First off, and paramount to a lot of gamers, especially those of us of the female persuasion, you can choose the sex of your character. It's such a simple concept that too often developers will scoff at the idea of making multiple models and essentially snub female players in a typically dismissive fashion. Yes, you can play male or female in Monster Hunter Tri.
My first Character was female so I am going to cover those choices here. There may be different options available for the male.
Name: You only get 8 characters for this eliminating some fancy combos but still some freedom.
Sex: Male or Female
Skin tone: Pretty much a range from black to white with tan and browns in between. There are no outlandish colors, green for example, but still a nice range
Clothing: Four choices, but armor will soon cover this so no worries.
Face: 9 types to choose from
Eye Color: 10 Choices found here
Features: A dozen facial features to choose from, tattoos, paint etc.
Hair: 11 different hair styles
Voices: 20
Now these, of course, are not limitless and lack some the fine tuning you might see in other RPG games (like on the PC), but there is plenty here to make running into your clone more very unlikely, which is an issue for some other games that are online. My only gripe about this game, and many others, is there is no way to really change the age of the character or the body type so we're stuck with the teenage girl look. It could be worse of course and overall I am very pleased with the character creation process.
Now on with game play: for those who picked up the demo and wondered where the heck the tutorial was, have no fear, it's in the real game. I have no idea why Capcom released a rather poor quality demo. The demo was too short, offered no directions, and a lot of people were stuck using the wiimote nunchuck style. For me, the classic controller is the way to go. Get the camera under control was so much easier with it attached to an analog stick. There are two classic control styles too so hopefully one of those works for you. In terms of graphics, I keep hearing how stunning the game is, and while it does look good, it doesn't look great on my HDTV; yes I use component cables. It's not a deal breaker for me, but there are issues with black bars on the right and left sides of the TV for some of us, even in 16:9 "full" mode. The TV I am using is not some low grade model either, nor is it the most expensive thing I can find. Again, it's not so terrible I would pass on the game for it but clearly looks a lot better on SDTV.
The tutorial takes awhile to get through, and sometimes I found myself a little lost, not so much as to what I am supposed to do but how to do it. And while there is an in game info section you can access for quick looks ups on your weapons and how you are supposed to use one skill or another, I did consult the manual and online a couple of times to make sure I was doing it right.
This is a hunting game, lots of battle, and if the idea of battle doesn't appeal to you, then this probably isn't the thing for you. I say this because as a Rune Factory fan, I know that series doesn't necessarily require a lot of battle. Some people might think this game is obvious as to what it is, but let's keep in mind, Monster Hunter has never been huge outside of Japan and there really isn't anything like it on the Wii. This is not a standard RPG style either where there is a detailed linear story that guides you from point A to B to C. There is a story but it is minimal.
Now where this game shines is online. I haven't spent a lot of time online yet as my friends have yet to purchase the game, but I did browse around. It looks like it could be a little bit of a pain to meet up with friends the first time since it's separated into cities/servers, but that is just for those of us who have a set group. The rest will have no troubles. It's plenty populated and there was a "Rookie" section I know I would be hitting and possibly will be hitting if my friends don't open up their wallets and get this game. This is "real" online play with Wii Speak, USB Keyboard and/or a virtual keyboard option available for actual conversation. I say this because I play Mario Kart Wii and was annoyed with the tiny amount of preset messages available, my favorite, yes and no questions without yes or no answers. For a console with built in online options, the Wii has been sorely lacking in online co-op multiplayer experiences... here it is.
Now a quick note about battles, there is a lot of strategy involved, even early one when your equipment is almost non-existent. You have to watch what the monsters are doing and they give signs, sometimes just little ones, before they charge or do their attacks. It will take time to get used to your own attacks and theirs.
Now I wanted to take some time and talk about the classic controller since this is the bundle. I was surprised with how light the controller was and relatively small. This is not a bad thing. The only other comparison I have is the Gamecube controller which I always felt was a little large and bulky. It's the perfect size for me even if it does feel gutless.
Lastly, I want to mention a couple of gripes I have with the series. One is the inventory system. I find it to be annoying but it is something I will get used to. The graphics, well I can deal with that. I didn't buy the Wii for stellar graphics after all; the PS3 and 360 were available for that. One of my other gripes is the videos imply that the areas are vast and open, but when you play them, they feel tight and restrained. There are certain areas you can climb up but all those hills and mountains and even the monsters on them are just direction. Nothing feels real "open" to me in the way I was hoping it would be with the exception of some of the underwater maps which do feel a lot more expansive. My final gripe, and no it's not a long list aside from minor things mentioned above is of split-screen co-op mode. I don't care what the game calls it, there is nothing majestic about the Arena mode. It's basic and unsatisfying though handy for a quick run through. It's unfortunate they left it so limited. As I mentioned before, the Wii doesn't have a lot of quality online games, but it does have tons of local multiplayer games, quality and not so quality.
