Sunday, April 6, 2014

Discount LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes - Playstation 3

LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes - Playstation 3
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
List Price: $19.99
Sale Price: $17.64
Today's Bonus: 12% Off
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OK. I'll start with the one and only bad remark I have about this game. They really missed the mark with the camera on this one. It's very jumpy and erratic in co-op and takes quite a bit of getting used to. They did include a very limited right stick camera control on this game, but it's usually dependent on how far away you are from your partner. The further away you are, the better the individual camera controls are.

My son and I have been putting the hours in on this game since we picked it up on Tuesday, and it's a blast. The voice acting adds to the humor in a way that was missing when all that the characters would say were "mmmm", "aaaah", and "tee-hee-hee". The dialogue is obviously simple since the target audience is young children, but even as a 40 year old adult, I found it to be pretty humorous; especially the Batman to Superman animosity mixed with the Robin to Superman hero worship angle.

The gameplay itself is pretty standard to Tt Lego games and is similar to the rest of the games. Levels seem to be a bit longer than usual which is good. The Gotham City open world is large and contains several side "missions" to collect bad guy characters and bricks, as well as follow ghost studs from story to story similar to Lego Harry Potter. You don't collect character tokens in this game, but get them through story mode and side fights similar to Lego Indiana Jones 2. Graphics are smooth and colorful. Cut-scenes are hilarious and well programmed.

If it wasn't for the camera I would have given this game 5 stars. It's not a huge issue, but is a hindrance sometimes. We did find one area where the camera actually caused an enemy to be hidden by one of our characters during a flight sequence, so we were stuck for quite a few minutes while trying to figure out why the game wasn't progressing. Other than that, we have made it up to Story Level 11 and haven't found any bugs or problems so far. However, we haven't done any free-play yet.

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This is a must have for any Lego game fan.

Just a heads up if you are playing for the COOP fun (PS3 version, might be same on 360):

I've played every single Lego game, and I just noticed from the options menu that they removed the Horizontal and Vertical camera options.

It is now forced. I play the game with my wife and we usually turn off the dynamic camera because we start getting dizzy from running around etc... but noticed in this new game you can not turn off dynamic... its more forced now at certain areas. So far, we both love the game, but this is the first lego game that we are having a really hard to time playing together because of the camera issue.

Best Deals for LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes - Playstation 3

A few years ago I played Lego StarWars and the first Lego Batman to death, to the point I thought I'd never want to play another Lego game. I was actually bored with Lego Harry Potter, Indiana Jones, and Pirates otC, but I am a super fan of DC so that convinced me to give Lego games another shot. While this was in no way the best DC game, it was easily my favorite of the Lego games yet.

First to point out what needed improvement, a lot of the same issues that have plagued previous Lego games have STILL returned in this one. Problems like stupid auto camera angles that can make things difficult, random glitches where things don't trigger as they should, and the complete absence of AI in your sidekick. Flight is also really weird and hard to get used to as well, that would be a new Lego issue. you push forward expecting to float forward and instead go way too fast past what your trying to collect. Also, When I fly up in games I expect to pull back on the stick to go up, like in a plane. In this game that counts that as pushing down, and can't by changed, so I just had to get used to that.

Back to the issue of the sidekick AI, it may be worse in this then in any Lego game. He will just stand there and allow henchmen to run out and punch him to death, and won't always come to help with switches that require two people to activate. It's also annoying that when you collect a red/gold brick the game instantly saves, taking away your ability to defend yourself while you get beat to death. Although death never really matters in Lego games, since you just come right back. Lego games aren't about survival, they are more about the puzzle work.

Which is why it annoyed me a little when a video review I watched referred to Superman's flying battle as boring becuase he's invincible. HE'S SUPERMAN, If you want to constantly die then you can easily switch to Batman within the same battle, flying alongside in a helicopter, he's just human so he'll die as many times as you want.

So, I guess there's going to be people disappointed in this game becuase there is no failure, there is no game over, it's a cute, light-hearted, puzzle and collect game. If you crave death and loss then Lego is the wrong franchise for you.

