. They are absolutely breathtaking. The CG movies, the in game graphics, special effects, just amazing. But the game isn't all graphics and no gameplay. Believe it or not, the gameplay is actually better than the graphics. You can do everything you've seen ninjas do in movies. Swinging, climbing, wall running and of course slashing peoples limbs off. And it all just looks so real. The moves and weapons are also fantastic. Some of the coolest moves I've seen in any game for awhile. They are also easy for beginners, but hardcore gamers can spend alot of time on perfecting them. The stages are very varied and very large, the sound is nice and the enemies and weapons are also very varied. One problem that many people may have is the game's difficulty. It is very hard. The first boss, for example, is exceptionally difficult. If you persist, however, you will be greatly rewarded.
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To start Tecmo & Team Ninja have really out done themselves with this one as the graphics in this game are simply a wonder to behold.The game is hard, but not unfairly as it rewards intelligent playing as the better you make use of the combo system the more essence you receive from defeating enemies which helps to unlock more features.
The camera can be a little annoying, but its never much of a problem if you remember to use the right thumbstick especially when coming through new doorways. There are only really two spots when the camera is a bit more of a problem when facing multiple enemies usually more than three it tends to have a difficult time keeping a good focus on the action. It seems to be a bit lessened though if you can keep moving around. The second is when going through narrow passageways, but this can usually be resolved by using the right thumbstick.
The different moves look great and handle extremely well and are fairly simple to learn, but some are bit more difficult to master. The story is good though not to original, but fits the game well. The voice acting is good and fits the respective characters well, but some of the dialogue seems a bit dry probably just something lost in translation. The varied environments are simply stunning and the music fits each level well. The cutscenes are superb and simply the best around. The character designs are amazing as they are the best out there.
In all Ninja Gaiden is one of best games ever as it raises the bar for action/adventure games. If you play videogames and just want to mash buttons this is probably not the game for you, but if you like games that are good challenge which reward intelligent creative gameplay then you should love this. The game is not perfect, but is probably as close as a action/adventure game will come until the next wave of game systems come out.
Graphics 10
Sound 10
Gameplay 10
Fun 10
Overall 10
Best Deals for Ninja Gaiden
Ninja Gaiden is simply one of the deepest, most rewarding video games I have ever played. I should explain that it took me a while to realize this depth and appreciate its greatness. I'm also writing this review minus one XBOX controller--smashed into oblivion in a less than Zen-like moment of game play. But in a way, the level of emotion that the game elicited was one of the signs of its greatness. For any other game that had frustrated me in this way, I would have simply quit playing, written a scathing review, then gathered the morning leavings of my dog, put them in a bag, and set them in front of Team Ninja's offices. Ninja Gaiden is good enough to make you want to get past your own frustrations.In terms of game play, it seems to be an amalgam of a few different classics: Onimusha, Devil May Cry and Prince of Persia all come to mind. Third-person combat, minor platforming, boss fights and CG cut scenes drive the game. Each element is incorporated expertly and handled with style. At its core, however, this game is about combat. The fluidity, depth, and excitement in the combat persist as you play. The elevated difficulty of your enemies is partly responsible for this, as is the mood appropriate music, but I think my own satisfaction was also based on recognizing how I was improving as the game progressed. Although I try to incorporate a firm no-learning policy in my life, Ninja Gaiden managed to surreptitiously make me learn certain rhythmic button combinations. Don't let this scare you. It's not English class. You learn how to separate limbs and heads from bodies--not how to separate phrases and clauses. There are probably fifteen to two dozen moves to learn for each melee weapon. In addition, there are numerous projectile weapons and elemental spells that can be used to lay waste to opponents. Enemy grunts that are easily dispatched in other games are skilled opponents in Ninja Gaiden. And the boss fights you engage in are, to put it mildly, punishing.
Ninja Gaiden is also, hands-down, the best-looking console game I've ever played. The environments are spectacular and the character models look great. Not once did I detect a graphical glitch or imperfection of any kind. The collision detection was spot-on and there was no hint of graphical slowdown in this rapidly paced and highly detailed game. The only real complaint I had was with camera angles; in any other action adventure game, minor camera issues would be a simple nuisance. In Ninja Gaiden, with game speed and difficulty so elevated, less than perfect camera angles detract from the game and cause unneeded frustration. It doesn't happen often, but it happens enough to be noticeable.
The audio was another outstanding element. There was tremendous variation to the music and it seemed to fit the mood perfectly. Sound effects were also well done, with both combat and environment audio adding to the player's immersion level. The voice acting in the cut scenes was definitely over the top, but didn't take away from the game.
It should be pointed out that this game definitely deserves its M rating; it is bloody and chock full of decapitations, and Rachel, the most prominent and very memorable female character, looks like she's a porn queen and outfitted by some S&M fetishist. So it goes without saying that the cut scenes held my interest intently. Just keep young children away--unless you let them watch Brittney Spears. Then it's nothing they haven't seen beofre.
If you are able to stomach the punishing difficulty, this is one of the most polished and rewarding games for any system.
Honest reviews on Ninja Gaiden
I like to think of myself as a patient man. I read the reviews of this game and I'll admit it,I dismissed the reviewers that complained about this title's difficulty as whiners without the patience and/or tenacity to appreciate a challenge. How wrong I was. This game is an exercise in futility and frustration that would send even a zen monk on a red-faced, seething tyrade of hatred against the cruel developers. Yes, it is beautifully rendered (though I think previous reviewers might have overstated it's beauty; the cutscenes are amazing, but the in-game graphics are simply avarage), the storyline is intriguing and when a stretch of gameplay lasts more than five or so minutes (rare; repeated deaths followed by endless repeating of the same stretch of game is more the norm) one can almost appreciate the game's intent. I've given up somewhere in the 5th level, however, as rival ninjas repeatedly hurl seemingly inescapable bombs at me. I have a headache. This is not what I call amusement; it's torturous and I give up.Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Ninja Gaiden
Upon reading others reviews it is impossible to rate this game because it is still in development. There isn't even a possible demo yet. I saw the game at Tokyo Game Show 2003 on Sept 27 Sunday a week ago ( I live in Japan). It really erks me when people rate a game that isn't done yet. I have seen about a 4 to 7 minute demo which is what I based this reveiw off of. In this game, which includes the main character running up walls and utilizing a variety of weapons including nun chucks, bow and arrows, and a sword there is smooth transition and interaction. The enemies are well developed characters also which includes a white haired buff guy that sports nun chucks, a dinosaur skeleton and zombie like creatures. I have to tell you that out of all of the games at the game show this game was the most impressive action game there. It was the only fast paced (unlike the stealthy Metal Gear Solid 3) action game that wasn't a devil may cry rip off, unlike cy girls which is a devil may cry slash metal gear rip off that I somehow managed to like anyway. This is the breakdown of the 10 best games at the show:1. Half Life 2 (PC)
3. Ninja Gaiden (X Box)
2. Metal Gear Solid 3/Twin Snakes (PS2/ Gamecube)
3. Gran Turismo 4 ( PS2 sorry not a big racer fan)
4. Berserk (New PS2 game)
5. Shadow Hearts 2 (PS2)
5. True Fantasy Online (X Box)
6. Dinosaur Hunter (PS2)
7. Resident Evil Online (PS2)
8. Otogi 2 (X Box)
9. Suikoden 4 (PS2)
10. Eye Toy (PS2)
There will be a lot of Devil May cry clones coming out, so be on the look out. I never take time to write review but when I saw the rating for this game at a three star and it isn't even out yet I was upset because I know a lot of people buy games on Amazon and other online marketplaces, and they use the star review to buy their games, so trust me when I say this, this game is hot. But maybe you should wait for a professional review, but I aint, because this game along with other Tecmo titles convinced me to buy an X Box. nuff said.
Discount Drop shot, Auto-aim, Jitter Xbox 360 Modded Controller Call of Duty
Customer Ratings: 
List Price: $169.99
Sale Price: $89.99
Today's Bonus: 47% Off

It worked really well for the first week or so, but then it started to malfunction. We had the option to send it in and get fixed, but i was expecting that to happen in several months, not weeks.
List Price: $169.99
Sale Price: $89.99
Today's Bonus: 47% Off
It worked really well for the first week or so, but then it started to malfunction. We had the option to send it in and get fixed, but i was expecting that to happen in several months, not weeks.
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Although there was shipping issue, it was not the company's fault and they were quick to correct the problem. This was bought for my son, so I have not used it. He would have let me know if there was anything not right. He waited a long time to get a controller like this and really likes it.Best Deals for Drop shot, Auto-aim, Jitter Xbox 360 Modded Controller Call of Duty
Is this controller worth buying or is it not that good. And if I do get one it better work.BioShock Ultimate Rapture Edition - Playstation 3 Reviews
Customer Ratings: 
List Price: $29.99
Sale Price: $19.99
Today's Bonus: 33% Off

If you are like me and mad late catching up with series, download the Bioshock demo off of PSN first to see if this your cup of tea. I usually avoid first person shooters like the plague. I have no interest in Call Of Duty, Battlefield or any other war crap. Yet, I was very impressed by what I played in the Bioshock demo. I was very close to purchasing Bioshock until I saw this great package was about to be released.
Take heed to the 'Mature' rating before purchasing this for little Billy or Suzie. These games may be extremely graphic, violent, bloody, and bizarre for those who do not have an open mind or the patience to understand what is going on. The rest of you will love it! A mix of survival horror, rpg elements and a fast paced shooter all blended together to make a classic series.
A perfect deal for only $30 plus tax. 1 disc, and 3 Bioshock Infinite promo stickers are included. Best to have disc auto start turned off before inserting these combo pack discs to avoid a game from automatically loading up like Assassin's Creed Revelations does with the Ezio Trilogy disc. You can disable disc auto start by navigating to Settings > [System Settings] in the XMB menu.