Anyway, if you enjoy action rpgs, and know that that is, it is the quick and dirty way I can explain the series from a player who has never played the past MH titles and can't specify the changes as some others might be able to do. One quick note, underwater combat is challenging and fun.
Happy Hunting!
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Monster Hunter is a franchise of limited popularity in the Western world, it demands a great deal of time, perseverance, and devotion. Ill say this right off the bat, Monster Hunter tri is an incredible game, but beware, it is not a game for folks that want to play for a few minutes then leave. It has an incredibly difficult learning curve (but much less so than previous MH titles), and its that difficulty that makes MH3 so rewarding and frustrating at the same time.For the first few hours, gamers won't find much in terms of action and adventure. MH3 is a VERY deep game, it has strategies with branching strategies that can only be achieved by using OTHER strategies. The first few hours will be spent going through text box after text box, collecting remedial items, and learning the aforementioned strategies. This game is as complex as they come, and i will openly refuse to recommend it to those who want a simple type of fun, as this game will not deliver it.
After the initial slosh through the long tutorial (which is cleverly disguised in a plan story mode), you'll be set out into the world to fight monsters, collect bounties, and simply harvest necessary items. Eventually you gain the ability to create your own armor and weapons based from the items you've collected. Defeating monsters grants you the ability to "carve" them, IE collect items from the monster. Items are unique to specific monsters, and several are necessary to complete a piece of armor/weapon. Its a chore at times, but the brilliant system replaces the archaic leveling up of ancient RPGs. As you progress in the game, you'll gain access to new lands, deadly monsters, and different items, all of which can be used to build newer, stronger weapons/armor.
Everything you build has a distinct appearance or similarity to the monster it originated from. Much more than color is used to identify a weapon/armor to its original monster. Physical traits, edges, fangs, textures, and in game attributes are all often used to bring a weapon together with its original source. For example, a monster has a heavy poison attack, the weapon created from its materials will have its own poison attacks, or the armor may be resistant to poisonous attacks.
It the weapon/armor crafting/upgrading system that grants MH3 such an addictive quality. As soon as you find a new monster, you start to wonder how its weapon will look or handle, or how the armor will be. Although it takes a long time to amass the required materials or money to craft a certain weapon, the ending feels so worth it.
There are several "large monsters" (18 in total), each with its own style, attack patterns, weaknesses, strengths, materials, and appearance. Since each one is unique and different, and there are so many different monsters, it hard to get bored.
Which brings me to my next topic, the actual battle system. The core combat in MH3 is very much like a simple 3D brawler. There is no camera lock on, several combos, full camera control, and dodging. A good deal of criticism directed toward this game was about the camera system. At first it was difficult and frustrating to use and handle, since constant movement of the camera was necessary to fight and kill a monster. After practice, the game rubs off on you, and you begin to handle the camera before certain events, such as evading or running away. Items are an absolute must, since the enemies are strong, and have much, much more hit points than any warrior. Items to raise attack/def, health, stamina, efficiency, and weapon sharpness (after repeated use, a blade weapon looses sharpness and deals less damage). Most of these items can be made by combining materials found in worlds, others can be bought, or other given to you.
Monster Hunter Tri has some of the very best graphics and art design found on Wii. It's right up there with Red Steel 2, Super Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3, and Dead Space Extraction in terms of graphical fidelity. Everything from character models to armor and monsters is incredibly detailed (so much so that some of the details are "clustered" together in the Wii's limited 480p presentation), locations are beautifully redendered, designed, and animated in such as way that each area is it own unique and living world. Monsters are given an incredible amount of polish, from design to animation as well.
Monster Hunter Tri is one of the few MH games to include online play, and Capcom has done an incredible job with the online infrastructure in the game. Like everything else about it, Monster Hunter Tri has a complex online system that links servers to lobbies to "cities" of only 4 players. After the hard learning curve, youll find buddies, shops, exclusive quests, and items that can only be gained in the online mode. Players can join and play with any group of people without friend codes, gameplay is almost always lag free, and keyboard and WiiSpeak chat is included. To use the keyboard, the game provides a simple on screen variation if you don't have a USB keyboard; otherwise it's as easy as typing and posting. To use WiiSpeak, at least 2 people must have the devise, and have it enabled, and then each must be a "friend". Keep in mind this is not Nintendo's infamous "friend codes", instead its merely sending a friend request, and having the recipient accept it.
--------On Wii Speak--------
Having played Monster Hunter Tri online, ive found (on several occasions) that those using WiiSpeak MUST turn down music and SFX volume in order to use it effectivly. See, the music/SFX are easily consumed by the "echo cycle" described below, so turning down the in-game volume yields great results. If BOTH parties have said settings, WiiSpeak works well enough. The voice quality is still low, there is still the second lag, and you still can't communicate with more than 1 person at a time without your voice turning into a confusion of random bable, but it works.
The microphone is intended to receive the voices of several people, and in that effect it attempts to receive a wide range of noises, including those from your TV speakers. What this does is create long echoes. Noise sent from one Wii Speak is received by the other, is produced by the others TV set, and is received by Wii Speak 2 and set back to Wii Speak 1. This vicious cycle never ends.
