Not sure how this is called "Ultimate Speed Pack" when the cars aren't the fastest in the game. There's only one car that's fast in the entire pack and all the other ones are slower then the cars that shipped with the game. Not to mention you still end up doing the same races to unlock parts for every single car. You can tell these items were intentionally held from the game to milk more money from consumers.
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I guess it's Okay, if you already play the game and have good cars, don't bother with this pack.
if you are new then this pack will give you a good boost into starting the game.
Best Deals for Need For Speed Most Wanted Ultimate Speed Pack DLC
The speed pack is great. The pack has some of the best cars ,my favorite is the bugatti it goes up to 220 mph. The mclaren is awsome. Overal great speed pack the extra races take a long time to beat so that adds hours of fun. Dont listen to bad reviews the pack is great.
Honest reviews on Need For Speed Most Wanted Ultimate Speed Pack DLC
Now that I have played the game through I have the speed pack. Still playing and really enjoying the game.
Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Need For Speed Most Wanted Ultimate Speed Pack DLC
it's a good game! I like it very much! I am almost play the game with my friends very day.

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