Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Hidden Expedition: Titanic - PC Reviews

Hidden Expedition: Titanic - PC
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
List Price: $19.99
Sale Price: $8.98
Today's Bonus: 55% Off
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As an adult who has purchased this game, I'm thinking one shouldn't have high expectations for things that give them hours of mindless fun. That's why I'm giving it 4 stars, instead of 3 or less. If you're looking for something that will hold your attention while you kill some time, or give your mind a bit of a rest, then this game is perfect. In fact, it can be rather addictive in that respect. I'm not one for complicated games, so personally, I love it.

I don't think a synopsis of the game is necessary (it's a game of "find the hidden object" not too many ways to elaborate on that), so I'll just say that the graphics are nice, and I like how the lists of items to be found change each time. Some objects are easy to find, others take a minute to locate. I'd prefer it if the extra "challenges" (they're really not all that challenging, especially after you've completed the game once) in between the levels changed as well, but sadly, they don't.

My biggest peeve with the game, if I can really even call it a peeve, is how it ends. While cracking that particular challenge is fun (again, in the mindless way), not only is it vague about how you actually accomplish it, it's rather anticlimactic. I won't ruin it with details, but suffice it to say that if you're playing the game for the most appropriate reasons (see above), the fact that the ending is kind of ho-hum shouldn't be a problem.

I'd definitely recommend it for anyone who'd like something that will keep them amused as they kill some time, but if you're looking for something more exciting or something that requires more a complex thought process this isn't it.

That said, my nephews (who are 4 and 9) love it! So, if you're looking for something that just about anyone in the family will enjoy, regardless of age, then my recommendation increases tenfold. I'm not an expert in childhood development, but I'm sure it doesn't do any harm to kids when developing their hunting skills on an intellectual/visual level, and it would probably do their attention spans a bit of good, too.

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I actually ordered this game from Big Fish Games several months ago, and have been playing it on & off ever since I finally finished my last "dive" tonight.

The goal of "Hidden Expedition: Titanic" is to search for lost artifacts & gems that are currently hidden within the ship-wrecked Titanic with the ultimate goal being to find the priceless crown which had once belonged to the queen. You do this by going on various dives in which you search for a list of specific items which have been embedded in the pictures of various locales.

At the start of each dive, you are given a certain amount of oxygen, as well as a time limit. You're also given the ability to ask for hints but be careful, each time you ask for a hint or guess wrong you lose a bit of time & oxygen. If you run out of time &/or oxygen, you'll have to start that particular dive again from the beginning.

Once you've found all of the items for a particular dive, you'll have to solve another type of puzzle in order to move on. These puzzles include searching for additional items that match the silhoettes given & restoring old photographs.

Overall, I found "Hidden Expedition: Titanic" to be a fun game & I would highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys "search & find" type games. I would also recommend the games from the Mystery Case File series, as they are of the same genre and are even more fun & addictive.

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While the game is certainly fun, it is not really fairly represented by the "Features" and "Description" used to describe it above.

Yes, you do search this game version of the Titanic (bearling little resemblance to the real thing). However there is no mystery to answer. You just search the areas and rooms of the boat and find a variety of items "hidden in plain sight" (harder than it sounds) in the huge clutter of miscellaneous junk and other 'stuff'. If you get though all of the ship, you do get to see the contents of the ship's safe (not a big deal). The version I have does not have a "Super Search Mode" though I suppose you could use your own magnifying glass (not a bad idea). The "precious treasures" you can collect are just sparkly little gem stones which are also buried/hidden in the clutter. Of much more use are the obscured air tanks that, if found, can increase your search time. The version I have does not have hard and easy "modes", but just one level of play. Yes, nice fish and bubbles do float by (and sometimes get in the way), but the music can become annoying (fortunately you can turn it off). With all that said, this game does provide an enjoyable way to spend some hours. For those wishing to try out the game before buying, go to the Pogo website and download the free trial version. It is not the whole game, but you'll get the idea.

Honest reviews on Hidden Expedition: Titanic - PC

I play a lot of hidden object games. I had exhausted all the MCF games and thought I'd give this a try as it was highly rated. It looks really good and it was over-all ok to pass some time. It does have a little humor and some nice facts about the Titanic. My issues with it are these:

1) You are penalized for wrong clicks and for hints. Clicks chew up a little time and hints chew up A LOT of time. I prefer games that just give you a certain number of hints, instead of penalizing you for hints.

2) It sometimes has more than one object in the picture that might fit the search term, but only one is correct. I had this problem most with clocks. Combine this with the fact that wrong clicks are penalized and you get a recipe for frustration. This problem only occurred a few times though.

3) The background music can get annoying. The music loops are short and the theme is kind of intense in some places. Also, if you turn down the music, it doesn't stay that way next time you load the game.

4) Finally the game is kind of short. It is not the same value as games like Mystery Case Files: Madame Fate.

5) You have to wait for each item to float away and for its name to disappear from the item list before you can click the next item. This animation takes too long.

Overall, it's certainly not the worst hidden object game I've tried, but I won't be buying "Hidden Expedition: Everest."

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I bought this as a Christmas gift for my father, who played it online and liked it. I was happy I was able to buy a CD to give him instead of buying the game as a download so he had a gift to open. If you enjoy the I Spy CDs you'll enjoy this game too. The only thing is you have to find everything before you run out of time or oxygen. We've been enjoying it.

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