With disc auto start turned off, when you first insert the disc, 2 icons will appear. 1 icon to install Bioshock 1. A 2nd icon to install Bioshock 2 plus all DLC's for both Bioshock 1 and 2 which you can install separately from the disc anytime you choose. In other words, if you only want to install Bioshock 2 and then decide to install Minerva's Den, you can do so at anytime you choose.
Install times are nowhere near as long as the Ezio Trilogy pack. In fact, when you install Bioshock, you are treated to a musical loading screen playing 1950's music with interesting in game ads while the games install.
Graphics still look great and stand the test of time. The voice acting is very convincing and sets the tone for an eerie, creepy world to explore filled with various sinister, psychotic characters all with their own evil, twisted agenda. A lot of time and thought went into creating the story and the very believable city of Rapture. If you are not a first person shooter fan, give this a shot.
Here are a list of DLC's included:
Bioshock: DLC's Plasmids Pack, Challenge Rooms Pack, Bonus Museum Level
Bioshock 2: DLC's Minerva's Den, Sinclair Solutions Tester, Rapture Metro, Kill Em Kindly, The Protector Trials
Minor spoiler for Bioshock 1. To access the subtitles, start a game of Bioshock. After the opening plane crash scene, you will assume control of Jack who surfaces from underwater. Pause the game, select 'options' and you will see an option to turn on subtitles.
There was a common issue with Bioshock 1 and 2 where loading up a saved game by selecting 'Contnue' or 'Load Game' would result in a freeze error where your saves never load up. Unfortunately this issue still carries over to the Ultimate Rapture Edition. This happened to me recently and luckily there is an easy fix for this.
On your PS3 in the XMB menu, simply navigate to your 'Game Data' folder under the Games menu and delete all Bioshock files.
Once you delete all Bioshock game data files, simply reinstall Bioshock and your saves should load just fine.
There really isn't anything new I can say about these two games that hasn't already been said when the games were originally released. Both are amazing story-driven FPSs that showcase some of the best imagination and creativity in video games. The graphics were great for their time and still hold up well today but will show their age when compared to some of the more recent game releases. Since so many reviews have already been released about the original games I am going to instead focus on the extra content that is included. If you are on the fence about the games themselves, I would encourage you to view the reviews on the original product pages to get a better understanding of the games.
!WARNING! These games have great stories and it would be a shame to have them spoiled for those of you new to the series. A few inconsiderate reviewers will contain details that will spoil the story for you, so proceed with caution!
Bioshock 2
Now on to the added content!
The DLC is included on the disc which means no codes to enter and nothing to download. The case says 22 GB are required to install all the content but its not one huge install; you can pick and choose which pieces of DLC to install and each has to be installed separately.
The first BioShock comes with the Plasmids Pack, the Challenge Rooms Pack, and the Bonus Museum Level. All content is single-player; there was no multiplayer in the first game. While all the DLC from the second game is installed separately, the DLC for the first is installed in one package. This isn't that big of a deal since most of the DLC included is for the second game anyhow.
The Plasmids Pack isn't really worth mentioning; this was a free update that anyone with an internet hookup had access to. This patch/DLC brought in a handful of new Plasmid powers and added new trophies/achievements. While this update was free of charge, its convenient to have it on disk and not have to download it.
The Challenge Rooms pack were three independent levels that were separate from the game's story and originally only available on the PS3 and now 360 owners get to enjoy them for the first time. The name says it all; they are rooms with a challenge. Sometimes puzzle-driven, sometimes combat. They aren't really a necessity to fully enjoy BioShock; they're a nice bonus but easily done without. The Challenge Rooms originally released for $9.99 and come with their own set of trophies. Unclear at this time if the trophies were translated to achievements for this edition but I would assume so.
The Bonus Museum Level is a great addition for the big BioShock fans out there. Unfortunately, there's not much to it. It consists of one medium-sized room with several "exhibits" and concept art lining the walls. Here we get to see the different ideas that were played around with and ultimately scrapped before the game was finalized. Walking up to each piece provides a small description in paragraph form. Its nice to see actual detailed 3D models of these ideas, but without any movement or sound they're simply lifeless statues that you will quickly get bored with. Even the biggest BioShock fans will spend a limited amount of time in here; I consider myself one of these fans and I was out after 20 minutes. Very interesting and a nice bonus, but I doubt I'll go back anytime soon.
The added content for BioShock 2 are the Sinclair Solutions Tester pack, Rapture Metro map pack, Kill'em Kindly mode, The Protector Trials, Minerva's Den, and a Character Pack (apparently not mentioned on the case). Assuming that you're interested in the multiplayer aspect of the game at least somewhat, there's a lot of value here. Being that the game is nearing its 4-year anniversary, its understandable that the multiplayer has fallen off quite a bit from where it was. Many of the modes are simply impossible to find games for without setting them up yourself with invites to friends and the "players met" list. Most of the action takes place in the Civil War mode, which is simply Team Deathmatch. Getting into a Civil War match is fairly easy, but there are times when it will take a few minutes to find one. Also, without dedicated servers you're left at the mercy of the host. That means if they have a horrible connection you might see some lag and if they leave the game you're forced to return to the lobby to restart the match. I don't see lag too much, but be prepared for a host leaving every so often. Still a lot of fun and there's always hope that new players will emerge with the release of the Ultimate Rapture edition. Time will tell, but for now be warned; while playable, the multiplayer is far from thriving.
!NOTE! IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN PLATINUMING THIS GAME, PLAYING MULTIPLAYER TO LEVEL 40 IS REQUIRED. This isn't impossible but will require about 15-30 hours depending on your skill level. I'm a fairly decent player and it took me around 22 hours.
The Sinclair Solutions Tester pack added a level cap increase to the multiplayer from level 40 to 50. Two new playable characters and 5 masks were added along with a third upgrade option to all weapons. The pack released for $4.99.
The Rapture Metro map pack features six new maps that you will likely never play. Seriously... if one person enters the lobby without this map pack then these maps are excluded from the rotation. Finding a lobby full of people with this map pack is next to impossible. The best way to ensure you see these maps (other than setting up a private match by yourself and roaming around) is to set up sessions on gaming forums. There are trophies tied to this pack, but as with all DLC trophies, they aren't required for the Platinum. This pack also included the option to "rebirth" at level 50, allowing you to start over at level 1 (like prestige in COD). The map pack released for $9.99 and had three new trophies/achievements.
The Kill'em Kindly mode is simply a melee only game mode for multiplayer. This was offered free of charge to anyone with an internet connection so again, this was mentioned only because its now included on disc without the hassle of downloading. Remember when I said most of the action took place in Civil War? Guess which game mode you won't be playing much of...
The Character Pack is the last multiplayer content and it wasn't mentioned on the case. It includes two playable characters that were originally only available for those that pre-ordered the game. The pack eventually released for $1.99. (And just to be clear, when I say "playable characters" I mean skins. There is no difference in stats or weapons available from one character to the next and choosing one from another is purely for cosmetics, though they each have their own set of one-liners that they spout off during the match.)
The Protector Trials is a single-player horde mode that contains somewhat of a side story. In each level you must protect the harvesting little sister from a wave of splicers. You are graded on your performance on each level and, much like the Challenge Rooms from the first game, your arsenal is pre-selected making you strategize accordingly. It released for $4.99 and had seven new trophies/achievements.
Minerva's Den is more of a traditional single-player side-story offering that is probably the best content included in this package. I don't want to go into too much detail for the sake of spoilers. It will probably take you anywhere from 2-6 hours depending on how your playstyle is. It released for $9.99 and had eight new trophies/achievements.
Now, after all that you can see that this Ultimate Rapture edition is a great value but more for new players that have never experienced the BioShock series or for huge BioShock fans. If you've played the games before but don't consider yourself a big fan then its safe to pass. For those of you getting pumped over the new BioShock: Infinite that's releasing soon, an exclusive pack of 3 collectible stickers are included. As mentioned by other reviewers a HUGE chunk of hard drive space (22GB) is required to install all of the content, HOWEVER... you are not required to install everything all at once. Meaning that if you are limited on hard drive space you can always install one game and play it, then delete it before installing the second one. This will cut that 22GB size down substantially(When checking my folders it seems BioShock measures in at just over 6GB including the DLC. BioShock 2 is 9.3GB for the game and just over 4GB for all of the DLC. Even if you include save data we don't reach the 22GB listed on the case, but its close enough).
Also, if you like the BioShock games and enjoy reading, be sure to check out John Shirley's prequel to the series. A great read if you're a fan!
Now, both games and the DLC are all on one disc ( a dual layered Blu-ray disc to be precise). Once you insert the disc, two icons will appear, one for "Bioshock" and one for "Bioshock and Bioshock 2 Additional Content". When you start Bioshock 1, the only thing you have to install is game data, which is about 5GB. When you choose the "Bioshock and Bioshock 2 Additional Content" icon, Bioshock 2 and all the DLC for both games will be listed. Unlike Bioshock 1, Bioshock 2 (the entire game) has to be completely installed, which amounts to 9.4 GB of space. The DLC has to be installed as well, which is about 5.6GB all together.
Adding all three totals together, it's really 20GB instead of 22GB, but it's still a lot.
Despite all that, this is a great bundle, and at $30, it's one that should not be missed
True Story's user review recommends downloading the demo before buying and I agree completely, because the game compels you to think stategically: in normal difficulty you'd be mostly fine just taking cover and shooting, but in the higher difficulties (or when aiming for the platinum torphy) you'll be slaughtered if you don't use every part of the environment to your advantage (and I do mean EVERY PART, as the game is designed for this)... Unless you play in the easy but not-so-enjoyable difficulty.
