Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Discount GamerPack by KontrolFreek (Classic)

GamerPack by KontrolFreek
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
List Price: $34.99
Sale Price: $20.99
Today's Bonus: 40% Off
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Okay, so I'm not born after 2000 some would consider me a dinosaur. I'm one of those guys that played Digger & Pacman and Dave and Quake all of them on my PC.


After so many years of almost no gaming ever since I finished college & got on my first job it's been a decade that I've not been gaming at all I finally made a decision to purchase a PS3 (Sorry Microsoft you've given me many distasteful experiences both on Windows & my Cell-phone I dont want you anywhere near my gaming console).


I put in a Gamefly subscription & found BF3 & COD to my liking (other than NFS, GTA, Max Payne & a bunch of other titles). The COD MW3 was my first-ever online massive multi-player FPS experience and I suck at it. You know on the score board one of those guys at the bottom of the winning (or even the losing) team that IS ME. So, I got it written in stone that any fire-fight where I engage the target the target will always-always neutralize me. Hence, I became more of a strategy player someone that goes behind enemy lines & flanks them. I graduated from Assault Rifles to SMGs and currently hooked up to my MK46 LMG love it.


I would usually have to spend at a minimum of 7 to 10 units of ammo (not entire mags) to take down a single target but once I loaded the KontrolFreek Classic I observed that using the same amount of ammo I was now able to get Double-Kill (or even Triple-Kill sometimes). When I play against a clan I usually end-up getting more kills mainly because the clan-members tend to go out in groups of 2 or more thereby getting my multiple kills each time I engage in a fire-fight. Earlier, when I faced 2 units I was only able to take down one and the other guy would neutralize me. That is history now.


Recently, for the first-time ever I was getting 29 kills for 14 deaths at a map that I don't like so much DOME. I have many games where my kills is 20+ and deaths is 10-. My accuracy has seen a marked increase my KDR has also increased (I usually go ninja Blind-Eye + Assasin so unless an enemy unit actually spots me, I usually don't get killed). The great thing is the sounds the enemy units make when I clear them out 2 or 3 at a time it's usually Oh-WOW. [I don't know if people realize but when your mic is on & you are killed the sounds you make are audible to the killer] And I am loving it.


My KDR sucked it was almost 0.4 now my all-time KDR is 0.84 and the weekly & monthly KDR is 1.4 & 1.6. I attribute it to KontrolFreek Classic. May be I am wrong may be it is just luck (no other way a sucky player like me can ever get a 1.0+ KDR *ever*).


So, all of you senior dinosaur-like-me, gamers if you have the passion, go for the freeks. If you're one of those guys that runs around with a Shotgun (AA 12, Striker?) or an SMG go in for the CQC Freek. If you like Sniping or Long-range hits go for the Classic. It will possibly be one of the best expenses you've made.


NOTE: I have recently started playing using ViewSonic PJD5133 Projector on a huge screen. Previously I was using a 23'' television-screen. I have Turbo Internet (15+ Mbps that's what the ISP says) and a LAN-cable to my PS3. Oh, and yes, in spite of all this I was the suckiest player ever. I've also started playing Barebones on the Hard-Core list I think it suits me better (I go without Blind-Eye in Barebones; sometimes I go without Assasin as well).



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Well let's start by saying shooter games are not everything, which is why the kontrol freek is also a nice seeming part of the package. However it is nowhere near as effective at performance enhancement as the fps freek. The headshots really are easier to make and the kills in swat on halo reach really rack up. The track times however were not improved at all. nfs shift for instance was only made harder. If you want better control on realistic racers just get the wheel don't try to be a freek. In hindsight I would have only purchased fps for 10 rather than both for 20.

Best Deals for GamerPack by KontrolFreek (Classic)

Personally I didn't think these thumb stick extenders really made that much of a difference in game play. Also I didnt feel that the quality of these sticks were really that great, they seemed like they were made of cheap plastic and not completely finished. They had different colors of plastic mixed in and had little plastic burs around the mold lines.

Honest reviews on GamerPack by KontrolFreek (Classic)

Does exactly what it's supposed to. One makes FPS more accurate. The other makes Steering more sensitive during driving/racing games. Takes 1-2 hours to get used to.

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