I was a little hesitant to pick up this title. The name had changed several times and they pushed the game back all the way up to the release. For instance it was supposed to be released in the end of Sept but it was pushed back till Oct for some reason. I heard some mixed reviews about the game so I almost didn't buy it. But I'm glad I changed my mind. I have had a blast playing this game. Honestly my only major complaint is that I want more. It just seems that if they added just a touch more than this game would be one of the top games to get for the xbox. The multiplayer aspect is fun but if they really need to add at least three more maps. Also some variations on the objectives instead of only playing their version of capture the flag. This game is screaming for xbox live support. The maps could've been downloadable content. But it seems that microsoft and EA can never play nice when it comes to xbox live. Other than my couple of complaints this game is a lot of fun. I like switching between areas to complete various objectives such as blowing up helicopters and destroying bridges. Which makes other missions easier. I do have another complaint in the mini objectives though. There should be a variety to the mini objectives instead of the same three over and over. Instead they just increase the number of objectives. So in one mission you may have to blow up a bridge. Then in the second mission you have to blow up two bridges or three bridges. And there always seems to be a helipad to blow up too. A larger variety in weapons would be nice as well. Sure there are rocket launchers but if you have one then you don't have a machine gun. And if you find a sub machine gun then good luck finding enough ammo. So you end up just using the assault rifle 95% of the time. All of this would have really helped this game but its still a ton of fun. It will definitely keep you busy until the big releases of the year start coming out in late oct through the holiday season.
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This game has alot of fun elements. Both the single player and multiplayer I enjoyed.
Graphics: The graphics are good. They border on cell-shading.
Sound: Again, it's good. The people will say some funny things to you like "I'm not your huckleberry" when you try to recruit them without enough spots on your squad.
Camera View: 3rd person. It's easy to move around with it, no complaints.
Weapons: On multiplayers the soviets get grenades, pistol, and an ak-47; Americans get rebel weapons like molotov cocktails, pistol, and a shotgun. Other guns you get are a rocket launcher, sniper rifle, gun turrets, and flamethrower.
Single Player: I have always liked movies like 'Red Dawn' that dealt with the Soviets invading us and I was pretty satisfied with the plot. Not much strategy is needed on the levels on easy but on higher difficulties you do. The cut scenes are interesting.
Multiplayer: Some people who reviewed this game didn't think much of the multiplayer, but I really enjoyed it. Some flaws are that there are only three levels, taking over bunkers doesn't always work right, and three player multiplayer is always a lopsided fight no matter who is fighting.
Best Deals for Freedom Fighters: Battle for Liberty Island
I usually am a game snob, I only get into the "big blockbuster" games that are the best of the best, things like Splinter Cell, Halo, etc...but at Freedom Fighters new sub-20 dollar price, I decided to give it a try while waiting for Shellshock to release and I am glad I did!
Another reviewer was right, this game could be called Red Dawn. The premise is that the Russians have invaded New York, and you decide to start kicking butt and taking names. I won't go into the story, but in between game play is a highly entertaining story going on, that adds a lot to the gameplay.
The variety of weapons, and the quest to gain "charisma" so you can have more troops with you, is very cool. The controls take some getting used to, but once you have played for a few hours they became a real pleasure (i play with the "big" xbox controller). Great fighting, non-stop (really!) action, and since you don't get a ton of troops helping you until later in the game it just keeps getting better.
One thing that most surprised me was the great music and really good graphics. The music is perfect for this game, just the right amount of Russian music and it really blends into the game well. The graphics are nice, too. Even when fighting DOZENS of Russians with 12 troops of my own the frame rate never stuttered.
Overall, I give it 5 stars because of the price now and the FUN factor! If it was 50 bucks I would probably give it a 3.75 stars, but at 20 bucks or less pick it up if you enjoy shooters/military games/or love the movie Red Dawn and watched it relentlessly as a kid like I did! A nice surprise for the Xbox!
Honest reviews on Freedom Fighters: Battle for Liberty Island
I'll start off by saying that this is a very enjoyable game. From start to finish the story pulls you in and the gameplay is just great. The voice acting is some of the best I've heard in a long time. I will also agree with the reviewer that says you will actually care about the characters and what happens to them. The only poblem with this premise is that you do not connect with your recruits, just the main characters. The gameplay is good, the characters reminded me a lot of the pedestrians from State of Emergency. Along with the gameplay is the problem of commanding your recruits. Pretty much all that there is is hold position and follow. With games like Conflict: Desert Storm, you would think that developers would make it more in depth and be able to better control your fellow 'uprisers.' A really cool thing is how the lead character changes as the game progresses and according to the weather. In the beginning he is a clean cut plumber, at the end he's got long scraggly (is that a word?) hair and his clothes actually make you think he lives underground scavenging clothes. Sorry, I guess I'm getting a little too indepth. All in all it's a fun and enjoyable experience. I beat it within a week.
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I bought this game on sunday, 10/5/03. I am playing through the single player campaign right now. It is pure genius!!! The plot is deep and one you may actually care about, a bit. The recruit and command function is greatly done, and so is the charisma system. The multiplayer is awesome, the only drawback is not having LIVE, at least system link (yes, I bought it for XBOX). If it had that, this would make a great game complete. This is fun and the graphics are superb. I love this game and recommend it to you. Even beginner action gamers will enjoy the simplistic controls, nonstop action, and fluent gameplay. There, now would you like Freedom Fighters as a game permenant in your game library?

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