Monday, April 7, 2014

Cheap NightCaster: Defeat The Darkness

NightCaster: Defeat The Darkness
Customer Ratings: 3.5 stars
List Price: $24.95
Sale Price: $16.50
Today's Bonus: 34% Off
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This game has very good graphics and a great story line. The environment is 3D and very nice. I do believe that it would have been better as a first person shooter game like Halo. However, the game is still worth buying. You may find, as I did that the controls seem extremely hard. I almost gave up on the game because of the difficulty of the controls. Hang in there and eventually you will get used to them. The save points are also a little far apart, so you may find yourself having to replay parts time and time again. Even so, this game is a lot of fun to play and worth the money.

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Well I bought this game on 1/25/02 and I have to say its pretty cool . The spells affects look great and there is plenty of enemies. The world that you are in is awsome looking with real looking tree's. This game is very hard though and the enemies come at you in packs. I like this game. Its differnt

Best Deals for NightCaster: Defeat The Darkness

The first few times I sat down to play this game I got a bit frustrated and didn't play for long. It was tough to get used to the game play style of the game. But finally one time I really s at down and got the hang of it and the game got awesome. I love the story! The visuals are stunning and the spell look incredibly. You'll be itchoing to find th enxt spell or level up for a current spell. Imsut say the light spels are my fav. One key to game play is getting the hang of quickly switching between spells. Once you get used to the controls you'll find them nicely laid out.

My only other criticism is that because of how the spells work the final boss is rather easy to defeat.

But all in all I really enjoyed the game. You nee dto tottaly explore each level beacsue themor eyou power up the more fun the game becomes. The story kept me enthralled and coming back for more. The bosses in general we're challenging and increased nicley in difficulty.

In the few erros I did have trouble with I found myself only getting determined to kill the badies rather than getting bored. Another thing to keep in mind is that their are limited saving locations so you've got to know when to save and when to "save" the saving point for later.

All in all I LOVED this game and highly recommend it. I hpe VR1 continues the Nighcaster story as it left me itching for more as well.

Honest reviews on NightCaster: Defeat The Darkness

if your a fan of magic and/or gauntlet you will love this game. It has a great flow and interesting attack system, I only rented but it could be a game I buy in the near future for it was fun to play and not just a simple hack and slash game, also there is a complex story behind and learning it will become a challenge in itself. Great gameplay and graphics, very enjoyable for the right kind of fan.

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