Sunday, September 21, 2014

Discount Retrolink Nintendo NES USB Adapter for PC and Mac

Retrolink Nintendo NES USB Adapter for PC and Mac
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
List Price: $22.00
Sale Price: $6.43
Today's Bonus: 71% Off
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People who rate this low were probably having the same problem that I was (until I fixed it)--

Windows recognized the adapter/controller combo, but pushing buttons and moving the d pad didn't seem to do anything (or it would like like I was pressing *everything* at once).

-Fixed by *slightly* bending the pins inward (outward might work too) to make better contact with the sockets on the controller. I *think* the pins are slightly smaller than on the original NES. Whatever the problem is, if the connection isn't made, the device will appear to be broken.

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I attempted to buy the "Retrolink" adapter shown in the image above, but was shipped a "Retro-bit" branded adapter. I was disappointed not to get what was shown in the image on the web page where I added it to my shopping cart. I'm even more disappointed by the adapter's performance. When I use it to plug in my NES controller, I find crosstalk between my buttons, and I'm unable to properly calibrate it. Up, Left, and Right on the D-pad work, but Down crosstalks with Left, button 1 crosstalks with button 2, button 2 crosstalks with button 3, button 3 crosstalks with button 4, and button 4 crosstalks with Up. The result is that my games get multiple button responses when I press only one button. This is terribly disappointing. It may be possible to crack open the adapter and do some soldering or other surgery on its guts, but I lack the tools and skills for that, and I'd rather have my money back. Two big thumbs down for the shoddy workmanship of the product that was shipped to me instead of what I ordered.

Best Deals for Retrolink Nintendo NES USB Adapter for PC and Mac

This is like the sweetest thing ever made. It turns your computer into a nintendo, a nintendo with every nintendo game ever made. No more using the stupid keyboard to try and blast aliens in Contra. No more running Bo Jackson out of bounds when your finger slips going for the last score in tecmo bowl. Serious, GET THIS THING. You won't be sad.

I use it with Nestopia for my mac. You need to download and install the emulator enhancer (don't forget to restart) Then it should ask you to configure the joystick when it reboots. If not just go to configure joystick in the menu and you're good to go.

Honest reviews on Retrolink Nintendo NES USB Adapter for PC and Mac

If you're using an NES emulator, you've probably run into the same problem I had: finding a controller that mimics the originals. It seems no modern USB controller quite got the D-pad right. This simple accessory solved my problem. Finally, Mario is once again able to climb those bean stocks without constantly falling off.

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It is a "retro-bit" adapter, as all the other reviews mention.

I first thought I was going to have a problem with this adapter. I use Windows 7 and the VirtuaNES emulator. The adapter was recognized automatically, no drivers need to be updated. So Windows 7 recognized the adapter as the "NES Controller USB" in Control Panel. Right click the controller and choose "Game Controller Settings." "NES Controller USB" should already be highlighted and then choose "Properties." Go to the Settings tab and calibrate the controller.

What happened to me was this: the regular NES controller did not function properly. I initially tried to calibrate it and nothing would work. However, I moved the pins a little as another reviewer suggested to get a more "snug" connection, and that seemed to allow most of the buttons on the original NES controller to function. The D pad still did not work completely, only certain positions, even though it works completely fine on my NES.

However, I tried a different controller, an NES Max controller, and everything calibrated fine and playing games worked great. So the adapter does work, but I guess it depends on the controller. I really think the "snug connection" is the main issue as others have mentioned, that my NES Max controller just had a better connection to the adapter than my regular NES controller. And the bottom line is this: if the controller won't calibrate properly, then it will not work properly with the controller, so you have to check the calibration in control panel first.

4 stars because it works, but it took a little extra time to get it to work. I would have given it 5 stars if I didn't need to troubleshoot all of this.

Luckily, I had a second controller.

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