Make sure you only put this in once because if you're not carefully you will brake the tabs off that hold it in. If you get it right the first time it looks nice.
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Very difficult to install unless you have jig to place your cover in to cut out whole placement. Product is made out of very hard plactic. Clips will break off if you try and force them. If you plan on doing this your self take your time. If you install it correctly it looks Great with the Max whisper fans and Aurora light kit....
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First of all, this talismoon window would be a whole lot better if the clips where stronger, unfortunately that is not the case as I got a few broken while trying to fit it on the cut plastic. But I do got to say that I was able to save most clips from braking off and fit it with no gaps. You can see the pics of my Gears of War theme. So take your time cutting and filing away the edges before you try to press on the window so that you dont break any clips.
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I had a terrible time with this. The plastic tabs that hold this in place do not flex and are very brittle. I ended up buying another window after the first try left me with a window with no tabs to hold it in. I thought the second time would be better because I adjusted my cut, but after a couple tries I broke more tabs and now it is in place but there are gaps on both sides where there is no tab to hold it in place. You're are better off using some sort of power tool, like jig saw and buying thin plexiglass and glueing it in place.
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If you are considering this as an option to insert a clear window into your xbox 360 consider lexan plexiglass. It comes with directions to install. When you go to cut,score, or dremel this around the edge of the piece of paper that you stick on you are left with a gap that renders this ineffective. If you are to purchase this dremel or cut exactly on the edge of the paper to get the cut right.

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