Friday, February 28, 2014

NHL 11 - Xbox 360 Review

NHL 11 - Xbox 360
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
List Price: $29.99
Sale Price: $12.68
Today's Bonus: 58% Off
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As I play more of the game, I'll have a more detailed review. As things stand now, if you want to play a hockey game, you've got no where else to turn, so in a way any review is a waste. However, if you are on the fence, this review will help determine which side you want to jump on.


Update: 3/31/11

I've been playing season mode a lot, since I don't have internet currently, and I want to say this: the computer cheats.

I'm playing superstar, and there is a huge double standard that has caused my controller to get tossed more than 10 times. For example, if I knock the computer off the puck, it's irrelevant, as he'll get back to the puck 80% of the time (unless I knock him down, and then he's prone to flailing on the ice and sometimes knocking the puck away). The other way around, if he hits me, I can rarely get back to the puck; he nearly always beats me to it or he's got support to take the puck. You can't have it both ways. Also, the computer is awesome at skating through my body when I dive. It's really amazing, as if I'm not even there. And the computer also likes to poke check through my body too, so even when I think I have positioning, it's irrelevant, because he's got magic powers.

Finally, the goalies are not made equal. My goalie seems to let in really, really pathetic goals, whereas the computer makes ridiculous saves.

I want this game to be difficult on it's highest setting, but this isn't difficult, it's cheating. If I have 2 steps on someone to a loose puck, and I'm using speed burst, they should not be able to out race me 9 times out of 10 (as the 'hawks, Kane and Campbell seem to be able to skate as fast as Wade Brookbank. Sure, sure). I know you can edit the settings to make the superstars stand out, but why is that even a feature? Why bother rating the players if Daniel Winnick is going to score a hat trick on me?

Anyway, thanks for playing unfair computer.



The problems with Be A Pro mode that have been in previous NHL's is still there. Your AI teammates are useless. Their passes are garbage (sometimes they will ignore your passing request), they will lose nearly every board battle, are super good at turning the puck over, and the D will completely abandon the crease.

Essentially, Be A Pro mode will involve you playing 1 on 5. And why would you want to bother with that? Let's move on to the part of the NHL series which just keeps getting worse.


For the EASHL (this is where you play as your own character) you either have to pay to improve your character or play a ton of games to do so. A lot of the unlockables involve playing 40+ games of Be a Pro, the major problem being that it's a nearly unbearable experience.

So, you will have to pay one way or another, either with money or with a lot of your time (and sanity). This is a problem, not just from a greed stand point, but in that players will always be artificially good. Everyone should be the same, and whoever is the better player should be the standard, not whoever spent more MS points than you.

HUT (New Addition, Needs Deletion):

I find Hockey Ultimate Team to be a gigantic waste. I have played 2 games online, only to unlock something for my EASHL player. Why would I want to play another game where the player I'm up against can just buy better players? Why would I want to play a game where my players are rated so low they can't make a pass, poke check, or skate?


The checking in this game with the "new" physics engine is cartoonish. I've been checked from behind on the rush and have gone flying. I've hit someone with a tip of my elbow and they are tossed ragdoll-style in the opposite direction.

Outside of that, goalies currently have a proclivity for pushing the puck in their own net. They will make a butterfly save and then proceed to bat the puck in the net. What a joke.

And again, the AI can stick lift you even when you are in front of them. If you even try to do that, you will get 2 minutes.

One funny addition to the EASHL is 10 minute majors. If your friend gets one, it's a riot b/c he's out of the game. However, for online team play, this means a computer team mate for the rest of the game (everyone usually quits, anyway), which can be a nuisance. So, Im unsure if I like this new penalty.


Again, what choice do you have if you want to play a hockey game? As time goes on, I'll add to the review. It can be a very fun to play, but the mistakes in the game will also cause a lot of frustration as they are so incredibly stupid. Is is worth the agitation to you?


Since the last tuner update, the goalies have become horrible. I've seen them get beat on simple, unscreened wrist shots, and on a 2 on 1 the goalie completely ignored the shooter, leaving the entire left side open (assuming a pass). Just great, EA.

Also, the Online Team Play rooms are still buggy (although it appears they finally learned to count -it was Online Team Play Room #1, Online Team Play Room #1, and Online Team Play Room #1 as available rooms instead of 1,2,3). In NHL 10, the Xbox 360 would just freeze at random spots. So far, there's two spots where it will freeze, one of which is loading the game room in online team play. I was gently hoping that since EA now requires you to have a passcode to play online, that that would mean less problems.

Um, nope.

Finally, passing, while I'm sure I still need more time to get use to it, it definitely still needs refinement. It should not be THAT hard to send a pass and to receive one. And while I understand cross creases need to be toned down, some of the interceptions by the CPU are ridiculous.