If you don't care much for serious storytelling, scarce resources, startegic thinking over bullets flying, and sensitive moral questioning, you'll not enjoy Bioshock to its fullest.
Anyroad, is this Ultimate Rapture edition (URE) worth it? Maybe: some factors may strongly influence the decision depending on what you're looking for. One thing, though: only Bioshock 1 comes in disc version; Bioshock 2 MUST be completely installed in the HDD, so if you're the kind of user who downloads most of your games into you PS3, think well about available room in your PS3 (about 20 Gb) before buying this bundle.
One kind of gamer I picture buying this is someone that hasn't played Bioshock before but is interested in it or has played it (either through a lent copy or through the demo) and liked it. They should actually get this edition, for Bioshock 1 will most likely absorb them so much they'll crave the sequel (and probably the prequel in book format: BioShock: Rapture) AND the DLC, because Minerva's den gives more story background, so why not get it all in one shot? Probably the continue glitch (see below) won't apply to you (just install the DLC for Bioshock 1 before beginning your playthrough).
Other kind of gamer I picture is the collector of all things Bioshock. This one has the collectors edition of the three Bioshocks, so, who are you kidding? You need this to complete your collection regardless of the very few new things it will give you (the stickers and the Museum).
But maybe you only have Bioshock 1. Then this could still be for you, as it inlcudes almost all the DLC (see below) available. Even if you've played both games (either finished them or not) but not own them and think this is a good deal to get them, you're probably right, though only the first game comes in disc format. Bioshock 2 is a digital version of the game (like the ones you donwload from the PlayStation Store). If this is your case, keep in mind there's an issue with the PS3 URE where the load screen freezes when you choose to continue or load a save file. Delete the game data (not saved game data, mind you) from your PS3 and install the game again to arguably fix this. It works, but when you install the DLC again, the problem will be back. This stems from the fact that the DLC for Bioshock 1 seems to conflict with pre-DLC save files (I don't know if the same happens with PS Store-downloaded DLC), so deleting game data and installing again reverts the game to a pre-DLC status, thus allowing you to use your save files albeit without DLC, which means that if you want to keep your save files, your URE DLC won't work. Looks like the "real" solution consists of starting a new game after installing URE DLC because, somehow, the save files don't conflict with downloaded content if you created the save file AFTER installing DLC (?). I did it and worked fine, but I only played the first level, so I can't say it's a permanent solution. I had already finished the game (platinum trophy included), so it's no big nuisance, but consider this if you haven't finished it and were thinking to do it on URE from a previous save file: either finish first and install DLC later or begin anew after installing DLC. This seems to be only a problem for Bioshock 1 (I checked for Bioshock 2 and everything works fine).
If you already own Bioshock 2 but not Bioshock 1 nor any DLC, this is a good buy. If you own Bioshock 2 and the DLC, better get the first game and Challenge rooms separately (unless you're willing to cough up $30.00 for one game and three stickers).
IF YOU HAVE BOTH GAMES BUT NO DLC, DON'T BUY THIS (unless you're a hardcore collector of Bioshock). It's better to buy the DLC directly from the PlayStation Store, as I will now explain.
The Plasmid pack will likely be irrelevant for PS3 because it was always there and it was made for Xbox 360 users, who didn't get it when the game came out (NOTE: this is just my memory speaking and I haven't been able to confirm this with online research). The Museum isn't a real playable level: it's just an in-game big room with 3D renderings of some of the content from the "Bioshock: breaking the mold" art book with new captions. The DLC for Bioshock 1 includes the New Game Plus feature (use your overpowered character from the beginning of a new game) for unlock when finishing the game (use wisely, as no trophies are awarded in NGP and, again, if you already finished the game, beware of the continue glitch, as deleting game data will wipe the memory of you having finished already).
That said, here's the total cost of the DLC from the PlayStation Store:
Challenge rooms: $9.99
The Protector trials: $4.99
Minerva's den: $9.99
Sinclair Solutions tester: $4.99
Rapture Metro & Kill 'em kindly: $9.99
Total: $39.95, which still makes "Over $40 of add-on content" an overstatement (would be true with base DLC prices plus the characters pack; see below).
If you think this is a good deal for the DLC and stickers alone, you'd be right, were it not for another option available: the $24.99 Bioshock 2 DLC bundle from the PlayStation Store that includes all of the above (save the Challenge rooms, which are Bioshock 1 DLC) AND the Exclusive character pack (two additional characters for multiplayer; $1.99 if bought separately). If you throw in the Challenge rooms pack ($9.99), you'd be spending $34.98 for the same DLC as in URE and getting two extra MP characters not included in URE. If you're looking to net the DLC alone, URE is only $4.98 cheaper with the Museum and the three Infinite stickers, but no characters pack (or a mere $2.99 if you buy the characters separately), so in my opinion you'll be better off with the $34.98 PlayStation Store option.
And then, there's me... I got this because I physically hate my Greatest Hits versions of both games (the red case doesn't appeal to me), because of the DLC, and because of the stickers, but there's something weird: for some reason, if you already own Bioshock 1 and want to play from the URE disc, you'll have to install the game all over again (if you use your regular version you'll only face a short install for the Challenge rooms). I thought this was because of some sort of "specific-disc-linked data", but the first time I played Bioshock 1 was on a disc a friend lent me and when I got mine (the Greatest Hits edition, :S ) I didn't have to install again, so I'm clueless as to why this happens with the URE... And there's the continue glitch, but still, for me, those are no biggies.
In all, if you don't own any Bioshocks and want to, this is for you (four stars). If you're a hardcore collector of Bioshock, this is for you (nevermind ratings). If you only own the first (or second) Bioshock AND no DLC, this is still for you (three stars because of the continue glitch). If you own both games but no DLC, this isn't for you.
but that being said, both bioshock 1 and 2 are truly amazing gaming experiences.
this edition is a stellar value, no question. some of the dlc was previously available, some was not, but one thing that is totally new is the addition of STICKERS!
first off, all dlc is ON DISC. this is great news for those folks who are not fans of psn codes.
here is what is included:
plasmid pack
challenge room pack
bonus museum level
sinclair solutions tester
rapture metro
kill 'em kindly
the protector trials
minerva's den
3 stickers from the upcoming bioshock infinite
the stickers are a little lackluster, to be honest. i was really hoping for some of the vigors (murder of crows, anyone?) or even the beautiful concept art, however what we get are three stickers (about three inches by four inches) showcasing the following:
monument island
the first lady's aerodome
hall of heroes memorial giftshop
the real silliness involved in this set is the amount of time it takes to install. if both games and all dlc's can fit on one disk, i mistakenly thought install for everything would be a one-step snap. WRONG. just about every item must be installed separately, with some things taking an inordinate amount of time to do so. bioshock one took about twenty minutes (not a huge deal), however bioshock two took nearly an HOUR. this is easily the longest install i've ever seen...which is odd, because i already owned both games, and neither took so long to originally install. that being said, i recently upgraded to the 500gb ps3, so i know it isn't the system.
the box says the game/s require 4997mb of space...however looking at my ps3 i am more than a little confused. bioshock 2 installed to my ps3 game folder, and that game alone states 9343mb. and if bioshock2 installed directly to my hard drive, then why didn't bioshock1? color me confused on this one for sure.
all technical installation nonsense aside, i am super pleased to have the new content, and i will certainly be playing through both games again to experience as much as i can. bioshock1 holds the honor as my personal favorite gaming experience of all time.
i will update my review after i have seen how all the new dlc plays out. be warned: some of the dlc is multiplayer only. my only experience with the multiplayer aspect was not such a fun experience. i guess i was late to the multiplayer experience and was killed literally seconds after entering the game by other folks. that happened three times in a row before i decided that maybe it wasn't for me. i will probably give it another try in hopes that the online community has gotten less kill happy with the newcomers.
you really can't go wrong with this set. i would pay full price for bioshock1 all over again, let alone to get all this new dlc, PLUS the second game and the new dlc available with that. if you are on the fence at all, i'd encourage you to sieze this opportunity.
List Price: $29.99
Sale Price: $19.99
Today's Bonus: 33% Off
If you are like me and mad late catching up with series, download the Bioshock demo off of PSN first to see if this your cup of tea. I usually avoid first person shooters like the plague. I have no interest in Call Of Duty, Battlefield or any other war crap. Yet, I was very impressed by what I played in the Bioshock demo. I was very close to purchasing Bioshock until I saw this great package was about to be released.
Take heed to the 'Mature' rating before purchasing this for little Billy or Suzie. These games may be extremely graphic, violent, bloody, and bizarre for those who do not have an open mind or the patience to understand what is going on. The rest of you will love it! A mix of survival horror, rpg elements and a fast paced shooter all blended together to make a classic series.
A perfect deal for only $30 plus tax. 1 disc, and 3 Bioshock Infinite promo stickers are included. Best to have disc auto start turned off before inserting these combo pack discs to avoid a game from automatically loading up like Assassin's Creed Revelations does with the Ezio Trilogy disc. You can disable disc auto start by navigating to Settings > [System Settings] in the XMB menu.
With disc auto start turned off, when you first insert the disc, 2 icons will appear. 1 icon to install Bioshock 1. A 2nd icon to install Bioshock 2 plus all DLC's for both Bioshock 1 and 2 which you can install separately from the disc anytime you choose. In other words, if you only want to install Bioshock 2 and then decide to install Minerva's Den, you can do so at anytime you choose.
Install times are nowhere near as long as the Ezio Trilogy pack. In fact, when you install Bioshock, you are treated to a musical loading screen playing 1950's music with interesting in game ads while the games install.
