Monday, February 9, 2015

Cheap Guitar Hero 2 Guitar Controller

Guitar Hero 2 Guitar Controller
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
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I own the PC version of Guitar Hero III. The game comes with one guitar and I wanted another to hook into the multi-player option. This guitar has a USB connection and was recognized by Windows XP with no trouble.

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I bought this guitar as a second guitar so we could play multiplayer Guitar Hero. The guitar itself works great and the game is a blast. My only complaint it that I have to sit closer to the TV then I would like because of the cord length. They really need a wireless version of the Guitar. My kids are always running around the room and trip over the cable as well. That said, it's still a great guitar for the game.

Best Deals for Guitar Hero 2 Guitar Controller

This is one of my favorite guitars to use for guitar hero as well as rock band. The strum bar is right on as well as the notes. The only downfall that I would say is that it quit working after a year of some really heavy playing.

Honest reviews on Guitar Hero 2 Guitar Controller

Of the seven guitar controllers I have used, this one, even after four years, is still number two on my list.

The reason this guitar really works is the same reason that newer models of guitar controllers don't: nothing fancy was done. The guitar is hard plastic, single body construction. No detachable neck, overly large whammy bar, long or wide neck, silent strum bar, loose frets, too heavy, and so on.

This and the controller that came with Guitar Hero: Aerosmith (my all time favorite) are both about the same weight, but the GH:A controller was wireless, and when it finally gave out it just became too expensive to keep buying it on its own to justify using it as my primary controller. So since that one isn't economically viable, I have gone to my number two to fill the void, and it does so beautifully.

I think the state of current guitar controller models can be summed up in a short story that took place a couple weeks ago. I had recently purchased the Logitech Xbox 360 Wireless Guitar Controller, and when I showed the couple of friends I frequently play Rock Band with, they were both blown away at its beauty and realism. But over the next few hours (I brought the Logitech and the XPLORER) over which both were handed around and used quite a bit, the unanimous conclusion was that the white XPLORER guitar controller was far superior. And so my conclusion is that if what gamers wanted was the heft and look of a real guitar, they would learn to play a real guitar (or try out the upcoming Pro Mode in Rock Band 3 using a MIDI guitar controller). All the bells and whistles and wirelessness in the world can't compete with results.

And this is the original Guitar Hero 2 controller at its core. It can handle the beating I give it (I play on expert), where other guitar controllers can't really cut it. This controller takes some time to break in, maybe a couple weeks or so to loosen up the strum bar and break the frets in, but once you do it is completely worth it. The two biggest things that completely ruin guitar controllers for me are:

1. When you down-strum and the controller reads it as two when it snaps back into place.

2. When the frets are too loose and the controller doesn't read that you are pressing a button down.

This guitar controller has neither problem. Well, for the most part. Over the few years I've been playing I have probably gone through about six of these XPLORER's, which isn't too bad considering they get a couple hours of use a night on average.

The XPLORER is wired and doesn't have any show, but it works a lot better than the glitzy controllers being produced currently. What good is realism if it's going to negatively affect your playing?

Eventually you realize that it isn't worth a thing.

Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Guitar Hero 2 Guitar Controller

Great game but guitar quit working after one use. The button started sticking and I had to return it. Charlie's house of discount was great and didn't give me any problems over the return. Guess I should have bought something that they still make...

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