My main allure to this was the addition of the whole Justice League as playable. the downside there is, this game has been so specifically weaved together with Batman and Robin's special suits in mind, that it seems as soon as you turn into Green Lantern or Flash in free play, something pops up that needs a special bat suit. Other characters like Sinestro, and Brainiac are in this as playable (YAY) but don't really have any weapon or power. There's also no online, and very little you and a friend can do with the new free roam world via split-screen. So it REALLY IS Lego Batman, not Lego Justice League, like I wanted it to be. However IF you take it like it is, as a Batman themed Lego game starring other members of the DCU, then it is quite enjoyable. The puzzles are not too challenging becuase this is a Lego game made for all ages. I don't mind NOT getting completely confused and lost in one place for hours, though there were a few times when I got stuck for a few minutes becuase I just forgot about one of the abilities of one of my available characters. I also don't expect the replay on this to be eternal, I powered through the story in about 8 hours, some of that time with friends. If you have more of a life and pace yourself with this game it could stand to last a good amount of time. Extreme Batman fans should all like this at least for a few play-throughs, though I hope Lego makes a more overall Justice League game in the future.

Honest reviews on LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes - Playstation 3

I am admittedly a huge batman fan and ever since finishing up Batman Arkham City I've been wanting to find something to scratch the itch to play through as the dark knight. Lego Batman 2 definitely fits the bill. It's got actual voice-over work with its own fun story that is enjoyable for adults and kids alike. I was pleasantly surprised by just how big Gotham City is and how much there is to explore. The hours will fly by just driving/flying/running around just messing around with side activities or hunting for collectibles before even touching on the main storyline. The bonus is you get access to a huge roster of other characters other than Batman that each have their own unique powers true to their characters. For example Flash has super-speed and Superman is of course invulnerable and can fly, has heat vision, use x-ray vision, has superstrength and has ice breath. The icing on the cake for the fans is the old-school Superman theme music that plays whenever you take flight. There's a lot of fan service to DC Comics fans both old and young that really adds that extra layer of charm that you don't always see. There are some things that are a bit annoying like camera angles that aren't always the most convenient etc., but they are by no means going to ruin your experience of the game.

Point is, if you too are a Batman and/or DC Comics fan looking for a fun game to play regardless of how old you are then Lego Batman 2 is a great purchase that I strongly recommend you pick up.

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Disclaimer: I've played Lego Batman (100%), Lego Pirates (100%) and Lego Star Wars Complete Saga (NOT 100%).

I guess this would have to be my favorite Lego game thus far. I'm biased though, as I'm a Batman/JL geek.

When this game was announced, I knew the reason it wasn't called "Lego Justice League" or "Lego DC Universe" was because Batman equals money. The name alone would sell the game. After playing through the story, I realized why it wasn't called LJL or LDCU. It's because next to Batman (and Robin), only Superman gets any real attention.

If you choose to give this game a try because your favorite(s) is/are Martian Manhunter, Aquaman, Hawkman, Black Canary then take note: They are not playable in story mode. Flash, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, and Cyborg are only playable in 1-2 levels. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed. Still, the game was fun to play as Batman and Robin and Superman. The flight controls in the levels (and Batcave hub) are great. Zero complaints. The flight controls, however, in the open world Gotham City are terrible. Once you get used to switching between 'level flight' and 'Gotham flight' then flying in Gotham can be enjoyable if you're just cruising around or planning to land in a general location. Aiming to land on a skyscraper's roof or in a crevice can be a pain.

Collecting is fun and challenging, but tedious at times. The thing that I love most about the Lego games is that it requires different characters with 'unique' abilities to access areas or accomplish tasks. This game is thankfully no exception. The special suits that Batman & Robin acquire are an upgrade, even though half of Robin's look kind of blah to me. These special suits are no longer available while toggling through characters during free play which is great. Instead, the game gives you the option to put on a special suit close to where it's needed both in free play and the open world Gotham City.

The future: No doubt Traveller's Tales (and Lego) plan to make a Lego Marvel game (maybe individually for the Avengers, X-Men, and Spider-Man) and (un)fortunately they got to try out this new approach with Batman/DC. The good news could be that after doing some more Lego games and learning from the big (but few) mistakes of LB2: DCSH, we might get to see a Lego: Justice League game. Perhaps to coincide with the eventual release of the JL feature film that WB's planning. If they do, I truly hope they give a fair share of attention to the rest of the league members and not focus solely on Batman or Superman. We don't even need Robin in it for more than a cameo or just one level. Maybe give each member (or a pair of members) a level or two each until they group together for some bigger, ambitious levels. Also, they could lose at least of half of the Batman villains that have been in both these games. Bring more villains in for the other heroes to battle.

Lastly, I would stress that this is a great DC game. At least for Batman, Superman, and Robin. The voice acting is almost all great. I did think The Joker was a little subpar, but it's a minor dislike and it still beats the silent miming of ALL previous Lego games. Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes is an ambitious (for its series) game that's good for all ages who love these characters. The game is at least worth playing through the story once. As for me, I'm close to 80% and should have it all complete within no time.

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