Graphics still look great and stand the test of time. The voice acting is very convincing and sets the tone for an eerie, creepy world to explore filled with various sinister, psychotic characters all with their own evil, twisted agenda. A lot of time and thought went into creating the story and the very believable city of Rapture. If you are not a first person shooter fan, give this a shot.
Here are a list of DLC's included:
Bioshock: DLC's Plasmids Pack, Challenge Rooms Pack, Bonus Museum Level
Bioshock 2: DLC's Minerva's Den, Sinclair Solutions Tester, Rapture Metro, Kill Em Kindly, The Protector Trials
Minor spoiler for Bioshock 1. To access the subtitles, start a game of Bioshock. After the opening plane crash scene, you will assume control of Jack who surfaces from underwater. Pause the game, select 'options' and you will see an option to turn on subtitles.
There was a common issue with Bioshock 1 and 2 where loading up a saved game by selecting 'Contnue' or 'Load Game' would result in a freeze error where your saves never load up. Unfortunately this issue still carries over to the Ultimate Rapture Edition. This happened to me recently and luckily there is an easy fix for this.
On your PS3 in the XMB menu, simply navigate to your 'Game Data' folder under the Games menu and delete all Bioshock files.
Once you delete all Bioshock game data files, simply reinstall Bioshock and your saves should load just fine.
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Welcome to the Circus of Values! The first two BioShock games are two of the best games this console generation has seen and now we have the opportunity to get both of them, complete with all their downloadable content, here in one package.There really isn't anything new I can say about these two games that hasn't already been said when the games were originally released. Both are amazing story-driven FPSs that showcase some of the best imagination and creativity in video games. The graphics were great for their time and still hold up well today but will show their age when compared to some of the more recent game releases. Since so many reviews have already been released about the original games I am going to instead focus on the extra content that is included. If you are on the fence about the games themselves, I would encourage you to view the reviews on the original product pages to get a better understanding of the games.
!WARNING! These games have great stories and it would be a shame to have them spoiled for those of you new to the series. A few inconsiderate reviewers will contain details that will spoil the story for you, so proceed with caution!
Bioshock 2
Now on to the added content!
The DLC is included on the disc which means no codes to enter and nothing to download. The case says 22 GB are required to install all the content but its not one huge install; you can pick and choose which pieces of DLC to install and each has to be installed separately.
The first BioShock comes with the Plasmids Pack, the Challenge Rooms Pack, and the Bonus Museum Level. All content is single-player; there was no multiplayer in the first game. While all the DLC from the second game is installed separately, the DLC for the first is installed in one package. This isn't that big of a deal since most of the DLC included is for the second game anyhow.
The Plasmids Pack isn't really worth mentioning; this was a free update that anyone with an internet hookup had access to. This patch/DLC brought in a handful of new Plasmid powers and added new trophies/achievements. While this update was free of charge, its convenient to have it on disk and not have to download it.
The Challenge Rooms pack were three independent levels that were separate from the game's story and originally only available on the PS3 and now 360 owners get to enjoy them for the first time. The name says it all; they are rooms with a challenge. Sometimes puzzle-driven, sometimes combat. They aren't really a necessity to fully enjoy BioShock; they're a nice bonus but easily done without. The Challenge Rooms originally released for $9.99 and come with their own set of trophies. Unclear at this time if the trophies were translated to achievements for this edition but I would assume so.
The Bonus Museum Level is a great addition for the big BioShock fans out there. Unfortunately, there's not much to it. It consists of one medium-sized room with several "exhibits" and concept art lining the walls. Here we get to see the different ideas that were played around with and ultimately scrapped before the game was finalized. Walking up to each piece provides a small description in paragraph form. Its nice to see actual detailed 3D models of these ideas, but without any movement or sound they're simply lifeless statues that you will quickly get bored with. Even the biggest BioShock fans will spend a limited amount of time in here; I consider myself one of these fans and I was out after 20 minutes. Very interesting and a nice bonus, but I doubt I'll go back anytime soon.
The added content for BioShock 2 are the Sinclair Solutions Tester pack, Rapture Metro map pack, Kill'em Kindly mode, The Protector Trials, Minerva's Den, and a Character Pack (apparently not mentioned on the case). Assuming that you're interested in the multiplayer aspect of the game at least somewhat, there's a lot of value here. Being that the game is nearing its 4-year anniversary, its understandable that the multiplayer has fallen off quite a bit from where it was. Many of the modes are simply impossible to find games for without setting them up yourself with invites to friends and the "players met" list. Most of the action takes place in the Civil War mode, which is simply Team Deathmatch. Getting into a Civil War match is fairly easy, but there are times when it will take a few minutes to find one. Also, without dedicated servers you're left at the mercy of the host. That means if they have a horrible connection you might see some lag and if they leave the game you're forced to return to the lobby to restart the match. I don't see lag too much, but be prepared for a host leaving every so often. Still a lot of fun and there's always hope that new players will emerge with the release of the Ultimate Rapture edition. Time will tell, but for now be warned; while playable, the multiplayer is far from thriving.
!NOTE! IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN PLATINUMING THIS GAME, PLAYING MULTIPLAYER TO LEVEL 40 IS REQUIRED. This isn't impossible but will require about 15-30 hours depending on your skill level. I'm a fairly decent player and it took me around 22 hours.
The Sinclair Solutions Tester pack added a level cap increase to the multiplayer from level 40 to 50. Two new playable characters and 5 masks were added along with a third upgrade option to all weapons. The pack released for $4.99.
The Rapture Metro map pack features six new maps that you will likely never play. Seriously... if one person enters the lobby without this map pack then these maps are excluded from the rotation. Finding a lobby full of people with this map pack is next to impossible. The best way to ensure you see these maps (other than setting up a private match by yourself and roaming around) is to set up sessions on gaming forums. There are trophies tied to this pack, but as with all DLC trophies, they aren't required for the Platinum. This pack also included the option to "rebirth" at level 50, allowing you to start over at level 1 (like prestige in COD). The map pack released for $9.99 and had three new trophies/achievements.
The Kill'em Kindly mode is simply a melee only game mode for multiplayer. This was offered free of charge to anyone with an internet connection so again, this was mentioned only because its now included on disc without the hassle of downloading. Remember when I said most of the action took place in Civil War? Guess which game mode you won't be playing much of...
The Character Pack is the last multiplayer content and it wasn't mentioned on the case. It includes two playable characters that were originally only available for those that pre-ordered the game. The pack eventually released for $1.99. (And just to be clear, when I say "playable characters" I mean skins. There is no difference in stats or weapons available from one character to the next and choosing one from another is purely for cosmetics, though they each have their own set of one-liners that they spout off during the match.)
The Protector Trials is a single-player horde mode that contains somewhat of a side story. In each level you must protect the harvesting little sister from a wave of splicers. You are graded on your performance on each level and, much like the Challenge Rooms from the first game, your arsenal is pre-selected making you strategize accordingly. It released for $4.99 and had seven new trophies/achievements.
Minerva's Den is more of a traditional single-player side-story offering that is probably the best content included in this package. I don't want to go into too much detail for the sake of spoilers. It will probably take you anywhere from 2-6 hours depending on how your playstyle is. It released for $9.99 and had eight new trophies/achievements.
Now, after all that you can see that this Ultimate Rapture edition is a great value but more for new players that have never experienced the BioShock series or for huge BioShock fans. If you've played the games before but don't consider yourself a big fan then its safe to pass. For those of you getting pumped over the new BioShock: Infinite that's releasing soon, an exclusive pack of 3 collectible stickers are included. As mentioned by other reviewers a HUGE chunk of hard drive space (22GB) is required to install all of the content, HOWEVER... you are not required to install everything all at once. Meaning that if you are limited on hard drive space you can always install one game and play it, then delete it before installing the second one. This will cut that 22GB size down substantially(When checking my folders it seems BioShock measures in at just over 6GB including the DLC. BioShock 2 is 9.3GB for the game and just over 4GB for all of the DLC. Even if you include save data we don't reach the 22GB listed on the case, but its close enough).
Also, if you like the BioShock games and enjoy reading, be sure to check out John Shirley's prequel to the series. A great read if you're a fan!
Best Deals for BioShock Ultimate Rapture Edition - Playstation 3
First off, these games are amazing, and with all the DLC included (on disc, no codes included), this bundle is a steal.Now, both games and the DLC are all on one disc ( a dual layered Blu-ray disc to be precise). Once you insert the disc, two icons will appear, one for "Bioshock" and one for "Bioshock and Bioshock 2 Additional Content". When you start Bioshock 1, the only thing you have to install is game data, which is about 5GB. When you choose the "Bioshock and Bioshock 2 Additional Content" icon, Bioshock 2 and all the DLC for both games will be listed. Unlike Bioshock 1, Bioshock 2 (the entire game) has to be completely installed, which amounts to 9.4 GB of space. The DLC has to be installed as well, which is about 5.6GB all together.
Adding all three totals together, it's really 20GB instead of 22GB, but it's still a lot.
Despite all that, this is a great bundle, and at $30, it's one that should not be missed
Honest reviews on BioShock Ultimate Rapture Edition - Playstation 3
There's not much to say about Bioshock that hasn't been said before: it's an awesome franchise (so far) and the story is VERY good (among the best I've seen); it's one of my top recommendations for video games. Still, it may not be for everyone: its a survival horror (think Silent Hill or the first Resident evil) in first-person view, but with a much more immersive story well sewn into the gameplay.True Story's user review recommends downloading the demo before buying and I agree completely, because the game compels you to think stategically: in normal difficulty you'd be mostly fine just taking cover and shooting, but in the higher difficulties (or when aiming for the platinum torphy) you'll be slaughtered if you don't use every part of the environment to your advantage (and I do mean EVERY PART, as the game is designed for this)... Unless you play in the easy but not-so-enjoyable difficulty.
