Sunday, February 8, 2015

Discount Dark Sector - Xbox 360

Dark Sector - Xbox 360
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
List Price: $19.99
Sale Price: $9.99
Today's Bonus: 50% Off
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Finally the long awaited Dark Sector has hit the shelves and sadly it just came short of meeting HALF of its expectations. Visually the game is phenomenal but unfortunately there's only so much scenery can do for the entertainment value of a game. The story is very cliché and lacks the ability to really get you involved and suck you in; for the most part Hayden (who you play as) comes off as a very one-dimensional character with your cliché "past that haunts him" so nothing new on that front. As far as game play goes, the movements are extremely stiff which makes aiming a really big pain especially when the enemy AI is hardly existent yet so hard to eliminate. The glaive; honestly, it's awesome the first few times you kill with it but sooner rather than later you'll get sick of it and it just becomes annoying to maneuver and even more annoying when you try to run up to an enemy to hit them with it and for some odd reason it does NOTHING the first 2 tries so you get hit THEN it works.

So overall I'm sad to say this game was a HUGE let down for me because I, like a lot of you I'm sure, have been anticipating this game since back when Xbox 360 was still labeled Xbox 2. Definitely worth a glimpse but I don't think it quite deserves it's spot on your shelve next to those other long awaited titles that actually delivered. Rent don't buy.

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In short, Dark Sector looks like Gears Of War, the same art direction, there's even a simular roadie-run. But that's where the comparison ends.

Dark Sector for me was very fun, but the game didn't start out that way,it grew on me ,then I found myself having a strong desire to replay it again on the hardest setting after I intially beat the game. At first I didn't like the game but I stuck with it and really thought it's a very good game.

Some of the boss battles at first will leave you scratching your head as what to do,but once I figured out there weak spots ,it was easy as gravy.

I actually like not being 'held by the hand' so to speak ,having the game give me hints on killing a boss.

For the most part you gotta figure it out without 'glowing parts' as hints on the bosses body, with exception the last boss.

I actually loved my second playthrough on the hardest setting ,it was pure gamer bliss.

One thing I highly,highly recommend is getting used to the 'Glaive' ,it will be by far your fav weapon in the game.

You unlock the Glaive's various abilities as you progress into the game.

I didn't find the Glaive hard to control at all,and it's really the hilight of the game.

Overall a very satisfying enjoyable game, with epic boss battles,and decent Gears Of War like scenery,Dark Sector is a solid game.

If you so choose you can use primarily use ballistic weapons ,all of which are upgradeable at various black markets you'll find in the sewers.

I like the fact that you can duel wield ,have a Gliave in one hand and a micro-machine gun in the other. I found myself using assault rifles for distance enemies ,because the Glaive does have limited range.

Think of the Glaive as a boomerang on steroids ,only it has very sharp blades. By far my fav weapon in the game.

A must play game for any gamer. PEACE

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This game is the definition of underrated. It's amazing how some bad reviews can make or break a game and in this game's case, its the latter. This game has been full of bad press, most notably because it "copies" Gears of War's cover/combat system. Make no mistake, this game is very, very similar to Gears... However, it changes so much to make its own unique experience that in my opinion, is even more fun the Gears. In the same way Uncharted Drakes Fortune(another Gears "clone") changed things up with platforming and combos... This game has a throwing weapon called the glaive and brutal finishing moves that never disappoint and never get old.

The glaive is given to you in the second level and is probably your most devastating weapon. It can be thrown powerful enough to decapitate, dismember and maim enemies. You can also control it with pinpoint precision, slowing time down to really hit those dismember points. The only word to describe this is AWESOME. Once you get the hang of using the glaive in combination with your pistol or shotgun... its like gory poetry in motion.

Also, like Gears 2... This game has finishing moves when your close to your enemy. They vary between enemy and what side you attack from... But let me tell you that they are simply described as AMAZING. The game sorta slows down ala the Matrix while you shred the enemies up with the glaive in multiple ways. Its epic, seriously.

