To anyone new to Elder Scrolls that bought Skyrim, give this game a chance. Along with the other older titles.
Maybe I will go get me Morrowind again..damned cliff racers..
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I just wanted to let everyone know that this is a platinum hits version. The cover art looks like the old GOTY editions but when you recieve the game you will notice it is in a grey box instead of the lime green. Then when you open the box you will imediately notice the Platinum hits disks.This doesnt really matter but I didnt know I was getting this version because it is not advertised as Platinum hits. Also dont expect there to be a game manual in it like the original came with , its just a sorry little 3 page pamplet with the controller layout and another pamplet advertising some game that I cant remember. I really was thinking I was getting the original GOTY edition with the map and full booklet. Oh well.
Now for what really matters. I have completed Skyrim and the expansion dlc dawnguard and also leveled all the way out to level 81. That is a most excellent game!!!!. I decided I wanted some more Elder Scrolls so I decided to pick up Oblivion. I can honestly say that I am not disappointed in the least. I went into this knowing the game was released in early 2006. So I knew the graphics and voice acting were not going to be up to the standards of Skyrim. The gameplay is almost identical to skyrim. The world is beautiful even with todays standards. The character movement seems to be no different than Skyrim. There are plenty of side quests to go along with the main quest line. So far I am really enjoying the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood quest lines. Just as in Skyrim you can either do the main quest line or save it for later and do side quests like the Thieves Guild that actually have a story of their own. There is just so much to do and so many places to explore.
In conclusion I have to say to you. This is an excellent game with top notch game play that will keep you playing for hundreds of hours. I actually have friends that have been playing this game since its release date and still are playing it today. Go into this game with the mind frame that it was released in 2006. Im not downplaying anything about the game but if you go into it like that there should be no disapointment. Finally , the graphics and world of the game are beautiful , the gameplay top notch , so many hours of quests to even begin try and count. You could literally play this game for years and still not find or do everything. So If you are on the fence about this game climb on down and just buy it because in my humble opinion it has been well worth the money.
Note: ( dont forget that this is the platinum hits version and doesnt include the full release date manual , map and is incased in a gray platinum hits box. If you are looking for the original with the map , lime green box and original GOTY edition discs try somewhere else. Although I was a little disappointed with these few things the game itself is a 5 out of 5 stars and I do not regret my purchase. )
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