If you don't care much for serious storytelling, scarce resources, startegic thinking over bullets flying, and sensitive moral questioning, you'll not enjoy Bioshock to its fullest.
Anyroad, is this Ultimate Rapture edition (URE) worth it? Maybe: some factors may strongly influence the decision depending on what you're looking for. One thing, though: only Bioshock 1 comes in disc version; Bioshock 2 MUST be completely installed in the HDD, so if you're the kind of user who downloads most of your games into you PS3, think well about available room in your PS3 (about 20 Gb) before buying this bundle.
One kind of gamer I picture buying this is someone that hasn't played Bioshock before but is interested in it or has played it (either through a lent copy or through the demo) and liked it. They should actually get this edition, for Bioshock 1 will most likely absorb them so much they'll crave the sequel (and probably the prequel in book format: BioShock: Rapture) AND the DLC, because Minerva's den gives more story background, so why not get it all in one shot? Probably the continue glitch (see below) won't apply to you (just install the DLC for Bioshock 1 before beginning your playthrough).
Other kind of gamer I picture is the collector of all things Bioshock. This one has the collectors edition of the three Bioshocks, so, who are you kidding? You need this to complete your collection regardless of the very few new things it will give you (the stickers and the Museum).
But maybe you only have Bioshock 1. Then this could still be for you, as it inlcudes almost all the DLC (see below) available. Even if you've played both games (either finished them or not) but not own them and think this is a good deal to get them, you're probably right, though only the first game comes in disc format. Bioshock 2 is a digital version of the game (like the ones you donwload from the PlayStation Store). If this is your case, keep in mind there's an issue with the PS3 URE where the load screen freezes when you choose to continue or load a save file. Delete the game data (not saved game data, mind you) from your PS3 and install the game again to arguably fix this. It works, but when you install the DLC again, the problem will be back. This stems from the fact that the DLC for Bioshock 1 seems to conflict with pre-DLC save files (I don't know if the same happens with PS Store-downloaded DLC), so deleting game data and installing again reverts the game to a pre-DLC status, thus allowing you to use your save files albeit without DLC, which means that if you want to keep your save files, your URE DLC won't work. Looks like the "real" solution consists of starting a new game after installing URE DLC because, somehow, the save files don't conflict with downloaded content if you created the save file AFTER installing DLC (?). I did it and worked fine, but I only played the first level, so I can't say it's a permanent solution. I had already finished the game (platinum trophy included), so it's no big nuisance, but consider this if you haven't finished it and were thinking to do it on URE from a previous save file: either finish first and install DLC later or begin anew after installing DLC. This seems to be only a problem for Bioshock 1 (I checked for Bioshock 2 and everything works fine).
If you already own Bioshock 2 but not Bioshock 1 nor any DLC, this is a good buy. If you own Bioshock 2 and the DLC, better get the first game and Challenge rooms separately (unless you're willing to cough up $30.00 for one game and three stickers).
IF YOU HAVE BOTH GAMES BUT NO DLC, DON'T BUY THIS (unless you're a hardcore collector of Bioshock). It's better to buy the DLC directly from the PlayStation Store, as I will now explain.
The Plasmid pack will likely be irrelevant for PS3 because it was always there and it was made for Xbox 360 users, who didn't get it when the game came out (NOTE: this is just my memory speaking and I haven't been able to confirm this with online research). The Museum isn't a real playable level: it's just an in-game big room with 3D renderings of some of the content from the "Bioshock: breaking the mold" art book with new captions. The DLC for Bioshock 1 includes the New Game Plus feature (use your overpowered character from the beginning of a new game) for unlock when finishing the game (use wisely, as no trophies are awarded in NGP and, again, if you already finished the game, beware of the continue glitch, as deleting game data will wipe the memory of you having finished already).
That said, here's the total cost of the DLC from the PlayStation Store:
Challenge rooms: $9.99
The Protector trials: $4.99
Minerva's den: $9.99
Sinclair Solutions tester: $4.99
Rapture Metro & Kill 'em kindly: $9.99
Total: $39.95, which still makes "Over $40 of add-on content" an overstatement (would be true with base DLC prices plus the characters pack; see below).
If you think this is a good deal for the DLC and stickers alone, you'd be right, were it not for another option available: the $24.99 Bioshock 2 DLC bundle from the PlayStation Store that includes all of the above (save the Challenge rooms, which are Bioshock 1 DLC) AND the Exclusive character pack (two additional characters for multiplayer; $1.99 if bought separately). If you throw in the Challenge rooms pack ($9.99), you'd be spending $34.98 for the same DLC as in URE and getting two extra MP characters not included in URE. If you're looking to net the DLC alone, URE is only $4.98 cheaper with the Museum and the three Infinite stickers, but no characters pack (or a mere $2.99 if you buy the characters separately), so in my opinion you'll be better off with the $34.98 PlayStation Store option.
And then, there's me... I got this because I physically hate my Greatest Hits versions of both games (the red case doesn't appeal to me), because of the DLC, and because of the stickers, but there's something weird: for some reason, if you already own Bioshock 1 and want to play from the URE disc, you'll have to install the game all over again (if you use your regular version you'll only face a short install for the Challenge rooms). I thought this was because of some sort of "specific-disc-linked data", but the first time I played Bioshock 1 was on a disc a friend lent me and when I got mine (the Greatest Hits edition, :S ) I didn't have to install again, so I'm clueless as to why this happens with the URE... And there's the continue glitch, but still, for me, those are no biggies.
In all, if you don't own any Bioshocks and want to, this is for you (four stars). If you're a hardcore collector of Bioshock, this is for you (nevermind ratings). If you only own the first (or second) Bioshock AND no DLC, this is still for you (three stars because of the continue glitch). If you own both games but no DLC, this isn't for you.
Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for BioShock Ultimate Rapture Edition - Playstation 3
there are comprehensive reviews for both games elsewhere, so i will limit this review to this edition and its contents.but that being said, both bioshock 1 and 2 are truly amazing gaming experiences.
this edition is a stellar value, no question. some of the dlc was previously available, some was not, but one thing that is totally new is the addition of STICKERS!
first off, all dlc is ON DISC. this is great news for those folks who are not fans of psn codes.
here is what is included:
plasmid pack
challenge room pack
bonus museum level
sinclair solutions tester
rapture metro
kill 'em kindly
the protector trials
minerva's den
3 stickers from the upcoming bioshock infinite
the stickers are a little lackluster, to be honest. i was really hoping for some of the vigors (murder of crows, anyone?) or even the beautiful concept art, however what we get are three stickers (about three inches by four inches) showcasing the following:
monument island
the first lady's aerodome
hall of heroes memorial giftshop
the real silliness involved in this set is the amount of time it takes to install. if both games and all dlc's can fit on one disk, i mistakenly thought install for everything would be a one-step snap. WRONG. just about every item must be installed separately, with some things taking an inordinate amount of time to do so. bioshock one took about twenty minutes (not a huge deal), however bioshock two took nearly an HOUR. this is easily the longest install i've ever seen...which is odd, because i already owned both games, and neither took so long to originally install. that being said, i recently upgraded to the 500gb ps3, so i know it isn't the system.
the box says the game/s require 4997mb of space...however looking at my ps3 i am more than a little confused. bioshock 2 installed to my ps3 game folder, and that game alone states 9343mb. and if bioshock2 installed directly to my hard drive, then why didn't bioshock1? color me confused on this one for sure.
all technical installation nonsense aside, i am super pleased to have the new content, and i will certainly be playing through both games again to experience as much as i can. bioshock1 holds the honor as my personal favorite gaming experience of all time.
i will update my review after i have seen how all the new dlc plays out. be warned: some of the dlc is multiplayer only. my only experience with the multiplayer aspect was not such a fun experience. i guess i was late to the multiplayer experience and was killed literally seconds after entering the game by other folks. that happened three times in a row before i decided that maybe it wasn't for me. i will probably give it another try in hopes that the online community has gotten less kill happy with the newcomers.
you really can't go wrong with this set. i would pay full price for bioshock1 all over again, let alone to get all this new dlc, PLUS the second game and the new dlc available with that. if you are on the fence at all, i'd encourage you to sieze this opportunity.
Plantronics GAMECOM 1 PC HEADSET ( 67003-01 ) Reviews
This headset has a good sound and, because they are lighter than other similar headsets and they have very soft cushioned ear pads, they are extremely comfortable to wear. I have also been extremely pleased with the quality of the sound recorded from the microphone. I've used this headset for voice-over recordings, online gaming, and talking on Skype, and I've been thrilled with the quality. I've recommended this set to numerous friends and family members because of the high quality combined with the low price. However, although this set has a good sound and records very well, this set won't last very long. I bought my headset about a year ago, and it has worked splendidly for the last year. But, today I was using it to record some audio for a project and it crapped out on me. The earphones still sound fantastic, but the microphone no longer works. However, because of the cheap price and great quality, I've decided to purchase another set. Some people have reported sound problems, which also happened to my sister. I suspect that problem might be related to the long cord. The cord on this headset is about six feet long, which is great for an extended reach, but bad because it means there's a bigger chance that you're going to roll over the cord with your chair or snag it on something and yank it off your head (I believe my sister did that, which damaged the headset). So, if you're careful you may be able to avoid that problem. In my case, the mic stopped working, so I assume that the wires in the positionable microphone have become frayed or loose. Although I'd expect that to happen over time, I do not expect that to happen in just a year. However, this headset is so cheap and the quality of the sound is so good, I'm still going to purchase another set. The bottom line with this set: Fantastic sound reproduction and recording capabilities from a cheap-as-dirt headset, but you pay for that in shortened lifespan.