But what completely separates this game from the pack is the way you change(you're infected with some "disease") over time, allowing you new abilities and way to annihilate your enemies. Most notably is the energy pulse, which for a short time, will deflect all bullets/projectiles/etc, shot at you. And even better, the "Shift" which allows you to become invisible for a short period of time, allowing you to get the drop on your enemies and go for those finishing moves! Not only that... throughout the game, you collect upgrades. Upgrades which can be applied to your weapons you buy and sell which also changes the game dramatically. It's great because... you can play the game differently in so many ways and always change it up. Makes for great re-playability.

Like I said before... if you like Gears and other 3rd person shooters... You will absolutely love this game. The graphics are top notch and the gameplay is fluid and slick. Do yourself a favor and buy it... Especially now, seeing as its under $10 brand new!!! I'm sad that this game fell upon deaf ears and never really got the accolades it deserves. But I'm hopeful it will become a cult classic and one day will receive a sequel... cause it most certainly deserves one!

Honest reviews on Dark Sector - Xbox 360

Put simply, Dark Sector is a fun game. The game has unique puzzles that incorporate the various abilities of the glaive, this unique weapon that your character "Hayden" uses throughout the game. The glaive eventually gains an ability called "aftertouch", which allows you to steer the glaive toward your enemies or objectives by taking on the third-person view of the glaive itself -you travel along with it, in slow-motion, until it hits its intended target...and better yet, you get to see the results up-close.

The game has really smooth gameplay, and I did not encounter any bugs, defects, or poor framerate issues. The voice-acting is superb, and the sound on this game rates as "one of the best" I have ever encountered. The controls are well laid out, and as Hayden obtains more and more abilities as the game progresses, the controls never become overwhelming or confusing.

The weapon upgrade system in this game is somewhat deficient. Once an upgrade is applied to a weapon, there appears to be no way to remove it. The "blackmarket" upgrade sites are few and far between, and once you swap out a weapon from your locker, you're stuck with whatever you have, until you either backtrack or get to the next location.

The environments in the game are a mixed bag. Ultimately, this game plays a lot like Resident Evil 4, in terms of the controls and the underlying game engine. At times, the levels feel like a mix of Condemned, Resident Evil 4, Tomb Raider, and sometimes even Bioshock. Some of the levels, especially the later ones, look much better than others, a sign that development may have gone off in several different directions until they brought the final game together.

The game has a good save system, so you won't find yourself repeating sections tirelessly.

The AI is not advanced. At times, it seems all the enemies just rush you. Some of the enemies have special abilities that make them more difficult to defeat. However, the enemies come at you in very predictable waves. By the time you're 50% through the game, you can predict the patterns. Melee combat is weak.

There's a loosely woven story that keeps the game moving along. The cut-scenes are well-done. What doesn't make sense, at times, are the number of bosses that appear in the game, which seem totally unrelated to anything that is going on from Hayden's viewpoint. Most of the bosses are extremely time-consuming to figure out -they are puzzles themselves. There are no health meters on the bosses, so you never know if what you're doing is actually working.

From a replay-value perspective, you may be compelled to play the game at least twice, since completing the single-player campaign unlocks the "brutal" difficulty, worth an achievement. There are a few achievements dedicated to online play, which this game supports. However, the online population for this game has been very small.

This game has probably been overlooked by many gamers. The environments, bosses, and gameplay may seem dated, but the glaive and its unique abilities make the game rewarding and fun. I'm glad I picked it up.

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if you remember back even before the 360 launched, this was actually the very first next gen game announced. it was originally intended to be a launch title. 2 and a half years later we finally get the game. and believe me, it was worth the wait.

the cover system is very reminiscent of Gears of War with 3rd person shooter controls very similar to the previously mentioned GoW and Resident Evil 4. masterfully combine those shooter elements with upgradable supernatural abilities including a razor sharp disk that can decapitate enemies in a single throw. it can also be combined with different elements including electricity.

there is a very interesting story behind your character and the world around you. the planet is in such a dark and desolate state. how did the world come to this point? who or what are you? what role will you play in the events about to unfold? play to find out.

the graphics are stunning even on a SDTV. textures and lighting equal to any other AAA title on the system(CoD4/Bioshock). Animations run very smoothly with great effects to compliment it all. the sight of your electified blade is priceless.

there is online play, but i cant comment on that since i havent played that part yet. the single player alone is well worth the price though. mainly recommended to hardcore action/shooter fans.

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