Monday, April 7, 2014

Review of Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing

Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing
Customer Ratings: 3.5 stars
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This is the most important game ever made. It raises questions that few others do, such as "aren't we all just racing against ourselves anyway?" and "what would the world be like without police?" and "Wouldn't it be wonderful to not have the laws of physics?" It also takes on very important metaphysical questions with a clarity reminiscent of Descartes: What can I actually know about the world around me? Can I really trust what my eyes are seeing?

For example the use of bridges in the game; are they really there or are they an illusion? If I choose one of the five available trucks will it work or is it only the illusion of a truck? There is so much hidden depth to this game that many, many reviewers are totally missing when they blindly criticize its meager graphics, dysfunctional AI, and total lack of audio. These are merely surface issues. The heart and soul of the game is the valuable critique it offers of reality.

If you want to expand your mind and wisdom, buy this game. It will broaden your horizons and teach you to view the world in profound new ways.

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Rarely does a game come along and become part of our collective heritage but this is one of those cultural milestones that will define a generation. The release of this game is the single most momentous artistic occasion of this age or indeed, any age. My meager words cannot begin to prepare you for the life affirming experience you will have when you play this modern masterpiece. I wept, I laughed, I wondered "why?" as I charged through the game's several beautifully rendered landscapes. The graphics bring to mind the works of George Innes or Anselm Kiefer, nuanced yet bold. The stunning yet silent audio is a cause to ponder one's place in the cosmos as the laws of physics are suspended before your very eyes. Your opponent in the races stands eerily still as the light turns green, a comment on the economy perhaps? Or does it run deeper than that? I felt it was a subtle ode to Plato's 'Allegory of the Cave' in how it evokes doubt in one's heart as to what a race really is. The human race perhaps? Never has a game crawled under my skin and made me question the meaning of my own existence like this one has. Please, play this game. Humanity in general owes it to itself to transcend this mere realm we call "reality" and be transported to vistas of the imagination undreamed of until now. Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing has settled the "video games as art" argument once and for all.

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This is one of the better science fiction racing games that have ever been released. Even though there are a few flaws, this game still deserves 5 stars because it is so innovative and nothing like it has come out since. You will start by being able to choose between several different disguise vehicles that look like ordinary trucks so that your secret identity, an advanced alien scouting vehicle, will be concealed. You have some very cool alien space powers during game play that might make the game a little too easy for experienced gamers, especially since most of the powers activate automatically, allowing you to decimate your opponents in the races. For example, your freeze ray will automatically stop your opponent in his tracks at the beginning of the race and he will not be able to move so you can complete the race at your leisure. The cops in the game are also no match for the advanced weaponry of your vehicle and any cop cars are disintegrated with your invisible laser beam before they even come into sight. Unfortunately this weapon doesn't seem to differentiate between cops and any other car because you never actually come across any other vehicles. Some other super cool powers you have is to automatically phase through any solid objects in the game, which is a clever idea by the developers to let you avoid that terrible frustration that comes with crashing. Your super space vehicle can also spin in place almost as fast as a tornado, stop instantly, scale vertical cliffs, and enter special warp zones at the edge of each track. These powers are easy to use and will make you feel very powerful during each race. It isn't that challenging of a game but don't let that stop you from feeling full of pride when you win the race and get that famous "You're winner!" I'll never forget that first time I got that message because it made for one of the happiest days of my life. I definitely recommend this game!

Honest reviews on Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing

This is not just a big rig simulator. Sure, there's plenty of CB talkin, brake jamming, cargo haulin, and roadblock runnin action to keep you busy, but that's just the surface.

I invite you to dig deeper into this marvel, and uncover a depth and clarity or vision and purpose seldom seen in video games. From the inovative phsysics, to the revolutionary A.I. this game has more layers than first meet the eye.

Indeed while it is amazingly entertaining, it is so much more. The sheer boundless gameplay is an inspiration. You will not be walled in with Big Rigs, nay, you are free to explore every inch of the map. What's more, with practice you can transcend the map and arrive at a grey nirvanathe whole world in front of you. The competition is tough, but will leave you with deep philosophical insight: Are we really just racing ourselves? Is winning any different than loosing? Are our obstacles really just our own construct of reality that may be driven through with enough determination?

This game, pardonmasterpiece, is unlike any other experience around. If you want to bust through police roadblocks while chatting on the CB, then feel free, but the deeper message that we are all winner and the road of life is filled with illusory obstacles is what makes this work of art what it is.

So if you'll excuse me, I've got some rigs to drive. You can find me in the grey nirvana, where all becomes clear.

You're winner ! Indeed.

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Oh, Big Rigs....Let's just say that what everybody (Maybe even the 5 star reviews, shockingly) said about this game was all true.

Upon booting up the game, there's absolutely no sound whatsoever, and neither is there music. Funnily enough, in the Credits, some guy was actually credited for "Sound".

Anyway, you have only two gameplay options: Custom Race and Random Race. Custom Race allows you to select your semi-trailer truck and the course you race in. There are only FIVE tracks-No wait! Scratch that! FOUR tracks! One track isn't even playable, as loading it crashes the game! Anyway, all the tracks overstay their welcome, and last around 5 minutes. On top of that, they have absolutely nothing to offer and they do not stand out from each other in any way. Oh yeah, and Random Race automatically selects your truck and track (So you may have a 1/5 chance of crashing the game).

Now that I think of it...The game is not only extremely bland, but borderline broken. You're supposed to deliver cargo while being chased by police. The questions are: Where are the police? What's this truck doing here? Why won't the truck move? Where's my cargo? How come my truck controls so stiffly? Why do I move so freakishly fast in reverse? Why do I stop dead in my tracks when I stop reversing? Why can I go through all the objects as if they have no substance? Why can I drive up and down mountains? WHY IS THIS GAME SO UTTERLY BROKEN?!

Overall, as long as you stay away from this game, You're Winner.

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