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EA's hockey games have been an absolute blast in recent years, it's definitely my personal favorite sports franchise. NHL 09 was awesome, NHL 10 was even better, and now here comes NHL 11 with a whole bunch of new features and improvements think evolution, not revolution. If you're new to the NHL franchise, then rest assured that you're buying into a fantastic and fun hockey simulation. The graphics are great, there are tons of teams to choose from, a huge amount of customization, and solid online functionality. Want to take on the Canadians with the Bruins in Boston while wearing throwback jerseys? With three of your friends offline or up to eleven online? No problem! Laying a big hit into someone is more satisfying than ever before, and the new physics system allows for some really dynamic situations.

Since the NHL formula is so well established at this point, I thought it would be productive to list a version of some major changes you'll notice between NHL 10 and the new NHL 11. Hopefully this list will help you decide if the new features/improvements are worth it for you:

Passes now happen when you RELEASE the pass trigger, not when you press it. The strength of your pass is controlled by how long you hold the button before the release. This is the first major gameplay change I noticed in NHL 11. The more I play with this, the more I like the change although as a result I'm having a little more trouble getting one-timers off.

In NHL10 faceoffs almost always resulted in the puck going directly to a player on the ice, in NHL 11 faceoffs are much more dynamic. It's possible to switch grips, shove, or block your faceoff opponent. Many more options this time around, faceoffs are definitely more interesting. In NHL9/10 faceoffs were pretty formulaic and boring.

Broken sticks can happen and take a player mostly out of play. He'll still be able to kick the puck and block/check, but is obviously at a big disadvantage. Teammates can hand off their stick as a replacement, or the player can go to the bench to get a new one. You can also lose your stick if you get cleaned out during a huge hit.

If you are a fan of Madden Ultimate Team mode, then you'll be happy to know that EA has implemented something similar in this game: Hockey Ultimate Team. This mode is based on collecting trading cards of players, stadiums, coaches, etc. and using these options to build your team. As you win games, you'll unlock more cards and improve your team.

You can now play online with friends against a purely CPU controller team. This was a major missing feature from NHL10, and it's great to see that they fixed it.

A `hustle' button (push in left stick) will temporarily give your player a burst of speed. This feature existed in some previous NHL games, but not in NHL 10.

There's a whole new physics-based engine powering the game. This can affect lots of different things in the game, from checks to puckhandling to

When laying out a check, you can choose between hitting high and hitting low. Combined with the new physics engine, this creates some really fun hits.

Reworked trade logic in the `Be a GM' mode. There are also now both restricted and unrestricted free agents.

If your opponent is lying down on the ice, you can now jump over him. Hopefully this will cut down on the amount of flopping that is in NHL 10.

EASHL (EA Sports Hockey League) mode now lets you run a full practice game, and increases the number of jersey/team customization options.

A new deke system allows offensive players to counter specific defensive techniques. There's a deke to counter poke checks, a deke to counter defensemen laying down on the ice, etc.

Disallowed goals.

Playoff beards!

Hopefully this helps you make a decision about purchasing (or not purchasing) NHL 11!

Best Deals for NHL 11 - Xbox 360

This was one of the better NHL titles in recent years, but all people considering purchasing it should be warned: EA has taken the NHL 11 servers down as of mid-January 2013. The single-player and local multiplayer modes are all intact, but none of the xbox live multiplayer functionality will ever work again.

Also of note, the game came packaged with an 'Online Pass' token (which, by my understanding was supposed to give EA incentive to keep their servers online for longer; go figure!) when purchased new, which will do you no good whatsoever at this point in time. This means there's virtually no reason to waste your money on a new copy.

Honest reviews on NHL 11 - Xbox 360

I recently purchased the new xbox 360 and am a HUGE sports fan. I got NBA 2k11, PGA 09, MADDEN 11, and NHL 11 when I got the system. I've dabbled with each here and there (nba 2k11 is probably the 2nd best of the bunch and the best basketball game to-date), but NHL 11 is by far and away, my game of choice. It's realistic (played in college), and very detailed experience. Online play is always competitive and sorted by difficulty. Make sure if you but this game used, the EA requires used game buyers to pay $9 to play online (if the online code was used by the previous owner) just a heads up. Hope this helps, God bless

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I have been playing NHL games since NHL 99 for the N64 and this one has been the most satisfying.

This game is much improved over NHL09. Not just in graphics but in gameplay.

A lot of the low star reviews I read here on Amazon have bashed the game for things they don't know they have control over. For instance I was reading a review that was saying that the sticks break too often which can easily be changed in the options/settings. Another user was complaining about the complex controls. I for one love the control layout for this game but I do admit it takes a bit to get used to it. For the casual player who just wants one button to pass, one to shoot, etc. you can set it up in the settings very easily.

My favorite part of this game is the "Be A Pro" mode. I played it a lot in NHL09 and was looking forward to the new NHL entry draft and it did not disappoint. At this point I have only played through one season but unlike NHL09 I felt no need to simulate half the season. The game kept me wanting to play and I played every season and play off game. The only thing I can complain about in "Be A Pro" mode is the mild lag when you go behind your own net.

I have also played many of the "Play Now" games against the computer and against friends. I have never encountered any problems with this game mode.

Having played only a quarter of a season with a team I have not encountered any problems.

Overall I love this game and it is a must buy for anyone who is even mildly interested in hockey.

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