Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Reviews of Ubisoft Rocksmith Real Tone Cable

Ubisoft Rocksmith Real Tone Cable
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
List Price: $29.99
Sale Price: $29.73
Today's Bonus: 1% Off
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This review is actually for the USB Rocksmith Real Tone cable, not the game.

I recently purchased this game and decided to try the cable directly into Garageband on a Mac, since I had tried the 'Alesis Guitarlink' USB cable and found it unworkable in Garageband because of a low volume but persistent high-pitched pulsing/beeping coming from what I assume is the USB circuitry in the Alesis cable. Maybe my Alesis cable is defective either way it was unusable.

I am happy to comment that this Rocksmith Real Tone cable works perfectly with Garageband for me and is absolutely free of any unwanted noises. The cable is quite sturdy and seems almost indestructible in normal use. There is even a strain release mechanism in the USB tail where an inline plug will disconnect without yanking any of your computer (or game console if you are using it with the Rocksmith game) onto the floor.

Highly recommended. I ordered a spare before everyone figures this out and the cables end up on backorder!

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I purchased this cable to go w/ my Rocksmith game. It's just fine except a cable comes w/ the game... My mistake I guess. But If I want to play w/ a friend I suppose it's useful. Just wanted to let you know.

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This is the same as the cable that comes with the gamehaving two allows two players to play simultaneously. Definitely a blast with two guitarists playing this game!

Honest reviews on Ubisoft Rocksmith Real Tone Cable

Not sure why the review is asking me how much fun and how do I rate this game???

First off, I am a 59 year old man that has just taken up guitar. I bought a PS3 strictly for Rocksmith. The game is a fantastic teaching mechanism. I have learned how to play the Black Keys "Next Girl" all the way through in 4 weeks. My wife and I have been playing multi-player, what a blast.

But this write up is about the cable. I initially bought another cable to be able to jam with my wife. 2 days after starting to play, one of the cables broke. I returned the cable without issue and received another one. Thank You AMAZON! Now 3 weeks later another one is broken. I do have two so, I am able to swap cables and/or guitars to be sure it is the cable. The cable is defective. What a bummer when you want to play multi-player...

Wondering how many of these I am going to go through???

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This cable got me back working in the PC version of Rocksmith. It does a perfectly capable job of relaying your sounds to the game/computer in general. Beware the thing is a piece of sensitive electronic equipment, and is labeled as such.

Why I got it: You know how it says not to plug the cable into anything but your guitar, and not to plug anything else in between the guitar and the cable in the instructions? Well, I disregarded that with my original cable. I was having trouble with audio lag between when I played a note on my guitar and when I heard it through my computer. I tried, unsuccessfully, to fix it by plugging the guitar into my amp and my amp's headphone jack into the PC using my old cable.

Don't. Do. That.

The electronics in this cable are for the tiny amount of current that comes straight out of a guitar. More current than that will simply fry it.

For anyone curious: switching to my onboard sound card from my PCIe X-Fi fixed the audio lag for me. There are additional instructions on the Ubisoft forums on other methods.

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