1. Good luck with other Plantronics products in the past
2. Reports of Comfort
I'm happy to say that so far they have lived up to expectations. Good quality sound and the foam pads are much more comfortable than the faux leatherette pads found on products like logitech. I can wear these comfortably for hours even though I wear glasses. Highly recommended.
Almost 2 years later and still using the same headset. So add "durable and long lasting".
I trashed a set of Altec Lansing AHS615 because the inner speaker sat on my ear along with the surrounding support cushion after a couple of hours my ears started to hurt.
I can wear the Gamecom models all day without a problem and, based upon other reviews, think they may be one of the best on the market. They're also very light in weight.
Sound quality is great, decent bass and high-to-mid frequency output levels all are mixed very well.
Overall I would recommend these to anyone looking for a nice headset/mic combo that provides quality performance without being overpriced.
I play a lot of battlefield 2 and other online games. Before the headphones i was a marginal player, but with the headphones and the built in mic, you have total immersion into the game. You can hear enemies approaching from further away that you couldnt hear before, not to mention that i hear ambient sound effects from the game that i didn't know existed. There have been times i have heard things to think that it was something in my room and it turned out to be the headphones. the sound is Excellent and i would reccommend them to anyone who plays games online. The mic is great and works well, it even folds up out of the way when you aren't using it. The bass is FANTASTIC and it makes explosions feel very loud and rumbley in your whole body it seems like.
The cord is about 10 feet long and although it is very thin and would probably break easy, i am not rough on my equipment. I think it will last long enough to get WELL over my 20 dollars worth. It also has a built in mic and volume control as well as a mic mute button in the cord. this comes in handy when you arent using the mic or when you want to mute your cursing when you get killed ;-)
Bottom line... if you play games online, get these. If you play games by yourself but want to crank the volume and play loud at night, get these. If you just want to hear the games the way they are supposed to sound, get them. I will get another set of these if they break.
Also, music is not bad, considering the price. Although there are sets that are better for music, these headphones do it all and very well. Cannot go wrong!
Click Here For Most Helpful Customer Reviews >>
I decided to give the Plantroincs Gamecom 1 PC headset a try for a few reasons:1. Good luck with other Plantronics products in the past
2. Reports of Comfort
I'm happy to say that so far they have lived up to expectations. Good quality sound and the foam pads are much more comfortable than the faux leatherette pads found on products like logitech. I can wear these comfortably for hours even though I wear glasses. Highly recommended.
Almost 2 years later and still using the same headset. So add "durable and long lasting".
Best Deals for Plantronics GAMECOM 1 PC HEADSET ( 67003-01 )
Purchased these from an Amazon partner company for less than $12 refurbished, but I believe it was just an "open box" set. I've been using them to play online for about a month now and am completely satisfied.I trashed a set of Altec Lansing AHS615 because the inner speaker sat on my ear along with the surrounding support cushion after a couple of hours my ears started to hurt.
I can wear the Gamecom models all day without a problem and, based upon other reviews, think they may be one of the best on the market. They're also very light in weight.
Sound quality is great, decent bass and high-to-mid frequency output levels all are mixed very well.
Overall I would recommend these to anyone looking for a nice headset/mic combo that provides quality performance without being overpriced.
Honest reviews on Plantronics GAMECOM 1 PC HEADSET ( 67003-01 )
I got these headphones based on reviews i've read other places. I got them for under 20 dollars shipped and recieved them about a week later. They are very comfy and highly adjustable to fit anyones head (in fact my tower pc wears them when i am not)I play a lot of battlefield 2 and other online games. Before the headphones i was a marginal player, but with the headphones and the built in mic, you have total immersion into the game. You can hear enemies approaching from further away that you couldnt hear before, not to mention that i hear ambient sound effects from the game that i didn't know existed. There have been times i have heard things to think that it was something in my room and it turned out to be the headphones. the sound is Excellent and i would reccommend them to anyone who plays games online. The mic is great and works well, it even folds up out of the way when you aren't using it. The bass is FANTASTIC and it makes explosions feel very loud and rumbley in your whole body it seems like.
The cord is about 10 feet long and although it is very thin and would probably break easy, i am not rough on my equipment. I think it will last long enough to get WELL over my 20 dollars worth. It also has a built in mic and volume control as well as a mic mute button in the cord. this comes in handy when you arent using the mic or when you want to mute your cursing when you get killed ;-)
Bottom line... if you play games online, get these. If you play games by yourself but want to crank the volume and play loud at night, get these. If you just want to hear the games the way they are supposed to sound, get them. I will get another set of these if they break.
Also, music is not bad, considering the price. Although there are sets that are better for music, these headphones do it all and very well. Cannot go wrong!
Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Plantronics GAMECOM 1 PC HEADSET ( 67003-01 )
Well, it was a great buy for the first year. After that it started loosing sound in the right ear. I figured I could live with that. Now it looses sound in both ears on and off. I go from sound to nothing to one ear all the time. It is the most annoying thing I have ever experienced. Buy a better headset and don't spend the money twice.Dance Dance Revolution DDR Super Deluxe Xbox Dance Pad w/1 in foam Review
Customer Ratings: 
List Price: $49.99
Sale Price: $38.99
Today's Bonus: 22% Off

First off... this is agreat pad, quick accurate response but it is NOT FOR XBOX 360. So given that games are not forward or backwards compatible... it is for the old XBOX. So it is pricey and is obsolete for the new games... HMMM does anyone make an adpater for this plug and converting to USB for the 360?
List Price: $49.99
Sale Price: $38.99
Today's Bonus: 22% Off
First off... this is agreat pad, quick accurate response but it is NOT FOR XBOX 360. So given that games are not forward or backwards compatible... it is for the old XBOX. So it is pricey and is obsolete for the new games... HMMM does anyone make an adpater for this plug and converting to USB for the 360?
Click Here For Most Helpful Customer Reviews >>
The sensitivity on this pad is fine, but you may want to put a no-skid rug backing, or yoga mat down as it travels on carpet.Best Deals for Dance Dance Revolution DDR Super Deluxe Xbox Dance Pad w/1 in foam
I bought one of each, a foam pad and a non-foam pad. The foam pad is better; it allows you to play for longer in your socks; your feet don't start to hurt.Honest reviews on Dance Dance Revolution DDR Super Deluxe Xbox Dance Pad w/1 in foam
The kids jump around, burn off energy and get some activity out of this. Good news for any parent. Thanks!Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Dance Dance Revolution DDR Super Deluxe Xbox Dance Pad w/1 in foam
Sorry for the mistake my wife she just began playing she took the time to write the review but I began playing today and I played several years ago at heavy mode and sometimes non stop mode the pad is no good the bottom arrow does not work properly and the start button doesn't work at all I know how the pad respond and react and not what I was expectingXbox 360 Modern Warfare 2 Throat Communicator - Snow Review
I was looking for something different. The OEM Xbox 360 headset would always become uncomfortable after an hour or so
of use for me. The foam/sponge "ear-speaker cover" would bother my ear and the hard plastic opposite end would dig into the other side of my head.
I had been looking all over (including in Japan) for a cool headset. I didn't want one that also played the sound from the game (ie. stereo or 5.1 audio),
I have an audio system for that, I just wanted a better communicator headset for talking with friends.
I saw this on a "popular game review site" and immediately went and got one.
I opened it. It felt like quality plastic and rubber. It had a durable feel to it. I was excited. Heck, I could even drink and not have to move the mic.
Perfect, right?
It fit a little tight around my lower neck, but I could deal with that. The ear pod was a little big and was deeper than say a traditional iPod ear bud.
It wasn't super comfy personally, but again, I could deal with it.
Problem #1
I plug it into the controller. The plug didn't fit super tight and it did that static thingy in my ear which made it seem like the connection wasn't all there.
it felt 3rd party-ish if you know what I mean. I was expecting it to kinda plug and lock in there, but it felt too loose for my liking.
Problem #2
So I connect with some friends. They say I sounded bad, too much static, so I looked closely and noticed that it came with the mute switch turned "on" (default setting? really?).
But if the mute was on, why could they hear me?
So I switched the mute to "off".
My friends said I sounded fine with the throat mic. I was actually surprised they said they couldn't tell the difference between my voice
with the Mad Catz product and the OEM Xbox headset.
Problem #3
My friends sounded drunk/inebriated. Their voices sounded horrible. I switched over to the OEM Xbox headset and they sounded fine. The ear piece had
horrible audio. It sounded like cheap equipment.
So basically the only good things are I can drink with it on and I sound OK, but the other issues were too much for me.
I can't express enough how bummed I am that this product isn't that good.
Oh well, I will repackage it up and return it.
The search continues.
Tested this thing multiple ways and the results were the same.
At first no one responded to me with multiple adjustments on the volume control and mute switch. So I hooked up system link(I have a line in a separate room for when my friends bring their box and they can use the other TV, that's why we use mics.) and nothing but static and a loud buzzing over the systems. Picks up background noise but not my voice.
The throat piece is not adjustable but comfortable after you adjust to it. But since no one can hear me...well doesn't matter how it fits.
switched between my turtle beach x1, the extremely uncomfortable stock mic and then this. Same problems each time with the throat mic.
I've used the real deal in the military so I thought this was a great idea, and it is, but that's all this is, a gimmick, and over priced at that.
Ironically the name snow attached to this product link is right on the mark, that's all anyone hears in game.
of use for me. The foam/sponge "ear-speaker cover" would bother my ear and the hard plastic opposite end would dig into the other side of my head.
I had been looking all over (including in Japan) for a cool headset. I didn't want one that also played the sound from the game (ie. stereo or 5.1 audio),
I have an audio system for that, I just wanted a better communicator headset for talking with friends.
I saw this on a "popular game review site" and immediately went and got one.
I opened it. It felt like quality plastic and rubber. It had a durable feel to it. I was excited. Heck, I could even drink and not have to move the mic.
