Thursday, May 1, 2014

Die Hard Vendetta Review

Die Hard Vendetta
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
List Price: $14.79
Sale Price: $12.33
Today's Bonus: 17% Off
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This game is for the gamers who enjoy challenges. Die Hard includes great graphics and amazing game play. I recently bought it and immediatly loved it. And don't think the game forgot classic characters such as John McClane. In most of the missions it stealth and gunpower. Right of the bat the first level has so much action. Before you go to the first level you can train if you want. In training you can use a shooting range. You even use a paintball gun. So I give Die Hard 5 Stars.

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This game kind of appeard under a lot of radars. There was little press about it, I only noticed it because I had been obsessing about the Die Hard movies for a few weeks, saw the title in the store and said "what the heck?" I was not dissapointed. I'm not a huge fan of these first person shooters, but I can make an exception for DHV. This game requires you to use a lot of stealth, something rare for a FPS. Rather than killing someone outright for a key like in some games, a little persuasion (along with a gun to the back of the head) is requires to advance.

The game features a good collection of weapons, from a standard issue police revolver to uzis. A big thing I love about this game is the effectiveness of the punch. In many games once you run out of ammo, you are dead, no hope. In DHV, you can still be very leathal without a weapon.

Real voice actors are used in the game. The voice actor for Bruce Willis is very good, and sounds just like Bruce. And yes, that is the dad from Family Matters as the police chief. That is his real voice! It adds a bit of athenticity to the game as a part of the Die Hard series. A note about dialogue: There is more swearing in this game than any I have ever played. Along with the mind numbing violence the game deserves the mature rating and people should use their own discression is buying this game. In short, use good judgement.

The levels are pretty generic. Despite this, a few are quite fun to replay over again. Streets of LA is an interesting level that requires lots of walking, the Police Department level is one massive fire fight as you combat the terrorists who are trying to kill John MacClain. The Prison level is very impressive. The amount of area to cover is huge, and it will demand more sneakiness then force. It's also a very creepy level with strange shadows thrown against the wall, and random fires burning in the halls. The levels present good challenges, but none so hard that you will find yourself screaming profane words at the screen. At no point in this game will you get so frusterated that you will smash your controller against the wall over a little point that you can't past.

I'd say this game is great but it does have some flaws. The story is kind of dry (how many Grubbers are there? Are they all evil art thieves?) and some levels can get tedious (sewers). But this is a game that deserves a second look from anyone who brushed it off as just another shooter. While not entirely orginal, it promises to keep one entertained long enough to want to get to the later, more sprawling levels. Its well worth it, epecially now that the price is down.

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When I first saw the advertizement for Die Hard Vendetta in one of my magazines I was really excited because the first Die Hard is one of my favorite movies. Then I saw a review about it, which said it was terrible. The worst review I have ever seen for a game before. I thought to myself that the reviews aren't right a lot of the time though still hesitated. I went to the store to rent a game. I decided to rent Die Hard first, but then I switched it with Metroid Prime because I still wasn't sure about it. Finally, I switched Metroid Prime back with Die Hard, and decided I would play it first. I put it in and saw that it was ok. I was a bit unimpressed by the first level because of the very easy targeting system, though I did think it was cool that I could talk to anyone. Then I played the second one. This level and every level after it have many puzzles and challenges, which changed my mind completely about the game. It's great! The puzzles can be quite annoying at times. That's why I gave it 4 out of 5 stars. I could never get past the Tuna Factory level. I can't sneak onto the truck!! AHH! Being Stealth is hard. You could imagine how frustrating it can be. The dialogue in this game is hilarious just because I've seen the movie, and a lot of the jokes relate to the movie, though the language is the worst I've ever heard in a game. It relates to the movie in that aspect too. But that's why the movie is rated R because it's not suitable for young viewers. Just as this game is rated M because it is not suitable for young gamers. All in all, it is a very good game once you get past the strong language and blood. I haven't bought it yet, but I probably will soon. I have to get past that Tuna level!

Honest reviews on Die Hard Vendetta

*Die Hard Vendetta seems like a cool idea at first: a game based on the "Die Hard" movies as a first person shooter with an entirely new storyline. However, it ends up as a disappointment to anyone who has ever played superior first-person shooter games like Timesplitters 2 or any of the James Bond games.

*The graphics of this game are the worst I have seen on the Gamecube. Gameplay graphics are "ok", but the cut-scene graphics are absolutely terrible. Why even bother with the cut-scenes? The storyline is ridiculous, but that wouldn't bother me if the game offered more in the gameplay department.

*Controls can be very frustrating, falling from what seems like very short distances can take away more life than you expect. But even with these frustrating controls, the game turns out to be very, very easy. You could beat it in a day if you want.

*However, there are some cool things. Talking to individuals you come across can be very entertaining and helpful. Some of the objectives you pick up on your missions are actually pretty fun. The "auto-aim" is not as annoying as it can be in other first-person shooter games.

*In short, I'd advise you to rent this game first. It is certainly not the best, or most entertaining, shooter on the market. The language in the game is very strong, as if they added many excuses to drop the "f-bomb" just because they could. If you're a die-hard fan of the "Die Hard" series, then you might want to check it out. If not, you probably shouldn't bother.

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I bought this game at a bargain basement price and didn't expect much. Maybe that's why I am enjoying it so much when others haven't.

This game is a first person shooter that draws on characters from the Die Hard movies (primarily the first one), and I would say that anyone who has enjoyed "DUKE NUKEM" on other consoles would enjoy this... Better graphics than the ol' Duke Nukem games and yet still the sense of humor. This game does try to tease your brain with its puzzles, but it is not so difficult as to detract from casual game play.

You could be surprised at how much you may like this game....

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