Monday, April 7, 2014

Review of ESPN X Games: Skateboarding

ESPN X Games: Skateboarding
Customer Ratings: 3.5 stars
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I recently rented this game and my expectations were very low. When I started playing i absolutly hated it. But with time and practice I began to enjoy it. The graphics are good but but not great. The charachter selection is weak (only 8) and the number of tricks is pathectic. Each rider has identical moves accept for their big trademark. The levels are very cool with a lot of hidden areas that arent immposible to get into. The one thing that will make most people hate this game is the control. This is not tony hawk so the controls are slightly different. First you mst hold down forward at all times unless jumping in a half pipe and in order to grind a rail I noticed that you have to jump with X and then quickly hit square before hitting triangle. But thats basically all there is to know once you nail this you should enjoy it i did. But i still can't wait for Tony Hawk 3.

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This game is awful! If anyone is thinking "Tony Hawk" when they look at this game, think it not!!! There is no concept of motion whatsoever. Even if you are able to cancel out that annoyng announcer, you still get to put up with awful gaming and second hand punk rock. This is surely a ten minute game designed to rake in a few bucks before Hawk 3. Save your money my friends. Tony Hawk three is just around the corner. If you're not game skating with Neversoft, then apparently it isn't "skating game software".

Best Deals for ESPN X Games: Skateboarding

This game is the bomb. I got this game and it was raising the roof. You can use 8 different skateboarders. With the sponsors such as DC, Es, The NEW deal, World Industries, Bones and RDS. everyone should get this game. You can also do the real X-Games. Vert pipe and Park. Then in arcade mode. Just ride around and do grind, manuals and kickflips. The Passenger Liner is the best level to me. This game is just rocking.

Honest reviews on ESPN X Games: Skateboarding

ESOB X-games Skateboarding is surprisingly good, but overly arcade like physics and confirming camera angles keep it out of Tony's neighborhood. It's something you may not consider, but a smooth, wide panning camera is essential to the vert ramp experience. ESPN's topdown perspective cheats you out of admiring your incredible hang times... too bad. A few other thing bother me as well,. The lack of splitscreen play it uses a turn based system and the inability to link ground tricks put the game at a disadvantage. At the same time, you haven't experienced big air until you've tried this pup. No jokeon the vert ramps you literally float for 2-3 seconds a pop. Excessive? Yes. But it lets you trick it up like the Hawkman on steroids. Speaking of tricks, the interface is similar to THPS if not easier, in fact, you can button smash and still wrack up big scores. Special moves are trickier but look fantastic especially the christ-air and the more involved super move, the Mctwist. Another strong point is the Arcade License mode. It's great fun exploring the vast urban and suburban environments, collecting icons, knocking down fire hydrants and, in general, causing mayhem. Despite its flaws, this title has spunk. A decent selection of pipes, pro skaters, plus real and fantasy courses assure you'll be hooked for the long haul. Keep an open mind about this one. You may be surprised how much you like it.

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I should've known this game would stink. I've played Grind Session, Thrasher, Andy Mac, & now this & they're all terrible!

First of all, the graphics aren't that good. Skaters with trademarks are recognizable (ie, Bob's glasses or Chad's afro) but the rest are impossible to tell apart. Kerry Getz looks like a bum in skate clothes! And all these "high definition" graphics cause the game to slow sporadically, which gets really irritating.

Second, the gameplay is infuriating. Half the times you try to do a grab trick you end up doing nothing. I'd sit there hitting the buttons numerous times while my skater simply did an ollie off the ramp. And good luck trying to spin anything. The only way for you to spin is to hit the switch stance button, which would be fine if your skater was consistent in their airs. But it's impossible to tell whether you're gonna do a 180 air or an air to fakie so that throws off your rotation. Balancing grinds on ledges & rails is ridiculously hard. You'll be holding the direction pad down for a good 3 seconds before you even notice that your skater is moving, but a lotta times you fall anyways.

Third, the game objectives aren't explained at all. In Tony Hawk, the objective says "Wallride the bell". In this game, it says "Crash license", but you hafta guess whether you're wallriding or knocking something over or just running into it; you spend half the time just figuring out what you're supposed to do.

Lastly, this may seem trivial to video gamers but it's important to skaters; the trick terminology is way off. This is a problem I've had with ESPN for a long time, even on their website they name tricks all wrong. They call a varial a backside kickflip! It's like none of the skaters got asked whether the game was right or not. What is a disaster slide? Skaters call 'em lipslides. And a pop heel? That's a heelflip varial. The K-grind (aka crooked grind) looks like a noseslide. Here's the clincher, they call a 360 flip a 360 kickflip. These are 2 completely separate moves, it's not even wrong naming. A 360 flip is when the board does a 360 popshuvit with a kickflip. A 360 kickflip is when you spin a 360 & do a kickflip.

I feel sorry for Bob Burnquist; he thought leaving Tony Hawk's game & getting his own would more lucrative for him. He couldn't have been more wrong. If you absolutely must play this game don't buy it, rent it. That's what I did & I'm still upset about it. But if you can hold out, wait for Hawk 3; the Tony Hawk series has yet to disappoint.

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