Perfect, right?
It fit a little tight around my lower neck, but I could deal with that. The ear pod was a little big and was deeper than say a traditional iPod ear bud.
It wasn't super comfy personally, but again, I could deal with it.
Problem #1
I plug it into the controller. The plug didn't fit super tight and it did that static thingy in my ear which made it seem like the connection wasn't all there.
it felt 3rd party-ish if you know what I mean. I was expecting it to kinda plug and lock in there, but it felt too loose for my liking.
Problem #2
So I connect with some friends. They say I sounded bad, too much static, so I looked closely and noticed that it came with the mute switch turned "on" (default setting? really?).
But if the mute was on, why could they hear me?
So I switched the mute to "off".
My friends said I sounded fine with the throat mic. I was actually surprised they said they couldn't tell the difference between my voice
with the Mad Catz product and the OEM Xbox headset.
Problem #3
My friends sounded drunk/inebriated. Their voices sounded horrible. I switched over to the OEM Xbox headset and they sounded fine. The ear piece had
horrible audio. It sounded like cheap equipment.
So basically the only good things are I can drink with it on and I sound OK, but the other issues were too much for me.
I can't express enough how bummed I am that this product isn't that good.
Oh well, I will repackage it up and return it.
The search continues.
Click Here For Most Helpful Customer Reviews >> this thing multiple ways and the results were the same.
At first no one responded to me with multiple adjustments on the volume control and mute switch. So I hooked up system link(I have a line in a separate room for when my friends bring their box and they can use the other TV, that's why we use mics.) and nothing but static and a loud buzzing over the systems. Picks up background noise but not my voice.
The throat piece is not adjustable but comfortable after you adjust to it. But since no one can hear me...well doesn't matter how it fits.
switched between my turtle beach x1, the extremely uncomfortable stock mic and then this. Same problems each time with the throat mic.
I've used the real deal in the military so I thought this was a great idea, and it is, but that's all this is, a gimmick, and over priced at that.
Ironically the name snow attached to this product link is right on the mark, that's all anyone hears in game.
Best Deals for Xbox 360 Modern Warfare 2 Throat Communicator - Snow
bought this in camo not snow. i am a cool cat... works good enough. not saving the world with it and can eat and drink....Friday, January 30, 2015
Cheap Call of Duty Black Ops II Sunglass - Xbox 360
My husband loves playing Black Ops ll. We saw these and he just had to have them. One of the best things we have bought.I think black ops 2 was pretty good over all, it should have been a little clearer with the past.
Reviews of Xecuter X360 USB Pro v2
Worked great! Installed jungle flasher on my laptop, and I was good. You'll need a way to power the device during this. Don't use the xbox360!! I used "AGT External 110V Power Supply 12V DC 4-Pin Molex SATA Adapter Cable" or you can use a molex from your desktop. If you don't have a dektop computer or don't know what a molex is, get the Exteral power supply.
Connect any SATA device to any PC or laptop via USB
Compatible with All Phat 360 DVD Drives Hitachi, Samsung, Benq & Liteon
Compatible with All Slim 360 DVD Drives Liteon & Hitachi
Compatible with Xbox 360 Hard Drives (Phat & Slim)
Repair your Xbox 360 DVD Drive within minutes no more weeks of waiting!
Easy Drive Key Extraction & Updating
Full access to your Xbox 360 Hard Drive
Convert any WD Hard Drive to be 360 Compatible using X360USB PRO HDD Hacker tool in Windows!
No SATA Port Required
Fully compatible with Jungle Flasher
No More Driver / OS / SATA / Compatibility Problems
Fully Upgradeable On-Board Firmware
Supports Mass Storage Mode As Default
Enhanced WINAPI speed for tools such as Xbox Backup Creator
Power, Status & Activity LED's
100% Compatible with all 360 DVD Drive models both Phat and Slim.
100% Compatible with all flashing tools inc Jungle Flasher
JungleFlasher-Controlled Power ON/OFF/CYCLE
Manually-Controlled Power ON/OFF/CYCLE
JungleFlasher-Controlled Eject Open/Close/Half Tray
Manually-Controlled Eject Open/Close/Half Tray
JungleFlasher-Controlled ModeB
Manually-Controlled ModeB
Molex replaced with SATA Power Connector Prevents connecting power cable incorrectly
Molex to SATA convertor included if you don't have a Sata PSU
Self-Resetting PPTC Fuses for added current protection
Extra power filters for a cleaner, safer design
Extra USB AUX Power cable if PC USB port doesn't output a true 5v
Auto/Manual Mode LED's
Power On/Off LED
ModeB On/Off LED
Convert any stock 360 DVD into an 0800 ripping drive without modifying the firmware
100% Compatible with XBC (latest version required)
Even works with Hitachi 0500! (Liteon DG-16D5S 1175 Support Coming Soon)
Supports all formats inc XGD3
No CFW required! Works with any stock 360 DVD Drive
Supports the maximum possible speed that the drive can handle
We recommend all rips are run through ABGX to get the perfect median AP2.5 Profile.
Custom-Designed Case
Trusted Xecuter Design
Proven Track Record of High Quality
Superior After-Sales Support Forums with 220,000+ Users
90 Day New Replacement Warranty
Official Product Website:
Packaging Includes:
SATA Cable
USB Cable
DVD Power Link Cable
so I only suggest poeple to buy this one when
your x360 box is old
Click Here For Most Helpful Customer Reviews >>
This is a great tool. For all of you guys wondering it comes with everything you need except a molex power supply (you can use your motherboard but its a lot easier with the molex adapter). It works great and haven't had any issues. Thanks!Best Deals for Xecuter X360 USB Pro v2
DATA FEATURESConnect any SATA device to any PC or laptop via USB
Compatible with All Phat 360 DVD Drives Hitachi, Samsung, Benq & Liteon
Compatible with All Slim 360 DVD Drives Liteon & Hitachi
Compatible with Xbox 360 Hard Drives (Phat & Slim)
Repair your Xbox 360 DVD Drive within minutes no more weeks of waiting!
Easy Drive Key Extraction & Updating
Full access to your Xbox 360 Hard Drive
Convert any WD Hard Drive to be 360 Compatible using X360USB PRO HDD Hacker tool in Windows!
No SATA Port Required
Fully compatible with Jungle Flasher
No More Driver / OS / SATA / Compatibility Problems
Fully Upgradeable On-Board Firmware
Supports Mass Storage Mode As Default
Enhanced WINAPI speed for tools such as Xbox Backup Creator
Power, Status & Activity LED's
100% Compatible with all 360 DVD Drive models both Phat and Slim.
100% Compatible with all flashing tools inc Jungle Flasher
JungleFlasher-Controlled Power ON/OFF/CYCLE
Manually-Controlled Power ON/OFF/CYCLE
JungleFlasher-Controlled Eject Open/Close/Half Tray
Manually-Controlled Eject Open/Close/Half Tray
JungleFlasher-Controlled ModeB
Manually-Controlled ModeB
Molex replaced with SATA Power Connector Prevents connecting power cable incorrectly
Molex to SATA convertor included if you don't have a Sata PSU
Self-Resetting PPTC Fuses for added current protection
Extra power filters for a cleaner, safer design
Extra USB AUX Power cable if PC USB port doesn't output a true 5v
Auto/Manual Mode LED's
Power On/Off LED
ModeB On/Off LED
Convert any stock 360 DVD into an 0800 ripping drive without modifying the firmware
100% Compatible with XBC (latest version required)
Even works with Hitachi 0500! (Liteon DG-16D5S 1175 Support Coming Soon)
Supports all formats inc XGD3
No CFW required! Works with any stock 360 DVD Drive
Supports the maximum possible speed that the drive can handle
We recommend all rips are run through ABGX to get the perfect median AP2.5 Profile.
Custom-Designed Case
Trusted Xecuter Design
Proven Track Record of High Quality
Superior After-Sales Support Forums with 220,000+ Users
90 Day New Replacement Warranty
Official Product Website:
Packaging Includes:
SATA Cable
USB Cable
DVD Power Link Cable
Honest reviews on Xecuter X360 USB Pro v2
it is said that it doesn't work at latest hardware version of x360so I only suggest poeple to buy this one when
your x360 box is old
Halo Special Edition Xbox Game System Review
Yep, that's right, it's an awesome limited edition bundle.
This bundle came packaged with 1 see-through green XBox, 1 Controller, which has HALO as the label vs other controllers, which have the letter "X," as well as the necessary hookups. This bundle also included a copy of Halo. The box was of course different as well, since this was a limited edition run. It had Halo related material (Master Chief, etc.) splashed around here and there. This is a nice machine for what it is. I've personally been using mine for years and both the XBox and controller still work like new (I've kinda kept the controller in somewhat "unused" condition, since I didn't want to mess it up). If you're a collector, like Halo, or enjoy video games in general, this is a nice bundle, especially since it's quite different from most XBox systems.
This bundle came packaged with 1 see-through green XBox, 1 Controller, which has HALO as the label vs other controllers, which have the letter "X," as well as the necessary hookups. This bundle also included a copy of Halo. The box was of course different as well, since this was a limited edition run. It had Halo related material (Master Chief, etc.) splashed around here and there. This is a nice machine for what it is. I've personally been using mine for years and both the XBox and controller still work like new (I've kinda kept the controller in somewhat "unused" condition, since I didn't want to mess it up). If you're a collector, like Halo, or enjoy video games in general, this is a nice bundle, especially since it's quite different from most XBox systems.
