Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Buy Minispy USB

Minispy USB
Customer Ratings: 3.5 stars
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This is a great item. I had it up and running in 2 minutes and was reading from my hard drive via the usb in no time. The quality isn't the best, but what do you expect for $20? It does work on vista, you just have to right click on xplorer360 and run as administrator and it works perfectly. Very cheap, talismoon direct shipped monday i got it friday. A+


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I used to have one of these until i broke it. I bought another one because i would choose it over the others. Xport's at least cost $40 if not $50 or $30. Its good to use for your game saves like CoD WaW and CoD 4 and GTA IV. No one wants to do stuff over again so products like this one are good for that kind of situation.

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Works great. I was able to easily transfer data from my old xbox to my 360. Thanks

Honest reviews on Minispy USB

Let me start by saying I got the transfer kit to work right away on my old 20gb drive and was able to save a backup image to my PC. Then I tried to restore that backup image to my new 120gb hard drive but I wasn't able to get the PC to recognize that I had plugged in the hd. I disconnected the 120 and put it back on the xbox and then booted it up and was greeted with an E-68 error code, hardware failure, sweeeet. I put the 20gb drive on the xbox and it booted up right away. I don't know what the difference is from the 20gb to 120gb hard drive but something in this transfer kit burns out the 120, I followed all the directions step by step on both drives. I saw no warnings in the item description listed here, in the box it came in, or on Talismoon's website that this transfer kit was not compatible with the 120gb drives, be warned.

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it only works on old windows programs whitch i dont know anyone that still has it so there for it was a waste of my tome and money

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