The bundled Classic Controller Pro is Nintendo's upgrade to its existing Classic Controller. It was developed with the help and insight of the actual MH3 development team, and is sold for $10 more in this box set. The new additions include nice grips, redesigned shoulder buttons, control sticks, and cord. The new extras do help round out the controller, but obvious problems persist.
The controller is still wired to a Wii remote in order to function. In a generation where wireless is standard, it is a nuisance and shame that Nintendo, once a pioneer in wireless controller, has limited its controller to a wire. Its not a huge deal as it doesn't affect gameplay or control in any way, but it is something worth considering for those interesting in "re-buying" a CC.
The Classic Controller launched without a rumble feature, and now the CC Pro has done the same. Since the CC is tethered to a WiiMote, and gathers its power from it, a lack of rumble is sure to safe battery life. It does take away from some of the experience however. Although it is true that Sony launched the Play Station 3 without a rumble controller, they have since released the DualShock 3 to remedy it.
Since it has no battery source of its own, or any internal mechanics to support a rumble feature, the CC Pro is very light. The plastic used is sturdy, so it doesn't feel cheap or breakable, but it does feel flimsy.
The CC Pro has a gloss on top of the controller, similar to the Wii remote, but the entire bottom of it lacks any of the gloss, OR a matte finish like the newer Wiimotes of Xbox 360 controllers.
The CC Pro is being sold standalone for $20, and it becomes obvious why it lacks a sense of luxury, but it's disappointing that Nintendo would go through all the trouble of redesigning a controller only to do it poorly. The low price means that it isn't a serious investment, but the additions don't really warrant another purchase for those already stock full of original CCs. New comers are very welcome though.
I find that the Wii Mote control scheme may turn off players, but it is responsive and works great. There are no awkward gestures of button holdings, and since most of the game doesn't offer you full 360 degree camera control (horizontal yes, but vertical control is limited to set intervals), an analog stick is really not required.
Monster Hunter Tri is a difficult game, one that takes a great length of time to understand, and an even greater time to master. It's a game that demands time, attention, and focus; casual gamers beware, this is NOT a pick up and play title. It is, however, very satisfying to spend hours to forge a weapon, or finally defeat a monster after an hour long battle. Despite its faults, it manages to go on beyond its pieces and become a masterpiece.
Best Deals for Monster Hunter Tri - Classic Controller Pro Bundle - Nintendo Wii
Monster Hunter Tri is a good game for anyone, whether it be a veteran hunter or someone new to franchise. This game really excels in beauty for being a Wii game and is one of the best wii games of all time.ControlsThe controls are easy to get used to and if you got the classic controller pro bundle, then controller is very sturdy and precise.
GraphicsAs said before this game looks for good on the Wii. If you have the HD components for the wii and an HDTV then you will be stunned once you take off on your first quest.
GameplayThe gameplay is very easy to get used to and there is a tutorial to help you get used to both old and new controls. Once you start beating the bigger and badder monsters you will feel like you have acomplished something huge.
OnlineThe most important thing about Monster Hunter is the ability play with others. If there is a quest you cannot complete then you can always get the help of others. You can even use your wiispeak or keyboard to communicate with others. Best thing is there is none of that friend code stuff you have to deal with so you can play with anyone.
If you want a game to dust off your wii or you are an old monster hunter fan, then this is the game for you.
Honest reviews on Monster Hunter Tri - Classic Controller Pro Bundle - Nintendo Wii
Yes, this game is that engrossing. I have had experience with a previous monster hunter title (monster hunter freedom unite for psp), but this one is just outright fun. Mainly because of how you can play with other people online.I had beaten all monsters the game had to offer (offline and online) at the 150 hour mark... but it's just so fun perfecting your ability to slay each giant that you will spend more time fighting the monster over and over. And while doing so, getting parts you need for that armor you've had your eye on.
It's all very addicting and well done; only issues I've experienced is the occasional odd hitbox (though much better compared to the psp version) and feeling a "need" to kill certain monsters more times than I should have had to. This is both for "exp" to "level up" online to unlock more quests... and for finding what I needed for new equipment. (It took me 35 kills of one monster to finally get the items I needed for his armor set; that was a bit excessive to me).
All in all though, it's one hell of an experience. If I were to try to compare this to some other game... it's like "raiding" in World of Warcraft minus the overly large group, "defined" classes, and reliance on stats. While Monster Hunter still does rely on some numbers, it's mostly about how you move and utilize your weapon of choice that will determine if your are victorious or defeated.
If the game doesn't make much sense to you, it won't until you've put a solid chunk of time into it. More thorough reviews of this game are available around the internet (and here for that matter).
As a final word... The fun truly begins after you've died and failed a quest for the first time. Odd as it sounds, you will get angry at your failure of a quest after focusing intensely on the fight. But after you cool down and try again (potentially a few times), the reward of watching the monster finally fall is immense.
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