Click Here For Most Helpful Customer Reviews >>
Xbox was ahead of it's time back in 2001 when it was released, & was a nice graphical improvement over the PS2. My original Xbox was damaged by lightning so when I found this at the great price, & green, I had to snatch it up. The product arrived, in great condition, & now I can continue playing many of my Xbox games which are not back compatible with the Xbox 360. I am a console collector & the Xbox is among my favorite consoles, ever. Love it..Best Deals for Halo Special Edition Xbox Game System
i love this version of xbox. the whole system is green and contoller two. i did'nt know there was a halo version xbox till i found it on amazon. thank you amazon!!! can't play halo on it.Honest reviews on Halo Special Edition Xbox Game System
When i was a little younger i got this for christmas back in 2001 and loved it. I had over 100hrs of halo 2 on it. I loved modding the console also. I had sold it once the 360 came out which was a huge mistake! So i decided to buy a "collectors condition" model and its great! The console has everything it came with sealed! I plan to keep this for a long time and see the value go up. GReat for any Halo fan!Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Halo Special Edition Xbox Game System
When I got this particular system, it was all dirty and dusty inside out. I needed to dissemble this system to clean it. after I cleaned it, it function good for a little while. Then it started to scratch up my video game discs, so I got rid of it.Sonic Free Riders - Xbox 360 Review
Customer Ratings: 
List Price: $29.99
Sale Price: $14.96
Today's Bonus: 50% Off

Let me introduce Sonic, master of the most grueling thigh workout on the Kinect. You probably thought you'd need to buy an exercise title featuring a screaming trainer to get a good workout. Well, it turns out this little racer will bring you to your knees as you use your whole body to twist, turn and jump your hoverboard through 16 tracks.
You can upgrade your board gear temporarily with energy pickups like a soda rocket or fully to extreme gear, which is available in both board and bike formats. The hoverboard reacts like a snowboard on steroids. Maneuvering requires your whole body:
* Cornering involves bending your body forward at the waist or backwards to steer;
* Jumping is self-explanatory but power jumping requires you to crouch down for a few seconds before leaping into the air;
* A kick dash is completed using a kick gesture using your back foot with a good follow-through;
* Braking requires squaring your shoulders toward the screen; and
* Your hands are kept busy to catch rings, grab horizontal bars, wipe away foggy screens and to cling to the bottom of trains (?!).
The game provides an extensive tutorial along with a host named Omochao, who also serves as the game commentator. I highly recommend casual gamers take the time to go through the tutorials. This isn't a bowling game you can simply step up and play.
I completed two racetracks and slumped into the couch. A trickle of sweat ran along my spine, my legs trembling. Brain synapse fired in all directions and soon I was hearing Robert Klein wailing on the harmonica and singing "I can't stop my leg."
The gameplay is not as extensive as the granddaddy of kart racers, Mario Kart DS. However, what Sonic Free Riders lacks in depth is more than made up with by the physical racing experience that comes from using the Kinect system. Even my 8-year old son stopped after competing in four consecutive races to catch his breath and get a drink of water.
So, what are the negatives?
* The controls are not perfect. Don't let early frustration turn you away. The game doesn't respond as smoothly as it would if we were gripping steering wheels. We found it helped to recalibrate the Kinect for this game and widen our playing area a couple feet to allow side-by-side racing.
* The menus are maddening. I'm tired of sweeping options left and right. Game designers need to hold back their Kinect zeal. Keep the menus basic, like a simple drop-down menu format, and save the wild moves for the game itself.
* The online features aren't that attractive. Fortunately for us, with four in our family, there's plenty of competition at home.
In summary, if you are willing to invest practice time, this is a fun, family game that also delivers a good full-body workout, too. With the initial library of Kinect games including dogs like Game Party: In Motion, "Sonic Free Riders" is a good value, especially for kids. Rating: Four stars.
Hey, look. My leg stopped.
Besides being bad at tracking they take way too long explaining how to do the movements,and if you mess up, you have to hear the same LONG explanation over and over... they should just allow you to skip the explanation and try again.
Age: 21
Sonic Free Riders is the only Kinect game i find myself booting up when I don't have company over. When I'm entertaining guests it's always Kinect Sports or Dance Central; but if it's just myself, this has been my go-to game for single play. Once you get past the long (admittedly annoying) tutorial and begin to learn the ins and outs of the controls the game proves to be very fun. This is not a pickup and play casual game. It takes time and patience to learn the controls and exactly how to move your body. Because of this, Sonic Free Riders is one of my most played Kinect games. It has the hardcore-ish appeal that I need for a single player game, PLUS I get to use my Kinect and get a good workout.
I'd recommend this game for anyone looking for a reason to use their Kinect when they don't have guests over. It has its flaws here and there, but overall it's a solid game and i always have a good time with it.
List Price: $29.99
Sale Price: $14.96
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Let me introduce Sonic, master of the most grueling thigh workout on the Kinect. You probably thought you'd need to buy an exercise title featuring a screaming trainer to get a good workout. Well, it turns out this little racer will bring you to your knees as you use your whole body to twist, turn and jump your hoverboard through 16 tracks.
You can upgrade your board gear temporarily with energy pickups like a soda rocket or fully to extreme gear, which is available in both board and bike formats. The hoverboard reacts like a snowboard on steroids. Maneuvering requires your whole body:
* Cornering involves bending your body forward at the waist or backwards to steer;
* Jumping is self-explanatory but power jumping requires you to crouch down for a few seconds before leaping into the air;
* A kick dash is completed using a kick gesture using your back foot with a good follow-through;
* Braking requires squaring your shoulders toward the screen; and
* Your hands are kept busy to catch rings, grab horizontal bars, wipe away foggy screens and to cling to the bottom of trains (?!).
The game provides an extensive tutorial along with a host named Omochao, who also serves as the game commentator. I highly recommend casual gamers take the time to go through the tutorials. This isn't a bowling game you can simply step up and play.
I completed two racetracks and slumped into the couch. A trickle of sweat ran along my spine, my legs trembling. Brain synapse fired in all directions and soon I was hearing Robert Klein wailing on the harmonica and singing "I can't stop my leg."
The gameplay is not as extensive as the granddaddy of kart racers, Mario Kart DS. However, what Sonic Free Riders lacks in depth is more than made up with by the physical racing experience that comes from using the Kinect system. Even my 8-year old son stopped after competing in four consecutive races to catch his breath and get a drink of water.
So, what are the negatives?
* The controls are not perfect. Don't let early frustration turn you away. The game doesn't respond as smoothly as it would if we were gripping steering wheels. We found it helped to recalibrate the Kinect for this game and widen our playing area a couple feet to allow side-by-side racing.
* The menus are maddening. I'm tired of sweeping options left and right. Game designers need to hold back their Kinect zeal. Keep the menus basic, like a simple drop-down menu format, and save the wild moves for the game itself.
* The online features aren't that attractive. Fortunately for us, with four in our family, there's plenty of competition at home.
In summary, if you are willing to invest practice time, this is a fun, family game that also delivers a good full-body workout, too. With the initial library of Kinect games including dogs like Game Party: In Motion, "Sonic Free Riders" is a good value, especially for kids. Rating: Four stars.
Hey, look. My leg stopped.
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Well, Sonic Free Riders starts off with this frustratingly long/annoying tutorial, and once you're past it, and hit a few rounds of "World Grand Prix" you BEGIN to get the movement down. The first day of playing, my body was all over the place, trying to lean left & right way too hard and by habit, turning my body forward instead off to the side (like a skateboarder). The character was drifting way off course and I was just getting angrier". Well, After a about the 3rd track in, the frustration began to dissipate, as I was able to nail a good deal of the controls, which felt rewarding. Sonic feels more like a non-Kinect launch title as it has more depth then the other titles. Yes, it's definitely true that sometimes, the game can be super finicky with your movement, but not enough to ruin the game like I originally thought. Sega crammed a lot of moves in this game, so it's going to take practice, as this has a bit of a learning curve. I also like that it's the only debut game (I think) that has menu driven voice commands. Overall, thumbs up but I would not recommended Sonic Free Riders to the casual gamer (lol the irony).Best Deals for Sonic Free Riders - Xbox 360
I have seen this game recieve negative reviews overall, and I'm still trying to figure out why. Sonic Free Riders is my favorite game for the Kinect, and I am totally hooked on it. It's like riding a snowboard, and I think I actually get a better work out from the game than actaully snowboarding. You have to lean left and right as you steer your way around the course, and actually crouch down and then jump when you hit a ramp. And it's not just leg movements either. There are weapons which require different types of hand moves to be deployed, and even a special ability to let you punch through obstacles in your path. After playing this game for awhile, you are definitely going to be sore from the intense workout you just recived. And even better, it's a much more enjoyable workout rather than a treadmill or stationary bike, for instance.Honest reviews on Sonic Free Riders - Xbox 360
This game is terrible at tracking the movements with kinect. If it had been the only game I had tried, I would have thought the kinect system itself was a failure. But many of the other games are great: especially Dance Central, and Kinect Adventures.Besides being bad at tracking they take way too long explaining how to do the movements,and if you mess up, you have to hear the same LONG explanation over and over... they should just allow you to skip the explanation and try again.
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Name: MikeAge: 21
Sonic Free Riders is the only Kinect game i find myself booting up when I don't have company over. When I'm entertaining guests it's always Kinect Sports or Dance Central; but if it's just myself, this has been my go-to game for single play. Once you get past the long (admittedly annoying) tutorial and begin to learn the ins and outs of the controls the game proves to be very fun. This is not a pickup and play casual game. It takes time and patience to learn the controls and exactly how to move your body. Because of this, Sonic Free Riders is one of my most played Kinect games. It has the hardcore-ish appeal that I need for a single player game, PLUS I get to use my Kinect and get a good workout.
I'd recommend this game for anyone looking for a reason to use their Kinect when they don't have guests over. It has its flaws here and there, but overall it's a solid game and i always have a good time with it.
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