Monday, April 7, 2014

Best Batman Begins - Xbox Deals

Batman Begins - Xbox
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
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I've just finished the game and i have to say this is really great!

It really fits in well with the film, using the same actors voices and the characters look very similiar to their real-life counterparts.

As well as Batman, you get to play as Bruce Wayne in training before he becomes batman and also as Bruce in a tuxedo in a level which has the Wayne Manor in flames. Very cool.

The driving bits are great fun as well, very Burnout, with extra racing modes being unlocked after you beaten those levels.

The main gameplay consists of a mixture of combat and stealth. If Batman comes accross a group of heavily armed enemies, he will end up dyingh if he tries to tackle them directly. you need to use stealth to sneak up on them or even beter use your fear-gadgets or a batarang on your surroundings (e.g throw your batarang at a gas-pipe to burst it), to scare them a bit beforehand, making defeating the enemies easier.

The game isn't too difficult (though the combat seems to be a lot tougher in Challenging mode) and took me about 9 or 10 hours to beat in Normal mode.

The graphics are simply amazing. The levels graphics are some of the best i've seen on a XBox game and the Batman charcater looks very cool in his bausuit and cape.

The game could have had a bit less linear with more ways of solving the situations that you come accross but at least it means you never get stuck for too long.

The controls are pretty straight forward, with 2 butons for combat (punch & kick) as well as another button for soing special finishing moves and other buttons for batarang and fear gadgets.

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This review will be brief,the more time spent reading this,means less time playing the game. As most of us read these reviews to see what others are saying about items we are interested in,before we shell out our hard earned $. First as a movie based game this one is superb. Graphics,voice acting,and character likeness are all top notch. The levels range in length and difficulty. The games greatest weakness is its overall gameplay. You cant really control Batman the way you would like to. His weapons,enemy targeting and stealth ability are confusing at times. At least on the X-Box version. The control set up is akward and really takes away from what could have been a great game. These are minor complaints and for a movie tie in game with a price under 40.00,you could do a lot worse. Overall this Batman is leaps and bounds superor to other Batman titles of the past,and should satisfy the fans until developers finally get it right.

Best Deals for Batman Begins - Xbox

If you loved the movie, you'll love the game. Of course, there's a little bit more events in the game, but they are well worth it. Being able to sneak up on your enemies and basically scare the s*** out of them in the immediate area is loads of fun. I especially liked dropping in from above and taking them out. The interrogations are pretty fun too. Bringing the cast of Batman Begins in to do the voice work (except for Morgan Freeman) and using movie clips as some cut scenes is a treat too. So go out and get this least rent it!

Honest reviews on Batman Begins - Xbox

After reading a lot reviews on this game I decided to pick this one up. Now I'm glad I got it. This game keeps your attention the whole time. It is a LOT of fun to play with good graphics, great story line, and I could go on and on. The only negative is the camera angle doesn't want to follow you sometimes when needing to move. Overall I say this a game to buy for a video game player for the holidays or just because.

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The visual style of this game, just like the movie, is very good. The inclusion of Splinter Cell "stealth" elements is also a good idea. However, there are a couple of significant problems with this game:

1. WAY too linear. There is ONE way to scare a bad guy in each level, ONE place to throw a batarang in the whole level, ONE way forward and back. Batman is a creative guy! Make it open-ended like GTA, Spider-man, and Superman Returns... Batman is the most creative of all those folks, so his game should match.

2. Fighting and "fear" systems: Semi-broken, not very satisfying.

3. In relation to #1, Gotham feels very small. It would be nice to explore it from the rooftops and in vehicles. So far you are pretty much stuck in a building or two, with one straightforward objective.

Despite these design flaws, the production value of this game is very high. Worth renting, but hopefully the next game is open-ended, darnit.

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