Sunday, March 30, 2014

Cheap Man vs. Wild - Xbox 360

Man vs. Wild - Xbox 360
Customer Ratings: 3.5 stars
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I didn't know what to expect with this game mostly because at the price you would think of it as a budget title. But I was pleasantly surprised once I started playing it. It is a very well done game that teaches you survival skills while you play, and is all voiced over by Bear which is great. From the screenshots I thought that it was going to be an "on rails" game with the orbs, but its really a fairly open game that allows you to explore to find things to eat, water sources, and other cool survival experiences. If you love Bear or Man vs Wild, at this price point you can't go wrong.

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When the game was released at $29.99, honestly I was disappointed and did not expect much. After playing the game I realize it is a fantastic game for a release price of 30 bucks. As any cheap game it will have many quirks that are unavoidable and frustrating (especially the final scene). The thing that suprised me was how entertaining the game actually was to me personally. I have been a fan of the show and for the majority population, that is who would actually enjoy it. But it wasn't meant to compete with the Modern Warfares of the world so I'll break it down in a pros and cons list:


-Enjoyable to any fan.

-A very good change up for people wanting something different.

-Bear actually narrorates the game.

-A good variety of levels keeps you entertained.

-Simple controls for players of any level.


-The graphics/gameplay arent up to par with modern games but that was to be expected.

-No multiplayer obviously, which isnt really a con, its just not do-able.

-The quirks of a cheap game may get to you after a while as far as button pushing (hit a,a,a,b,c) goes and the general mechanics that makes you accidently fall to the bottom of the cliff for no reason.


A good game in my opinion if you like the show and do not mind simple graphics and rough gameplay to bother you that much. It is a breath of fresh air compared to the everyday shoot em up games that flood the market. It's not a big risk at $30 (release price) to try it and I would assume unless you are particular about the mechanics of a game you would probably get enjoyment out of it. Quick playtime through is 4-5 hours if you rush it and 10-12 if you take your time and enjoy it.

Best Deals for Man vs. Wild - Xbox 360

I bought this game a week ago and have thoroughly enjoyed it but not for the same reasons you would enjoy a video game made by a heavy hitting game company, such as Valve. The game is very easy to pick up and start playing although I caution gamers who don't play for achievements or play to 100% the game since the majority of the game is just finding hidden items scattered through the game and then a bit of surviving. The look and feel of the game is reminiscent of N64 games with it's awkward controls and jarring texture rendering. If you're looking for a game to spend a weekend break from you're well made FPS's and RPG's with a poorly made game filled with bad ideas for laughs this is the game for you.

It may seem like I'm saying this game sucks and isn't worth your $30, but I'm not. If you are a fan of the show you will recognize most of the humor in this game. I've seen many ask if you can drink your own pee in the game and the answer is yes there is a special animation for both peeing into a snake skin and a separate animation for him drinking his own urine, which is probably the funniest hidden gem in this game. The game play has a few problems due to the game structure contradicts what Bear says in-game because of the way the game judges how well you are surviving, the game does this via a HUD bar that indicates in blue how hydrated you are an orange bar indicating your energy and next to your energy is a green bar which indicates your health, but if you remain hydrated throughout the campaign you will have no need to stop and collect food because your energy bar doesn't start to wear down until you're dehydrated and your health doesn't go down until you run out of energy making the sayings Bear says through the game like "eat little and often" pointless because you only have to eat if you run out of water. Other things he says that get contradicted are drink you're water in small amounts over time but if your hydration is almost gone and you have a full canteen you can drink the whole canteen of water without any penalties for doing so the same also goes for food and energy. And due to this system there really is no reason to kill animals in the game other than snakes so you can drink your own pee.

What makes the game challenging is there's a lot of jumping and climbing in the game where you're often expected to go from jumping on platforms to balancing across a natural bridge like a log or really thin rock and the game has a hard time shifting between actions that require you to press a button and ones that you walk up to which causes you to fall off cliffs and injure yourself. The things that also make up the game are several mini-games which give you an opportunity to earn food by hunting, setting traps, fishing, and grabbing grub worms and centipedes. The majority of these mini-games are based around timing and specific button combos in the order they appear before the timer runs out. What really makes this game funny though is in how ludicrous some of the situations are like being dropped into shark infested water when you can see the sharks from the helicopter, running into a Grizzly Bear in the Rockies with a personal vendetta for you, running into three oasis' in the Sahara, as well as making a raft that for some reason attracts sharks and causes them to bite your paddle relentlessly until you paddle faster.

So if your going for a game with a cinematic experience this game is not for you. If you are looking for a lot of realistic action this game is not for you. If you want an intuitive interface that accurately represents survival this game is not for you. But if you have $30 to blow, are a fan of Man vs. Wild, in need of hours of good laughs and an easy 1000gs this game is for you.

Honest reviews on Man vs. Wild - Xbox 360

8/10 Don't buy this game if you want too use a gun. Knives only. The patigonia is the most dissapointing level in the game. The rest were pretty good. There is some other bad stuff about the game. Why didn't they make it so there are no objectives. That's all I can say. I'll talk to you on my next review.

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Game is not what I was hoping for. Not an open world format. Game is really kinda boring. Hopefully this will help you.

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