Judge Dredd vs Death for the Xbox is a first person shooter (FPS) where you play as judge dredd. You might enjoy this game more if you watched and liked the movie or comic book it is based on. As Judge Dread you have authority to arrest, judge and execute criminals. By a simple push of a button serveral times your character will yell out "put your hands where i can see them, or you're under arrest". You push a diffrent button and you will handcuffs them. Most of the times though you have to blast criminals with your gun called the "lawgiver". The lawgiver gun is a small pistol you start out with has serveral firing modes: incinderary, armour piercing, richochet, rapid-fire and single fire. I really enjoyed using this gun because it was easy and fun to use! Later into the game you'll acquire the typical weapons found in most (FPS) like shotguns, sniper rifle, grenades and energy/laser weapons. Most of the levels have you shooting it out with street gangs and members of a crazy cult, but you'll also be shooting at demon-vampire creatures. I really enjoyed the level designs with futuristic cityscape and flying cars and has that cyber-punk look. There are also mini games and extra characters that can be unlocked for multiplayer mode. The problem with the game is that it feels too generic and the character designs have a super deformed look to them. With so many better (FPS)out there, dredd just doesn't bring anything new to the table.
+excellent weapons
+excellent level designs
+futuristic cities
+multiplayer game
+unlock bonus goodies
+rag-doll physics
+good music
+play offline with BOTS
-sluggish controls
-100% linear
-A.I. is dumb
-super deformed charcters design
-weak story
-cheap voice-acting
-you cannot use flying cars
-no usuable vehicles
Click Here For Most Helpful Customer Reviews >>
Love this game. Best Dredd game to date. Bought it after watching the new movie, which was surprisingly good, and brought back memories of playing this. Great buy.
Best Deals for Judge Dredd Dredd vs Death - Xbox
I already beat the PC version and can't stop playing this original Xbox game.
It does work with the Xbox 360; all you have to do is download the compatibility update.
You cannot play it on 360 unless you have more than a 4GB arcade hard drive.
If you try to play it on a Arcade Xbox it says: no hard drive found.
Many hours of entertainment. The walls and scenery are a little glitchy, but same goes for the PC game.
You will have to just ignore the seldom invisible walls and flickering backgrounds.
Honest reviews on Judge Dredd Dredd vs Death - Xbox
I love this game, I have it for xbox and PC. It is dated, but your Judge Freaking Dredd. Blow them away or send them away. Also a good game is Robo COP. also dated, but thier is a lot of fun in the older games, I just finished The Thing, Star Trek Elite Force 1 and 2, also great games. I know what your thinking, Crysis 2 is the bomb. But Dredd holds his own, and some times, its finding all the extra stuff in the games.
Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Judge Dredd Dredd vs Death - Xbox
All you do in this game is shoot everything and everyone. There is not much of a reason to do anything except kill every chance you get, and the Sega Genesis game was done much better.

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